Only I Can Use Summoning

Chapter 680: , Lao Huang

Although the clown's nirvana is becoming less and less powerful in the high-level demon realm, the monster itself is not strong. The only thing that makes it shocking is that its body is transparent, ignoring other people's attacks.

However, once materialized, everyone will find that the attack and defense attributes of the mystery are not high, and even ordinary attacks can deal thousands of points of damage.

So Zhang Ze felt that the clown's nirvana must still be useful.

Facts have proved that his guess is completely correct.

The clown threw the card into the sky and used his strongest skill [Death Card].

Afterwards, the mystery is drawn, the dark clouds cover the top, and the devil's claws appear.

With a loud bang, the mystery was struck firmly by the devil's claws, and it was instantly reduced to dust.

The next moment, a line of system prompts flashed before Zhang Ze's eyes.

"Ding! You defeated the boss and got 37,000 time points."

After Zhang Ze saw this line of prompts, he suddenly smiled, and finally solved the monster.

Jushen, Liu Yueying and the others also received the system notification. The only difference is that the time value obtained by each person is not the same, which is more than a hundred thousand together.

"Great! Now we can pass the level!"

Moonlight Bunny and Zhang Feng held hands, laughed and danced, very happy.

The little princess Qian took a long breath and said, "Get me out of here quickly, I'm about to vomit."

It's normal for her to feel this way. Imagine if someone is locked in the same place for several days without coming out. After a long time, it will definitely cause aesthetic fatigue to the surrounding environment.

Moved the knife without emotion but curled his lips and said: "I think this place is very good, suitable for a quiet life alone."

"You have always been different from normal people." The irritable Dragon King kept teasing beside him.

"Zhang Ze, have you received the mystery?"

Liu Yueying looked at Zhang Ze, who nodded, but his expression was helpless.

"What's wrong?" Liu Yueying asked curiously.

"Look at it." Zhang Ze stretched out his hand, and he thought: "Mystery, come out!"

In an instant, a black mass the size of a baseball appeared in Zhang Ze's palm.

Liu Yueying's eyes widened immediately: "This is... a mystery?"

Zhang Ze nodded with a wry smile: "That's right, this is the boss mystery that gave us a headache for a long time just now."

"After being recovered by me, it became what it is now, and I am really speechless..."

Liu Yueying smiled and said: "It seems that after you recovered this mystery, your strength has weakened again."

"That's right." Zhang Ze sighed, and said, "However, I checked its attributes just now, and this guy's ability to absorb targets is still there, but judging by its current appearance, it shouldn't be able to absorb anything larger than it. "

"What is this? It's dark?"

At this time, Zhang Feng and Moonlight Bunny came over, curiously looking at the mystery in Zhang Ze's hands.

After hearing Zhang Ze's explanation, the two girls were also very surprised. Moonlight Bunny said: "The mystery has become so small, will it grow up?"

"It should be possible, otherwise, how did that huge mystery come about?" Zhang Feng wanted to touch the mystery with his hands, but was stopped by Zhang Ze.

"But how do you make him grow up? Will you feed him like sister-in-law and little rabbit sister's pet dragon?"

Zhang Feng turned to look at Liu Yueying and Moonlight Bunny.

Zhang Ze was immediately inspired by her words, and he thought to himself: "Could it be that this mystery can also grow? Let me find something to feed him."

Thinking of this, Zhang Ze picked up a stone from the ground and stuffed it into Enigma, but Enigma didn't absorb it at all.

"Looks like this won't work..."

Then Zhang Ze tried many things, such as potions, props, equipment and so on.

No mystery at all.

"What does this guy eat?" Zhang Ze felt distressed.

Everyone was also helping to make suggestions, and made a suggestion without moving the knife: "The mystery absorbed all living objects before, why don't you try to find a living thing to feed it."

"Living thing…"

Zhang Ze looked to the side, and there was the last Violent Rabbit left there. He walked over and put the mystery on Violent Rabbit.

This time, the little mystery finally moved. It kept wriggling on the Violent Rabbit, apparently trying to absorb the Violent Rabbit, but unfortunately it was too small to **** the Violent Rabbit into its own body.

This situation is as if you want to stuff a big living person into the sewer of the sink, and you can't get it in at all.

However, at least the guess that the knife is not emotional is correct, and Enigma only likes to absorb living objects.

"It seems that next time I have to change to a smaller creature and feed it again."

Zhang Ze pouted, he didn't have such a follower on him now, so he had to give up.

Although feeding the mystery will be more troublesome, at least he has found the right direction. One day in the future, he will cultivate this mystery into the previous form.

At that time, the role of the mystery will be very scary.

Because it does not have the weakness of the curator, but has the ability of the curator, and can absorb all enemies, so it is almost invincible.

After the battle was over, everyone took a short rest before preparing to go to the next level of Demon Realm.

When he came to the stone gate, the giant **** entered all the time value of himself into the stone gate until the number on the stone gate became zero.

The time value of other people does not have to be used and can be kept.

"The key is ready to use!"

Xiao Niaoyiren waved the key excitedly, and was the first to pass through the stone gate.

"Qiaowei, don't wander around when you reach the next level of the Demon Realm!" Liu Yueying hastily chased after her.

After that came Giant God, Yiye Zhiqiu, and Cranky Dragon King and others.

Zhang Ze finally walked into the stone gate, and the surroundings suddenly became pitch black, and he felt that his mind had also become groggy, as if he was about to fall asleep.

But he tried to keep himself awake until the feeling passed.

Finally he heard a sound in his ear, it was a heavy grunt, as if an old man in his decades was sleeping next to him.

Zhang Ze opened his eyes, looked around, and found himself lying in an old cabin.

There was a piece of animal skin hanging on the wall of the house. Looking at the thin skin, Zhang Ze felt that it was not an ordinary creature because it had three heads!


The loud snoring sounded again, attracting Zhang Ze's attention, and then he saw a big yellow dog curled up on the chair diagonally opposite, sleeping.

It can be seen that this big yellow dog is very old, a lot of hair has fallen off its body, and one eye is also blind.

"Why am I here? Who is the owner of this log cabin and this old yellow dog?"

Zhang Ze stood up from the bed, and wanted to push open the wooden door and go out to see the situation outside. At this moment, an old voice suddenly came from behind: "Raksha, where are you going?"

Zhang Ze was stunned for a moment, he obviously remembered that there was no one else in the room except him, so he hurriedly turned around and found that there was still no one in the room.

But the old yellow dog had woken up and was looking up at him with his only eye.

For some reason, Zhang Ze always felt that the eyes of this yellow dog did not look like a dog, but like a person.

Looking away from the old yellow dog, Zhang Ze muttered to himself: "Am I having auditory hallucinations? There is no one in this room..."

Just as he thought of this, the voice sounded again: "What? You stumbled, and you don't even know me anymore?"

This time Zhang Ze finally found the speaker, it was the old yellow dog!

The old yellow dog jumped down from the chair, walked slowly in front of Zhang Ze, and said, "I told you a long time ago, don't climb the tallest tree, but you just didn't listen. Now it's all right, let's fall down and kill you!" The skull is broken."

After speaking, it shook its head and put on a human expression.

Zhang Ze squatted down, looked straight at the old yellow dog, and asked strangely: "Aren't you a dog? Why can you talk? What is this place?"

"Okay..." The old yellow dog sighed helplessly, and said, "It seems that my previous healing spell only healed your physical injuries, but there is still a problem with your head."

It walked to the chair, raised its paw, patted the chair and said, "Come on, sit on it, and I'll treat your head again and restore your memory."

Zhang Ze walked over dubiously, he sat on the chair, the old yellow dog jumped onto the table next to him, the position was exactly the same as Zhang Ze's height, he raised a dog paw, and pressed it on Zhang Ze's head On the next day, the dog made some sounds that Zhang Ze couldn't understand.

Then, a burst of green light flashed in front of Zhang Ze's eyes, and at the same time, a large memory flooded into Zhang Ze's mind.

The first scene of memory is that he was lying alone in the forest, and the sound of crying came from his ears.

"Am I crying? I'm a baby now?" Zhang Ze thought to himself.

Then, the old face of the old yellow dog appeared in his field of vision, looking him up and down with curious eyes.

In the second scene, Zhang Ze is sitting at the dining table, holding a large piece of delicious meaty bone with his two little hands, eating it to his heart's content.

The old yellow dog was lying beside him, looking at him with loving eyes, and at the same time cast magic to heal his injured dog paw.

In the third scene, Zhang Ze ran happily in the jungle, turning his head and shouting from time to time: "Old Huang, hurry up, or the prey will run away!"

The voice of the old yellow dog came from behind: "I am already old, how can I outrun you young people? I'd better go back to the wooden house and wait for you. Remember, don't leave the forest!"

After the memory was over, Zhang Ze realized that he was an abandoned baby and was adopted by the old yellow dog.

The old yellow dog's name is Lao Huang, but Lao Huang is not actually a dog. Zhang Ze learned from his memory that Lao Huang was originally a human being. As for why he turned into a dog, Lao Huang never mentioned it.

"This is really a strange start..." Zhang Ze couldn't complain about his identity as an abandoned baby, but he was very surprised where the other companions were.

Zhang Ze wants to open the team channel and ask about everyone's situation, but unexpectedly, the team channel is gray and cannot be selected!

"What's the situation?" Zhang Ze frowned suddenly, and thought to himself: "Could it be something wrong with the Demon Realm?"

In order to verify his idea, he tried to check his property panel, and it turned out that everything was normal.

But when he opened his summoning space, he froze.

"It's gone! It's gone!"

He stared dumbfounded at the empty summoning space, speechless.

All the entourages are gone, this is all Zhang Ze's family property, and it is the guarantee for him to survive in the Demon Realm.

As a result, now... nothing!

"What the **** happened in the Demon Realm?"

Zhang Ze was a little crazy. Facing this special situation, he was also a little nervous.

Life is at stake!

At this moment, Lao Huang who was opposite said, "Luo Sha, why do you look so ugly?"

"I..." Zhang Ze didn't know how to explain to Lao Huang, about summoning? It doesn't understand either.

Who knows, what Lao Huang said next surprised Zhang Ze again.

"Could it be that you forgot how to use the summoning technique I taught you?"

Old Huang Youyou sighed, and said: "It's okay, novices often make such mistakes, I can teach you again."

Zhang Ze stared blankly at Lao Huang, his mind was in chaos.

"Old Huang actually knows the summoning technique?! What's going on here?"

Old Huang didn't know what Zhang Ze was thinking, so he jumped onto the bed, looked at Zhang Ze with cloudy old eyes, and said, "I'm getting older, and this dog's body is about to reach its limit, I may not be able to accompany you much It will take a long time, so you must master the summoning technique as soon as possible."

"Because you are the last summoner in this world..."

Afterwards, Lao Huang explained to Zhang Ze how to use the summoning technique.

In fact, the method taught by Lao Huang is exactly the same as that known by Zhang Ze. After killing the monster, the monster will appear in the summoning space. With Zhang Ze's thoughts, the monster can be summoned or retracted.

"The method of using primary summoning is very simple. You don't need to do too many operations. You just need to study **** the target."

Lao Huang scratched his body and continued: "However, when you master the advanced summoning technique, you will find that its functions have increased and become more complicated, but its power is also stronger."

Upon hearing this, Zhang Ze's heart suddenly moved.

Because he suddenly remembered that he got the book from the old mage Marcus before - [Advanced Theory of Summoning].

Zhang Ze has already learned this book, but apart from the name of [Summoning] changed to [Advanced Summoning], there is no change, which makes him feel very strange.

After that, Zhang Ze also tried many methods, but he couldn't find any difference between [Advanced Summoning] and the previous [Summoning].

Now, upon hearing Lao Huang's words, Zhang Ze immediately regained his spirits.

This dog named Lao Huang gave him an unfathomable feeling, like an old professor with profound knowledge.

"Perhaps, this old Huang can help me unlock the secret of [Advanced Summoning]."

Zhang Ze's eyes were full of expectations, so he hurriedly asked, "How should [Advanced Summoning] be used?"

"Actually, it's not that Just like you summon your followers, you only need to silently recite the name of the operation in your heart."

"For example, when you summon your entourage, do you have to say silently in your heart: so-and-so follower, come out?"

"The other operations of [Advanced Summoning] are the same. Now let me tell you what operations are added to [Advanced Summoning]."

The old yellow dog took a piece of paper and a pen from the side, put it in Zhang Ze's hand, and said: "A good memory is not as good as a bad pen. I say you write it. When I'm gone, you can also take it out and read it." Take a look, lest you forget, and no one will tell you again."

What Lao Huang said made Zhang Ze inexplicably sad.

He nodded, picked up the pen and prepared to write.

The old yellow dog said beside him: "There are three more operations in [Advanced Summoning]. The first is [Synthesis], the second is [Extraction], and the third is [Transfer]..."

Bamboo House: The following trailer has been released.

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