Only I Can Use Summoning

Chapter 664: , Negotiations fail, let's fight!

Boarding the Iron Titan, Zhang Ze saw the video screen sent back by the drone. He saw a long team, like a long snake, moving across the wasteland. It was exactly the same, obviously, it was also sent by His Majesty the King.

"The number of people this time is much higher than last time. It seems that His Majesty Kiel is very determined to eliminate me." Zhang Ze smiled lightly.

"Although the city walls in the Wilderness of Misery have been repaired, they are too old and rudimentary. There is not even a defensive archery tower. If the opponent uses heavy tools such as catapults and siege towers, it will be impossible to defend against it."

"And the opponent has a large number of people. The people in my whole city are not as many as their soldiers. We must not let the opponent attack the city."

"Since the other party is coming for me, then I will deal with them alone, without involving the common people."

After thinking about it, Zhang Ze decided to take the initiative to attack to avoid casualties among the people in the city.

He didn't tell anyone, and drove the Iron Titan to leave the town alone to face the king's army.

At the same time, Marshal Eddie was riding a horse, talking with Marcus beside him. The two were friends in private, and the topic naturally revolved around this mission.

Marcus stroked his gray beard, and asked curiously: "Eddie, what is the origin of this Rakshasa? He made His Majesty Kiel and the nobles hate him so much? Both sides wrote personal letters, please bring the mage The legion is marching."

He has been studying magic in the Mage Association all year round, and rarely asks about outside affairs, so he doesn't know much about the grievances between Zhang Ze and the nobles.

"Oh, you don't know yet." Marshal Eddie explained: "He is a brave man recruited by the queen from the people, and he was assigned to the wilderness of misery to deal with the players who are making trouble everywhere."

"This man is very capable, and he solved the crisis as soon as he took office. It's a pity that he had a conflict with the local nobles and executed him without authorization!"

"You mean, Rakshasa killed the nobleman?" Marcus suddenly widened his eyes, he was very surprised.

Few people dare to kill nobles, because the end is very miserable.

"Yes! You said that this Rakshasa, it would be nice to be his consul. He insisted on provoking the nobles. Now he has angered the king and the nobles. This fate is an account."

Marshal Eddie sighed: "Otherwise, with his achievements, his future is limitless."

"That's really a pity." Marcus echoed, but he didn't care about these things. If it weren't for the support of the kingdom for the operation of the Mage Association, he wouldn't bother to care about these things.

"Hurry up and settle this matter, so I can go back and continue studying my forbidden technique." He thought to himself.

At this moment, the two heard a strange roar in the sky, as if something was flying above their heads.

They looked up in surprise, and saw a strange machine appearing in the sky, slowly approaching.

The machine was so big that it covered the sky and the sun, and the shadow on the ground completely enveloped everyone, as if the end was coming.

"What is this?"

Marshal Eddie was dumbfounded, he had never seen such a huge thing, and it could fly.

Marcus was also taken aback. Judging from his many years of experience, such a heavy object would never be able to fly by itself, only relying on the power of magic.

"So, what kind of magic is this?" He frowned, and the names of one magic skill after another began to flash in his mind: levitation, sky travel, giant manipulation...

However, no matter what kind of magic it is, it is impossible to float such a huge object in the sky.

Marshal Eddie suddenly thought of something, and his face suddenly changed: "This must be Rakshasa!"

"As mentioned in Quentin's battle report before, there seems to be a magician behind Rakshasa helping him! That magician can control the Tin Woodman to fight for Zhang Ze..."

He stared at the huge black shadow above his head, and murmured: "I guess, this one too."

"You can control iron armor to fight..." The names of magic skills began to flash in Marcus's mind: soul-enchanting, magic-controlling, spirit-infusion...

"Being able to give life to such a huge object, the magic strength of the other party may be higher than mine!" Cold sweat suddenly flowed from his forehead, and at the same time he was faintly excited.

"For so many years, I have never seen a magician who is more powerful than me!"

His eyes began to light up, and he thought to himself: "I must meet this man. If possible, we may discuss the mysteries of magic."

"Master, we have reached the sky above the enemy army, do you want me to launch an attack now?"

The Iron Titan asked Zhang Ze. The latter pondered for a moment, then shook his head and said, "Wait a minute, I want to communicate with the other party. It is best to resolve this war, so that there will be fewer casualties."

Turning on the intercom, Zhang Ze spoke to the screen: "I am Luo Sha, the consul of the wilderness of misery. Who is the commander of the army? I have something to tell you."

The soldiers of the king's army below looked at each other, and after a while, an old but powerful voice sounded: "I am the commander of this expedition, Marshal Eddie!"

"If you want to beg for mercy, then quickly come down and surrender, and there is no need to talk about the rest!"

Although Marshal Eddie is still beating drums in his heart, he must not lose his dignity and honor as the Marshal of the Empire. Even if he cannot beat the opponent, he must not lose in momentum!

"Marshal Eddie, regarding my execution of Viscount Cromwell, he has committed a heinous crime and deserves to be blamed."

Zhang Ze told the facts in an orderly manner: "Also, I have written to Queen Louise to explain this matter, and I believe she will persuade His Majesty the King to pardon me."

"So, I hope you don't attack the Wilderness of Misery, because it will lead to the loss of life."

"Stand by and wait for the king's order, or turn back, otherwise your army will suffer a devastating blow!"

Facing Zhang Ze's warning, Marshal Eddie was unmoved, and said loudly: "I am ordered by the king to come and destroy you, and I will never retreat! If you really don't want the people to suffer, then you should obediently surrender!"

Zhang Ze curled his lips. He saw through it. It was basically impossible to persuade the other party. This battle was inevitable.

"Alright then, since you insist on fighting, then I will satisfy you. Steel Titan, prepare to attack!"


All the cannons on the Iron Titan's body were activated, and the black muzzles aimed at the army on the ground.

At the same time, countless small drones, carrying mechanical spiders, flew out of the hatch, forming a large black area.

"Shrink the formation, the archers and musketeers aim and shoot!" Marshal Eddie shouted: "The giant shield soldiers protect them!"

On the other side, Marcus was also on the verge of a formidable enemy. He reached out and took out a handful of shiny Arcane Dust from his waist pocket, and threw it into the sky.

Afterwards, under the cumbersome incantation he chanted, an invisible barrier enveloped all 30,000 people, protecting them from harm.


With a wave of Zhang Ze's hand, the Iron Titans fired all their guns!


Marshal Eddie also swung his whip, arrows and musket **** roared towards the Iron Titan.

The magicians of Marcus chanted spells in a low voice, condensed the power of magic, and continuously released various magics towards the targets in the sky.

Boom boom boom!

The laser cannon bombarded the surface of the magic barrier, bursting into clusters of sparks.

Arrows and musket bullets could do no harm to the Iron Titan's thick steel plates, but the drones were unable to resist, and were shot down like rain.

The magicians released powerful magic, and the colorful light effects flickered on the appearance of the Iron Titan, or the fire system, or the thunder system, or the ice system...

"Steel armor shield loss 21%...27%...30%..."

Hearing the notification sound in his ear, Zhang Ze frowned.

"Is this the royal magician mentioned by old Morgan and Hada? It is indeed a bit capable, but to me, it is nothing!"

Zhang Ze let out a low snort, and with a thought in his mind, Aladdin and the Pied Piper appeared in front of him at the same time.

"Aladdin, make a wish to the oil lamp giant, and forbid these magicians to cast spells."

"Piper, play music on the loudspeaker, Iron Titan, play it on a loop, disturb the enemy's sanity!"

"Yes, master!"

The two attendants took orders immediately.

After the oil lamp giant heard Aladdin's wish, he immediately released his magic power, and invisible waves of magic power swept across the entire land.

"Huh? What a strong magic wave!"

Marcus suddenly noticed something, and he immediately released a defensive spell on himself to resist the influence of magic power.

The other magicians were not as vigilant as he was, and were instantly affected by the magic power of the oil lamp giant, and there was an extra state above their heads: [Magic disabled].

"What's going on? Why can't I release the magic?"

"Me too! My magic power suddenly disappeared!"

"Could it be that the enemy's magician cast a spell on us?"

The magicians were suddenly in a mess, and then, a mysterious music sounded in everyone's minds, making their heads swell and excruciatingly painful, wishing to split their heads!

Under such circumstances, the soldiers and magicians of the Kingdom Army all lost their combat effectiveness, rolling and screaming on the ground one by one.

Marshal Eddie's willpower is firmer than other soldiers, but he is also sweating from the pain.

If Marcus hadn't used the [Centre Spell] on him, he probably wouldn't be able to hold on for long.

"Marcus, what should we do?" Marshal Eddie looked anxious as he saw that his subordinates had been defeated.

Marcus also has no good solution. The magic barrier he cast can resist physical attacks, but he is helpless in the face of such invisible attacks.

"All of this should have been done by the magician behind Rakshasa."

Marcus looked up at the Iron Titan, with a solemn expression, and said in his heart, "Although I don't want to be an enemy of the opponent, I have to make a move now."

After finishing speaking, he opened his arms and kept chanting a few obscure spells. At the same time, his whole body glowed bright red, and countless fire elements began to gather towards his body.

He wants to cast the strongest fire magic: [Hell Flame]!

The entire sky suddenly darkened, as if it had entered the night, and then, a bright light pierced the darkness and smashed towards the Iron Titan head-on!

"Master! I detected a powerful energy approaching here. I tried to dodge, but the object seemed to be under control and locked on me. It is predicted to hit me in 10 seconds."

Zhang Ze looked at the big screen, and saw a huge fireball like a meteorite, wrapped in raging flames, zooming in on the center of the screen a little bit, he squinted his eyes, and ordered in a deep voice: "Steel Titan, open the hatch, put I am going out."

"Master, it will be very dangerous for you to do this."

"Excuting an order!"


The Iron Titan immediately opened the hatch, and Zhang Ze changed into [Emperor Guangming], with his wings spread out on his back, he jumped down from a height of thousands of meters.

Behind them, Piper and Aladdin stepped on the flying carpet and flew down together.

The next moment, with a thought in Zhang Ze's mind, he took the Iron Titan back into the summoning space.

Zhang Ze felt just now that the big fireball in the sky was so powerful that if it hit the Iron Titan, it might be destroyed directly, so he decided to take back the Iron Titan and replace it with other followers to deal with the Kingdom Army.

"Huh? That giant flying machine is gone?"

Marcus was taken aback. Seeing that the fireball he released was about to fall on the heads of his own people, he quickly changed the flight direction of the fireball and crashed into a mountain in the distance.

Hearing a loud noise, a mushroom cloud rose from the ground, and the entire mountain peak was directly blown down, and the earth trembled endlessly!

"Fortunately, the Iron Titan was put away."

Zhang Ze gasped, the power of this fireball is indeed not small, comparable to a nuclear bomb!

"It seems that there is a powerful magician in the opposing camp."

Turning his head, Zhang Ze locked his eyes on Marcus in white robes, and thought to himself: "As long as this old mage is eliminated, the king's army will lose."

"Aladdin, come with me!"

Under Zhang Ze's call, Aladdin controlled the flying carpet and followed closely behind, killing Marcus.

At this time, because the Iron Titan disappeared, Pied Piper's music could no longer affect the soldiers and magicians of the king's army. They recovered from their headaches and gradually recovered their fighting ability.

"There is someone in the sky, shoot him down!"

During the flight, Zhang Ze heard someone shouting below, and then arrows and musket bullets flew towards him.

Zhang Ze doesn't care about these at all now, he has only one goal, and that is to solve Marcus.

Aladdin immediately stood behind Zhang and shot down all these things.

Although Marcus is a magician, his reaction speed is very fast. He has already noticed that Zhang Ze is rushing towards him.

"In front of me, any attack is ineffective."

He drew a strange circular magic circle in front of him with his fingers, and when he took his fingers away, the magic circle stayed in the air, emitting a red light.

The next moment, Zhang Ze had already arrived, and the [Blood Dragon] in his hand directly stabbed Marcus' throat.

As a result, Zhang Ze was shocked to find that he had passed through Max's body!

"What's the situation? Is this guy transparent?"

Zhang Ze stopped and turned his head to look, only to see that Marcus was also facing him, and the characters on the red magic circle in front of him were still flickering.

"No, this magic circle is weird!"

Bamboo House: The following preview (2022.6.28) has been updated.

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