Only I Can Use Summoning

Chapter 595: , execute the escape plan

In the dormitory, the girls had already cleaned up the blood on the ground, and there were basically no traces of it the next day.

Debbie was hugged by Nora, the little girl was frightened and buried her head in Nora's arms, unwilling to speak.

Knowing the autumn in one night counted the time, and used [Camouflage] to change into Roland's appearance.

When Nora and Moore saw Yiye Zhiqiu turning into Roland, their eyes widened in fright. They suspected that Yiye Zhiqiu could use magic.

"My [Camouflage] has been upgraded to level 2, and it can last for twenty-four hours."

Yiye Zhiqiu, who became Roland, said to everyone: "I'm not afraid of changing back halfway."

After this incident, everyone lost all sleepiness and could only lie on the bed and wait for dawn with wide-eyed eyes.

The night passed, and the next morning, everyone washed up and prepared to eat.

The irritable Dragon King has already woken up. He said that he was suffocated by the green smoke from Aunt Anna, and he didn't know what happened after that.

The Dragon King was surprised when Little Princess Qian told about Eisen's death and the informer Roland.

"Those dead children must have been eaten by Aunt Annie!" The irritable Dragon King said angrily, "In this orphanage, she is the only monster, who else is she?"

The giant **** said to the Dragon King: "Auntie Annie may not know that you have escaped from the dungeon, so don't show your face yet, just hide under the bed and wait for us to come back."

After explaining, everyone left the dormitory and went to the cafeteria.

During the meal, Aunt Anne came to inspect as usual, she found that there was one person missing, and immediately asked everyone to stop and ask.

But everyone had already discussed it, and all shook their heads to express that they didn't know.

Aunt Annie walked to "Roland" and whispered, "Come out with me."

Yiye Zhiqiu immediately followed Aunt Annie out of the cafeteria. He knew what the strange woman was going to ask, and said straight to the point: "Auntie, that child named Yiye Zhiqiu sneaked out at night. I think he may have escaped from the orphanage." gone."

This is what Yiye Zhiqiu said on purpose, he was testing Aunt Anne.

Sure enough, Aunt Annie shook her head and said, "Impossible! There are dozens of vicious dogs outside, and he can't escape!"

After thinking about it, Aunt Annie told Yiye Zhiqiu: "I'll go out and have a look, maybe this unlucky ghost has been eaten by vicious dogs, you go back and keep watching these children, some of them are particularly dishonest!"

"Seeing that the demon gods and adults will come to taste the sacrifices tomorrow, there must be no mistakes! Go."

Yiye Zhiqiu was stunned for a moment, and he immediately realized that tasting the sacrifices should mean "adoption".

"Strange, isn't it normal that you have to memorize the picture completely before you can be adopted? Why is it earlier this time?"

Yiye Zhiqiu was puzzled, but he didn't dare to ask more questions, and hurriedly bowed: "Yes, Aunt Annie."

Aunt Annie watched Yiye Zhiqiu enter the cafeteria, and she murmured, "Strange, why does Roland smell different from usual?"

Back in the cafeteria, Yiye Zhiqiu quietly told everyone about the conversation with Aunt Annie just now.

"Master Demon God? What is that?" Zhang Ze narrowed his eyes. This is a very important message, which shows that it is these so-called Lord Demon God who are eating children behind the scenes.

Zhang Feng looked nervous: "So, we will be eaten tomorrow? We must escape tonight, or it will be too late!"

"But, we don't know what's outside the fence yet..." Sky's melancholy face was worried, and she always had a premonition that the outside of the fence was different from what they imagined.

Yiye Zhiqiu also nodded: "Yeah, we still don't know what the conditions for customs clearance are. If we don't escape from the orphanage, even if we escape, we won't be able to leave this level of demon realm."

"But we have no other choice now." Zhang Ze said in a deep voice, "If we don't leave tonight, we will be someone else's dinner tomorrow during the day!"

Everyone suddenly thought of the bones in the dungeon and Eisen's terrible death, and suddenly felt shuddering.

"It's decided, we must escape tonight!" The giant slapped the table and said, "Whether you pass the customs or not, leave the orphanage first, this place is too dangerous!"

Everyone nodded and began to discuss the final escape plan.

When it was time to go outdoors, Zhang Ze took the blood of the blood scattered people, and sneaked to the place where the vicious dogs were kept with Jushen and Yiye Zhiqiu. Take it out, dip it in blood, tear it up and throw it under the pit.

The vicious dogs immediately scrambled to eat, and after a while, all the blood-soaked bread was eaten up.

"Hopefully the dogs got their bread."

Zhang Ze clapped his hands, and returned to the crowd with the giant gods.

"Now, we only need to wait until twelve o'clock at night, open the door, and escape!" Yiye Zhiqiu heaved a sigh of relief and smiled.

"But what about those children?"

Liu Yueying looked at Nora, Moore and Debbie.

If they leave the orphanage, they will pass the customs. They cannot take the three children with them, and they are likely to be arrested and brought back to the orphanage again.

At that time, what awaits them will be a catastrophe!

Everyone was relatively silent, and no one knew how to deal with these children.

Unlike Xiaoliu and Xiaoqi in the godfather's demon realm, Moore and Nora are capable of taking care of themselves.

These children have been staying in the orphanage, like a piece of blank paper, knowing nothing about the outside world.

Letting them go out and wander alone will undoubtedly push them into another fire pit.

"However, we can't take care of them all the time." Moonlight Little Rabbit wondered, "We still have our own mission."

"It's really impossible, I'll stay!" Liu Yueying said in a deep voice: "I can't let these three children live alone, you go first, I will chase you after I arrange them."

Xiao Niao Yiren immediately objected: "Are you kidding me?! We are a team, no one is missing!"

Zhang Ze also shook his head: "Yes, if you want to stay, I will accompany you."

Liu Yueying looked at Zhang Ze, with a flash of light in her eyes, she knew that Zhang Ze would not leave her.

"Don't rush to talk about this." The knife pouted without emotion, and said: "How will we arrange these children after we escape!"

The day passed quickly, and the night came.

Everyone knows that tonight is very critical, and whether they can leave alive depends on luck.

Debbie, the youngest, couldn't stand it for a while and fell asleep quickly.

Moore and Nora were still gritting their teeth, but Nora was defeated by the God of Sleep before long, and fell asleep in a daze.

Moore was the only one who persisted, but his upper and lower eyelids were also fighting.

After all, they are all ten-year-old children, and their spirits are definitely not as good as adults.

Zhang Ze kindly persuaded Moore: "You should go to sleep too, I will call you at twelve o'clock."

"It's okay, I can still hold on!" Moore pinched his inner thigh fiercely, breathing in the pain.

Zhang Ze was a little funny, this kid was ruthless enough to attack him.

"I can't sleep!" Moore looked at Debbie next to him, and said, "I must take my sister out."

Zhang Ze was stunned for a moment, and said, "Are you afraid that we will leave you alone? That's why you dare not sleep?"

"...Well!" Moore was silent for a moment, nodded, and said, "I know that we are a burden to you, but we also want to live."

Pursing the corners of his lips, he said to Zhang Ze: "So, I beg you to take us away."

Zhang Ze touched Moore's head. Although he was also a child, Moore didn't feel disgusted, and even felt a sense of security being touched by an adult.

"Don't worry, we will definitely take you out." Zhang Ze promised him.

Finally at twelve o'clock, the escape plan was implemented!

A group of people quietly left the dormitory and came to the gate. Zhang Ze opened the gate with a key, and then summoned Xuesanren.

Outside the door, vicious dogs were staring at them, Zhang Ze ordered Xuesanren: "Let these beasts die to me!"

"I obey." Xuesanren's eyes flashed red, and in an instant, the vicious dogs outside fell to the ground one after another, their hearts turned into mud, whimpered a few times, twitched their legs, and died.

"Don't go out yet, I'm worried that there are still fish that slip through the net." Zhang Ze stopped everyone.

He didn't know how many dogs were in the underground pit, and he couldn't be sure if all the dogs had eaten the blood-soaked bread.

Therefore, Zhang Ze decided to send a follower out to investigate the situation.

"Aladdin, come out."

In an instant, a dark-skinned little boy in traditional Arabic clothing appeared in front of everyone.

"Master." Little Aladdin said respectfully.

Seeing that Aladdin is also a child's version, and he is very cute, they all smiled.

"Sister, tell me, does Aladdin's oil lamp giant also look like a child?" Xiao Niao Yi Ren asked Liu Yueying.

"It should be." Liu Yueying couldn't tell, "After all, the Oil Lamp God grew up from a child to an adult."

Zhang Ze asked Aladdin to go out to check the situation to see if it was safe outside, and Aladdin immediately stepped on the flying carpet to lead the way.

After about a minute or two, Aladdin came back and told Zhang Ze that it was safe outside and there was no danger.

"Everyone, let's go!"

Zhang Ze greeted, and everyone rushed out of the orphanage and ran towards the opposite woods.

"There is a wall behind the woods, but the wall is too high, and we don't have ropes, how can we climb up?"

While running, the Giant God asked Zhang Ze.

These days, they have been looking for the rope, but they can't find it.

Originally, they planned to continue searching, but the Lord Demon God was going to eat them tomorrow, and time was running out, so they were forced to act in advance, so the preparations were not sufficient.

Before Zhang Ze could speak, the Moonlight Bunny rushed to say: "Summon Zhu Bajie, let him turn into a giant, and send us to the wall!"

"Zhu Bajie probably won't work." Zhang Ze smiled wryly and shook his head: "I'm afraid that what I summon is a little piggy..."

Moonlight Little Rabbit was stunned for a moment, then shook his head with his hand on his forehead, and said with a smile: "Yes, yes, I forgot that all the followers you summoned have changed into their childhood appearances."

The other people flashed the image of Zhu Bajie turning into a little piggy in their minds, and they all laughed out loud. Although the tense atmosphere eased a lot, the problem was still not resolved.

"Don't worry, I've thought about this too." Zhang Ze raised the corner of his mouth and said, "There is a follower who can help us climb the wall."

The group of people finally passed through the woods and came under the fence. Zhang Ze had a thought, and a little girl in white clothes carved with jade appeared in front of everyone.

"Is this Snow Maiden?"

Yiye Zhiqiu looked surprised, it was the first time he saw Xue Nu when she was a child, so cute!

Xiao Xuenv still had an aloof look, and said indifferently: "Master, are you looking for me?"

"Well, build a snow ladder for us and let us climb the wall." Zhang Ze pointed to the wall.

"Obey." Xuenv walked to the wall and opened her small hands. In an instant, the surrounding air began to condense into large pieces of ice.

The ice flakes turned into ice and snow, and then slowly began to accumulate and form, gradually forming the prototype of a ladder.

"Master, my current strength is very weak, and it will take some time to complete your request." Xuenv explained while activating the cold air around her body with all her strength to create ice and snow.

Zhang Ze nodded to express his understanding. After all, the strength of all his followers has weakened.

At this moment, a roar suddenly came from the direction of the orphanage!

"Little bastards! Where have you all escaped to? Get the **** out of here, Auntie is going to be angry!"

Everyone was shocked, it was Aunt Annie!

"What's going on? Why did she appear?" Yiye Zhiqiu's face changed drastically.

With a dignified expression while moving the knife, she said, "It is estimated that she went to our dormitory to check the room at night, and found that everyone was gone, so she became furious and came out to arrest us."

Nora and Moore also looked terrified, Nora said: "Auntie Annie usually only checks the room once at night, does she know that we are going to escape?"

"I think it's normal." Zhang Ze frowned and said, "We haven't stopped in the past few days, and it will definitely arouse her vigilance. Maybe it's a sudden intention to check us out tonight. After all, those demon gods will come tomorrow Yes, she might be worried about something going wrong."

The giant **** looked helpless: "She must know that we are going to climb over the wall to escape, and we will be here soon, but the snow girl's ice ladder is only half completed... Everyone, let's get ready to fight!"

Without weapons, everyone could only clenched their fists, ready to fight Aunt Annie to the death.

"Let me do it."

Zhang Ze stopped everyone and said, "When Xue Nu has finished building the ice ladder, let's go!"

Liu Yueying and Giant God also wanted to fight with Zhang Ze, but they were stopped by Zhang Ze: "I have followers to protect me, don't worry, as long as you leave safely, I can also retreat unscathed."

Liu Yueying, Giant God and the others looked at each other. They were all people who knew the importance, and they were no longer pretentious. After bidding farewell to Zhang Ze, they turned and returned to the wall, waiting for the ice ladder to be completed before fleeing.

When Zhang Ze walked out of the woods, he saw Aunt Annie walking towards him.

"Raksha!" Aunt Anne found Zhang She let out an inhuman howl immediately, and then rushed towards Zhang Ze like a wild beast with both hands and feet!

"Although I don't know if I can defeat you, I can only fight now!"

Zhang Ze narrowed his eyes, calling out one familiar name after another in his mind.

The next moment, the clown, the vampire count, Aladdin, Alice, Aisha, the six-eared macaque, the magic piper... appeared beside Zhang Ze one after another.

Although they are all children's versions, they are also full of momentum.

As for the servants of beasts like Godzilla and Zhu Bajie, Zhang Ze did not summon them because he was worried that what he summoned would be little lizards and little piggies...

"Followers, defeat her!" Zhang Ze waved his hand, giving orders to his subordinates like an emperor.


All the followers responded in unison, and then went to meet Aunt Annie to kill.

A fierce battle is about to break out!

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