Only I Can Use Summoning

Chapter 943: , Annihilation across the board!

At the combat headquarters of the Fusang Army, General Gangcun was looking solemnly at a machine wreckage placed on the table.

Although it has been battered to the brim and its original appearance cannot be seen, it can still be vaguely identified that it is the drone attacking the Fusang fleet.

"Who can tell me? What the **** is this?"

Gangcun raised his head and looked at the subordinates on the opposite side. Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, but no one answered.

With a heavy snort, Gangcun waved his hand and said, "Send it to the research institute and let those experts study it. What is it, give me an answer as soon as possible!"


A soldier took things out.

Gangcun paced back and forth in the room with his hands behind his back, everyone looked at him, and the atmosphere was very depressing.

A fleet of 30 warships and more than 300 aircraft were wiped out in less than half a day!

This is definitely a heavy blow to the Fusang Empire, and what makes Gangcun even more aggrieved is that they don't even know who their opponent is now.

"It's definitely not Daxia!"

Gangcun helped his small round glasses, and said in a deep voice: "I think the most likely one is the State of Su! Since the Tsarist Russia era, they have been secretly competing with us to **** the territory in the northeast of Great Xia. Later, This group of guys occupied Outer Mongolia and often clashed with our Puppet Manchukuo, I think this time, they may also be behind the scenes!"

A subordinate asked: "Your Excellency, what should we do now? Withdraw our troops?"


Gangcun shook his head and said: "We have been preparing for this war for decades, and have spent countless manpower and material resources. It is impossible to give up the whole war just because of a small failure!"

"You know, our goal is to occupy Daxia's territory, so the focus is still on the ground."

"Even if the enemy has this kind of advanced aircraft, we are not free to eat. As long as our flight design experts figure out their aircraft, we can also have such a powerful weapon."

"So, the battle plan must continue!"

Everyone came to the side of the map, Gangcun pointed to several marks on the map, and said: "Three days later, the major combat alliances launched attacks on the combat targets at the same time. His Majesty the Emperor asked us to take Daxia in the shortest possible time, so , all combat units must be fully prepared and must complete their missions!"


"Brother Rakshasa, I wish you all the best of luck!"

When Zhang Zhi heard that Zhang Ze was going to attack the Fusang army on other fronts, although he felt sad, he also supported Zhang Ze's decision.

After all, the enemy of Shanghai has been repulsed, there is no threat here, and Zhang Ze has no need to stay here.

In other places, the Fusang army is still under pressure, and the situation is extremely critical.

He knew that if Zhang Ze didn't go, the troops in those places would suffer heavy casualties, which would be very detrimental to the entire situation of the War of Resistance.

But as long as Zhang Ze goes, any problem can be solved easily!

No matter how strong the enemy's troops are or how sophisticated their weapons and equipment are, they are no match for Zhang Ze!

Zhang Ze and Zhang Zhi shook hands, and said with a smile: "Commander Zhang, don't worry, I will always pay attention to your side. If the Fusang people dare to come from the sea, I guarantee that they will never return!"

"Then thank you Brother Luosha!" Zhang Zhi was very grateful.

After bidding farewell to Zhang Zhi, Zhang Ze and others boarded the Iron Titan and flew to the front.

He had already learned from the battle report given to him by Zhang Zhi that the Fusang army would attack Daxia from many locations.

These locations are mainly concentrated in the northern part of Daxia and along the eastern coast.

Therefore, Zhang Ze sent seven Steel Titans to these areas, while he sat in the sky and planned strategies.

"This time, we won't greet the national army first, just go directly, and attack as soon as we see the Fusang army!"

Zhang Ze didn't have time to socialize with those national army officers. His goal was to wipe out the Fusang devils on Daxia's territory as soon as possible.

To be honest, he was more disgusted with the corrupt and incompetent bureaucrats in the Daxia government at that time, and he admired patriotic generals like Zhang Zhi more, and he didn't bother to pay attention to those weak and incompetent people.

At this time, the mental states of the national army generals who commanded the battle on each front were different.

Some people are determined to die and are ready to fight the Fusang army to the end.

Some people have their own calculations and keep seeking benefits from the central government, asking for soldiers, guns and food, and constantly expanding themselves. As for whether they can win Fusang, they don't even believe in themselves.

There are others who are ready to flee before the battle begins.

Several aunts and wives of the family took gold, silver and jewels and boarded ships and planes to go abroad to pave the way for these people.

Once the war is not going well, they will flee from the battlefield as soon as possible. If they can continue to hang out in the country, they will continue to play cheekily.

The ruin of the country and the death of the people have nothing to do with them.

As the supreme leader of the national army, the chairman has actually seen through these people under his command, but he has no other way now. There are not many people who are truly capable of leading troops to fight against the Fusang people, so they can only let some people make up for it.

To be honest, he didn't believe that relying on his own strength could defeat Fusang, so he put his expectations on the international community, especially the countries of M and Su.

Let these superpowers condemn Fusang, put pressure on Fusang, and force Fusang to stop aggressing Daxia.

For this reason, he used all kinds of power to ask for help from the international community, both in selling misery and promising various benefits.

However, countries are afraid of Fusang's strength and dare not take care of it.

And behind the scenes, these countries have also reached some shady and secret agreements with Fusang in private, so the results that the Chairman wants are not achieved at all.

The chairman hopes that his army can fight a few decent battles on the battlefield, so that he can have a little say in the international community.

While sighing, his secretary walked into his study quickly and handed him a telegram, the content of which shocked the chairman.

"Over the war zone, a mysterious aircraft appeared?"

"Have you figured out where these aircraft came from? Fusang people? People from M country or Su people?"

The chairman asked eagerly.

The secretary looked embarrassed and said, "Chairman, we don't know..."

The chairman paced back and forth in the room with his hands behind his back, remembering the report he had received earlier.

In the concession area of ​​Shanghai, Kawashima Xiaofang and hundreds of Fusang soldiers under her died strangely.

Around Shanghai, three Fusang barracks were razed to the ground overnight.

The Fuso Fleet approaching the port of Shanghai was attacked by UFOs and retreated, and encountered a rare huge wave at sea and the entire army was wiped out.

All of this made him feel that there seemed to be someone behind him helping him...

No, it should be said to be helping Da Xia!

"Order the theater to continue to observe! Report to me as soon as possible!"

Hearing the chairman's order, the secretary immediately went down and sent telegrams to various theaters.

"Who is it? Why did he help us?" The chairman looked at the plane tree outside the window, his mind was in confusion.

Zhang Ze's Iron Titan was discovered not only by the national army, but also by the Fusang army. They immediately reported the situation to the Fusang Supreme Command, who was shocked and immediately held a military meeting.

Gangcun's face was solemn. He marked the places where these UFOs appeared on the map and found that they matched the places where they were planning to launch an attack.

This shows that the other party is coming for them!

"Everyone, what do you think of this matter?"

Gangcun raised his head and looked at his colleagues in front of him. An officer with a mustache said loudly: "Subordinates suggest that strike first!"

"The opponent came to the place where we were going to attack, and he came for us. In this case, it is better to send fighter jets to attack it first, shoot it down, and avoid future troubles!"

Some people also raised objections: "However, we don't know whether the other party wants to fight us. If they just come to observe, but we shoot them down, will it cause unnecessary international disputes?"

The officer who spoke believed that the purpose of these mysterious aircraft was to observe the combat situation of the two sides, and this kind of thing has not happened before.

When the two countries are at war, other countries will send some observers. One is to understand the situation of the development of the war, and the other is to understand the strength of both sides in the war and provide reference for their own countries.

Gangcun lit a cigarette, looked at the map and fell into deep thought.

He had to make a decision whether to shoot down these UFOs.

After thinking for a while, he said to an assistant: "Immediately send a notice to all countries that it is forbidden to send aircraft to the battlefield, otherwise we will shoot them down as hostile targets!"

"Give them twelve hours and let them withdraw their observers and equipment, or they will bear the consequences!"


The assistant left in a hurry, and Gangcun's expression did not ease. He issued another order: "Order the Air Force to prepare. After twelve hours, if these aircraft are still there, launch an attack immediately and shoot them all down!"

Gangcun's idea is that he would rather shoot them down than let them affect the battle situation!

Even if it causes protests from some countries, it will not hesitate!

Just as everyone was staring at the giant UFO in the sky, guessing its intentions, it suddenly moved!

On the surface of the steel titan, countless pieces of steel plates were turned up, and a cannon with a metallic luster protruded from it. At the same time, conical warheads also protruded from the missile launch ports on the back. They all have one goal.

Fuso Army Camp!


Zhang Ze sat in the command room, crossed his legs leisurely, looked at the seven sub-pictures on the big screen, and said two words calmly.

The next moment, seven steel titans fired at the same time!

Thousands of guns are fired, and thunder is thunderous!

Lines of fire shot from the air to the ground. The density of the lines of fire was staggering. Together, they almost formed a light curtain thousands of meters long, completely covering the Fusang army's position.

Boom boom boom!

A series of violent explosions erupted on the Fuso army position, and the scene was like the end of the world!

There was only a deafening bang between the sky and the earth, and the soldiers in the national army position on the opposite side were hurt by the shock, but they ignored it and looked at the Fusang army position on the opposite side with excited faces, roaring excitedly.

Facing the sudden and violent shelling, the Fusang army had no power to fight back. Many people were buried in a sea of ​​flames before they could even react.

This round of carpet bombing directly destroyed most of the main force of the Fusang army. According to subsequent statistics, the death toll exceeded 200,000!

When the Fusang Army Command got the news, they were all shocked!

Gangcun roared frantically: "Damn! It really is the enemy's fighter plane! Send our plane over there immediately! We must pay in blood!"

However, his decision was dissuaded by a subordinate officer: "Your Excellency, please calm down!"

"The enemy's artillery is far beyond our imagination. This is a new type of war weapon that we have never seen before. We know too little about it. If we rashly send our air force to fight, the subordinates are worried..."

He didn't say the latter words, but everyone knew what he was going to say.

Gangcun snorted heavily. What he said just now was really angry. Thinking about it now, it is really too risky to send the air force to deal with this unknown and powerful aircraft.

He is the commander of this battle, and because of his misjudgment, he has already caused huge losses to the empire. If the air force is involved, his crime will be even greater.

So he sighed, slumped on the chair, waved his hands and said, "Order the ministries... If there are still people alive, retreat immediately."

"In addition, send a report of guilt to His Majesty the Emperor for me! I am willing to take responsibility for the failure of this operation, and apologize to His Majesty!"

The gunpowder smoke cleared on the battlefield, and the remnants of the Fusang army retreated quietly. The soldiers of the national army rushed out of the position. They came to the Fusang army's position excitedly, and were shocked by everything in front of them.

This place has completely become a piece of scorched earth, and because of the high temperature, some stones have become vitrified.

Occasionally, a few remnants of chariots and tanks can be seen, and there are many corpses of Fusang soldiers, but none of them are complete, and almost all of them were blown to pieces.

A big soldier looked up at the steel titan in the sky, raised the gun in his hand, and cheered: "Thank you!"

Infected by him, the rest of the soldiers also raised their guns and shouted their thanks.

Zhang Ze saw the soldiers on the ground through the electronic screen, and a smile appeared on his face.

Without his participation in this battle, most of the soldiers here would have died on the Their wives, children and parents would definitely be sad.

But now the ending has changed, and it's the Fusang people's turn to be sad!

This battle that shocked China and the world has caused subtle changes in the attitudes of countries all over the world.

The Fusang people retreated from the three eastern provinces and did not dare to move forward. At the same time, they changed their previous arrogant attitude and actively sought negotiations with the chairman.

And other imperial powers in the world have also become nervous. They are worried that those mysterious flying objects will deal with them like they dealt with the Fusang people.

Because everyone can understand that these mysterious flying objects are to protect Daxia.

Although other countries did not blatantly launch an army to invade like the Fusang people, they have also forced a lot of unequal treaties on Daxia's head over the years!

All kinds of benefits are soft, and they enjoy all kinds of privileges that Daxia people can't enjoy. They are worried that the masters behind these mysterious aircraft will find them to settle accounts!

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