Only I Can Use Summoning

Chapter 981: , Muyu Village

Their current position is less than 100 meters away from the city gate, and there are only a dozen guards there, so visionaries can completely control them.

"Well, it's up to you!"

Zhang Ze asked the dreamer to hurry up and act, he was worried that there would be other patrols coming to do bad things.

The visionary stretched out **** to press his temples, and stared at the dozen guards at the city gate. After a few seconds, he said, "Master, it's ready."

"Okay?" The Dragon King was a little surprised, and said, "Those people haven't changed? They're still standing there motionless."

"Trust my followers, let's go!"

Zhang Ze rushed out of the darkness with the others, and ran quickly towards the city gate.

Everyone's hearts were in their throats, for fear that the guards would suddenly shout and draw their weapons to attack them.

But nothing happened. The guards seemed to have not seen them, and they still stood there like statues, motionless.

When Zhang Feng passed by a certain guard, he shook his hand in front of his eyes, only to find that the guard still did not respond.

"You don't need to try, they have been completely controlled by me, and your brain thinking has come to a standstill, and you can't perceive anything from the outside world." The visionary said to Zhang Feng.

"It's amazing!" Zhang Feng exclaimed.

A group of people rushed to the gate and looked up. The gate was more than 30 meters high, equivalent to a ten-story building, and it looked very huge!

"Everyone come together and open the door!"

Everyone worked together, but the two iron doors were too heavy. They pushed the door open with a lot of effort, and everyone squeezed out, and then closed the door again.

"I'm exhausted! Such a heavy gate, even if an enemy comes to attack, it can't be broken at all, right?" Xiao Niaoyiren looked at the gate behind him and sighed.

The giant **** shook his head and said, "That's not necessarily the case. This is a magical world. Maybe the enemy has a more powerful siege weapon, which even this gate can't block."

Everyone took a breath, and immediately ran out of the city.

They didn't dare to stop for fear of being discovered, and they didn't hide in a wood to rest until they ran more than ten miles away.

During this journey, the child was taken care of by Liu Yueying. She carried the child on her body and tried to minimize the range of walking movements, for fear of waking up the sleeping child.

Zhang Ze looked at her like a competent mother.

When everyone was resting, Zhang Ze suddenly noticed that the jade slip that Qin Feng had left for them was emitting a faint light. He picked it up curiously and heard Qin Feng's voice coming from inside.

"Raksha, have you already left the city? Did you hear my voice?"

Zhang Ze replied immediately: "Yes, we have already left the city."

"Great!" Qin Feng breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "I just received the news that Xichang already knew that I had handed over the child to you, and I am sending the Jinyi Army to arrest you at the hotel where you are staying."

"Fortunately, you have left in time, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous!"

"How does Xichang know this?"

Everyone was puzzled.

Zhang Ze thought for a while and said to Qin Feng: "Next, we plan to fly directly to Longwei Pass from the air. Do you think this is feasible?"


Qin Feng directly denied Zhang Ze's idea, and he explained: "There are detection circles all over the territory of Daliang Kingdom, which will automatically detect any suspicious objects moving in the air. If you are flying in the air, you will easily encounter a large number of them. Flying Dragon Army, their attack power is very fierce and will threaten your life! Therefore, I suggest to go by land."

"Flying Dragon Army? Are those warships flying in the sky?"

Zhang Ze pondered for a moment, nodded and said, "Got it, we will follow your orders and walk on land."

"Open the map I gave you, and you should be able to see the place marked on it. Next stop, go to Muyu Village first. I have already arranged for you. The villagers there will provide you with board and lodging. You can rest there for one night. , and then go to the next place."


Zhang Ze put away the jade slips, and the others had also finished resting, so they immediately set off for Muyu Village.

"Why don't you prepare some horses for us? It's too tiring to walk!" the little princess Qian complained.

"Perhaps there are horses in Muyu Village, let's persevere." Giant God comforted her.

After walking for two hours, everyone finally saw Muyu Village. This small village is small, with only a few dozen households. At this time, the village is dark, without a single light, like an empty village.

"Is everyone asleep? Why is there no movement?"

Zhang Ze frowned. According to what Qin Feng said, there should be someone in the village to take care of them, but now there was no one in sight, and he felt something was wrong.

"Everyone, be careful, there may be a problem in this village!"

Everyone showed their weapons and walked cautiously into the village.

The village was quiet, only the sound of their own footsteps could be heard.

Yiye Zhiqiu came to a house and knocked lightly, but there was no movement inside, so he opened the door and walked in. After a while, he came out and shook his head to everyone, indicating that there was no one inside.

"Strange, where did everyone go?"

Zhang Ze looked around, and a strong ominous premonition came to him, and he immediately said, "Let's leave this village right now!"

But it was already too late. There were dense footsteps in the darkness, and there were figures appearing around. Everyone looked through the moonlight and found that they were some ancient villagers.

They looked weird, with numb expressions and empty eyes, as if they were walking dead.

Suddenly, they waved the weapons in their hands, screaming and killing everyone!

"These villagers are under control! Let's rush out first!"

The giant **** set up a shield and led everyone to break out, while Liu Yueying and the Dragon King protected both sides.


The Dragon King swung his iron rod and directly knocked down an old man, but the old man got up immediately, grabbed his iron rod, and the two tore each other.

"Let go!"

The Dragon King was angry, he didn't want to kill them at first, after all, these were ordinary villagers, but this old man was so powerful that he almost snatched the iron rod out of his hands.

In desperation, the Dragon King had no choice but to hit the old man unconscious with a stick.

The same was true for the others. These villagers attacked Zhang Ze and the others as if they were going crazy. They had no choice but to fight back.


At this time, Zhang Ze noticed a seven or eight-year-old girl standing on the roof of a house in the distance. She had a sinister smile that did not match her age: "If you want to **** someone from my Xichang, you are still too old!" Tender!"

"West Factory?"

Zhang Ze narrowed his eyes, and he immediately understood that all this was a good thing done by Xichang!

"Although I don't know how the **** in Xichang controlled the villagers, but I think, if we deal with this little girl first, these villagers should be able to wake up!"

Thinking of this, Zhang Ze immediately changed into [Dark King], flew up, and rushed towards the little girl.

"You actually challenged the supervisor of our factory, you're courting death!"

The little girl looked contemptuous, and just stretched out a hand, a black light group gathered in her palm, and then turned into countless black swords and flew towards Zhang Ze.

Zhang Ze's heart sank, and he immediately flew in the air to dodge. He seized the opportunity, drew his bow and arrow and shot at the little girl.

Of course, he didn't shoot at the little girl's vitals, because he knew that the little girl was also controlled by someone.

With a puff, the arrow shot through the little girl's palm, interrupting her attack.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Zhang Ze flew in front of the little girl in an instant, grabbed her by the neck, [Blood Dragon] pressed against the little girl's throat, and shouted: "Stop these villagers immediately!"

"You can kill if you want! Anyway, this is not my body!"

The little girl sneered, her real body was far away in the Dragon City Palace, she was just a puppet controlled by him, he didn't care whether she lived or died.

Zhang Ze pondered for a moment, and began to look up and down the little girl, but found nothing unusual on her body.

After thinking about it, he summoned the Dou Zhan Buddha.

"Fight against Buddha, this girl seems to be possessed by a monster, can you restore her to normal?"

"Let me take a look."

Dou Shengfo took a step forward, his eyes glowed with golden light, enveloping the girl like a searchlight.

"Sure enough, there is a monster aura!"

Dou defeated the Buddha with the seal of the Buddha in his hands and chanted Buddhist scriptures in his mouth.

Seeing golden Sanskrit symbols flying out of his mouth one by one, and sinking into the girl's forehead, the little girl suddenly showed pain and roared in a low voice: "Damn donkey! Don't read it!"

Dou Zhanfo ignored her and continued to chant sutras. The little girl struggled harder and harder, and finally a puff of black smoke came out of her mouth, nose and ears, and quickly fled in the direction of the capital.

After the control was lifted, the little girl collapsed into Zhang Ze's arms, and the villagers who attacked everyone on the ground also recovered their sanity one by one, looking around blankly, not knowing what they were doing.

Several villagers who were beaten badly lay on the ground and screamed. Little Princess Qian went over immediately to help them treat their injuries.

Zhang Ze hugged the little girl and fell to the ground. Although the little girl's hand was shot by him, she has basically recovered under the treatment of Dou Victory Buddha's Buddha's light. As long as she rests for a few days, she will be fine.

"Heroes, the little old man is the village head of this Muyu village. Dare I ask what happened just now?"

The old man who had been knocked down by the Dragon King limped up and saluted Zhang Ze and others.

Zhang Ze said: "Hero Qin Feng asked us to come here, but we were attacked by you as soon as we entered the village. I wonder if you have been controlled by bad guys?"

"It turned out to be friends of the hero Qin Feng, thank you for saving my village!"

"Hero Qin Feng told us a long time ago that we will treat you well, please come in and sit in the room."

Everyone followed the village chief into the house, and someone brought tea. The old village chief said that he didn't know when the little girl was controlled by the demon, but he was very grateful to Zhang Ze and the others. Generally, people who are controlled by demons will eventually go crazy or even kill themselves. die.

This kind of thing happened before. Originally, the imperial court would regularly send people to inspect their villages, but since the **** came to power, these measures to benefit the people have been cancelled. As a result, many villages were invaded by demons, and all the people inside died. , has become a habitat for demons.

After hearing this, Zhang Ze and others thought to themselves: "This Xichang is really harmful. It not only framed and killed loyal officials, but also harmed the people. It is really a heinous crime."

However, this situation has existed in all dynasties, and it is also a manifestation of a dynasty's decline.

Zhang Ze and others were worried that Xichang would send someone to hunt them down again, so they rested for a while before leaving.

The old village head ordered people to hand over the prepared food and horses to Zhang Ze and others. With these horses, it was much easier for them to travel.

After bidding farewell to Muyu Village, Zhang Ze and others embarked on a journey again. At this time, the sky was already dark, and the group of people had been driving for a whole night. They were already exhausted, and there was still a long way to the next destination, Shacheng, so they decided to go out in the wild. Find a safe place to rest first.

"Wow wow wow!"

The baby on Liu Yueying's back woke up and burst into tears.

No matter how Liu Yueying coaxed her, she couldn't coax her well, so everyone gathered around to help her find a way.

"Is the child hungry?"

The melancholy of the sky saw the little baby sucking his fingers all the time, guessed.

"According to the time, we are almost hungry." The giant **** nodded: "We have been running all night since we came out of Dragon City, not to mention the child, even we are very hungry, and we have to find a way to find something to eat for the child. "

"Such a small child can only eat milk, and we don't have any." Xiao Niao Yiren spread her hands with a helpless expression.

"I don't have any milk, and I don't think it's possible for the cow to have any. I can only feed him some porridge."

Everyone set up a fire, took out the dry food that Muyu Village gave them before, and boiled it in an iron pot. It didn't matter if they didn't eat, but the child was so young, if he didn't eat, it would be bad if he got hungry.

After the porridge was cooked, Liu Yueying blew it cold and fed it to the child with a wooden spoon. The little bird beside her smiled and said, "Sister, you are really patient, and you will be a good mother in the future!"

Liu Yueying also smiled and said, "It will be the same for you in the future."

"Me?" Xiao Niao Yiren waved her hands again and again: "I don't want to marry, men don't have a good thing!"

When she thought of her out-of-the-ordinary father, her good mood suddenly disappeared.

Everyone was talking and laughing, when suddenly a dark wind blew up around, Zhang Ze immediately stood up and stared at his surroundings intently.

"There is a situation!"

The others also stood up and showed their with alert faces.

Dou Zhanfo looked in a certain direction and said, "Master, over there."

Zhang Ze looked in the direction he pointed, and saw a group of "people" walking towards this side. After a closer look, he found that these were not living people at all, but paper figurines!

These paper figurines, with red faces painted on them, carried a sedan chair and floated towards them like a gust of wind.

"Well, it's scary!"

The Moonlight Bunny turned pale with fright.

"Is this to catch a woman to be a ghost's bride?" said in a deep voice without moving the knife.

Zhang Feng grabbed Neng Ze's arm and said in a trembling voice, "Brother, what should I do?"

"Don't be afraid, there is me, let's see what they are going to do first?"

Zhang Ze snorted and said, "If it's just passing by, forget it. If they want to harm someone, they've found the wrong person!"

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