Orc Tyrant

Chapter 1138: Final battle (3)

It was originally full of light, but now there is only boundless darkness.

The dying heat pulsed rapidly in his veins. Although the cursed bitterness was expected, it was so unpleasant at this time.

This is what he already knew would happen to him.

This is the inevitable consequence of naive trust in the kindness of human hearts.

Death filled his mind, blood covered his teeth, and the smell of blood filled his nose.

Everything was just like yesterday, and the memories of those past years that had been buried a long time ago came back to life in his mind-occasionally lightning flashed through the dark night that had been shrouded all year round, and everyone remained silent because of fear.

Then, light and hope came from outside this rotten darkness, and promised a bright future.

But now, the vision of the future pierced his mind like a spear, shattering that hope...

The world is struggling with death, a huge black and red eye is watching the blazing flames, and all creatures are fighting to death under the scarlet sky.

A black bat fell from the sky.

The scene of the end of everything flashing across his mind like a revolving lantern, and he cried out in pain.

Many voices rang in his head.

He heard his name, the name his mother gave him, and the name his people gave him under the surveillance of darkness and terror.

Diego, the shadow prince.

The bitter tears mixed with blood stung his eyes.

He opened his eyes, the illusion in his mind dissipated, the real world returned to his eyes, and he turned his head to look in the direction of the voices calling his name.

Faces distorted by fear looked at him, their mouths muttered something, and they kept vomiting outwards.

But this is nothing new anymore, he is indifferent to this scene, the sounds he heard in the hallucinations have filled his brain.

What kind of sight can be so terrible? What kind of things can evoke such horror?

He suddenly realized that he was sitting on someone.

He lowered his head to see that the man was still alive, panting.

It was a man wrapped in a torn officer's uniform. Some of his hair and a few shimmering teeth were still scattered on the ground. A broken arm was resting on a nearby chair.

The walls are covered with blood splatters.

The man was fatally wounded and was bleeding.

He suddenly realized that he had wounded the person who fell under him, and that he was dismembering the other person to get the pleasure of torture.

He raised his hands, clenched them into fists, and blood dripped from his fingers.

He heard someone calling his name again, so he looked up.

It was a man in a rumpled military uniform and a black and white coat of arms on his right chest.

He also knows this person...

"Dia brother!"

Mountbatten shouted in surprise and anger.

"What have you done!"

Diego took a look at the surviving person on the ground, then stood up, patted the clothes indifferently, and shook off the blood on it.

He ignored the eyes of the people around him looking at the monster, but walked to a flooded screen, which was showing the scene of two huge machines at war with the Ork army.

"It's not enough..."

Suddenly, a drop of blood hit the screen, and a deep black flower bloomed.

Diego was stunned for a few seconds, then touched his upper lip, looked at the blood on his fingertips, and sighed slightly.

"Time is running out."

"Prince Shadow!"

Behind him, Mountbatten, who had been ignored, suddenly pulled out the pistol from his waist and pointed it at the back of his head.

"You have to pay the price for your crimes, he just told you, but you almost killed him! You lunatic!"

Diego was unmoved, just staring at the screen.

Mountbatten almost burst his lungs. From the beginning, he didn't have any good feelings about the murderous and sadistic rumors. If it weren't for Bronze's efforts, he would not choose to cooperate with such a guy.

In his opinion, the shadow prince and the blood worship are completely the same.


At the close of the hair, Bronze rushed out of the crowd and held down Mountbatten's gun-holding hand.

"Don't be impulsive, this is just an accident..."


Mountbatten glared at his friend.

"He almost pulled out the poor man's heart with his hands. This is also called an accident?"

"Listen to me, don't be impulsive."

Bronze leaned forward and whispered:

"There is a curse on him. All this is not from his original intention. Now we must be unanimous."

"How can I believe that this is not an excuse?"


Diage suddenly turned around and gently pinched the barrel of the gun aimed at his face with his fingertips, and then wanted to draw a cigarette from the cigarette case, very freely drawing the barrel of the Mountbatten pistol from the barrel of the gun. Came out.

"You don't really think this thing can kill people."


Before Mountbatten uttered the second word, Diego threw down the barrel of the gun and walked towards the side door.

"I want to be quiet all by myself, you guys make good arrangements, the decisive battle is coming soon, this will be a war beyond your brain's cognition."


Mountbatten was unwilling to want to stop him, but Bronze immediately held him down.

"You will send him to heal first, and I will talk to Diego. He is indispensable for this war."

Glancing bitterly at the thin back, Mountbatten snorted coldly, and turned around to arrange for the medical staff to carry the injured officer out, while the blood on the ground was still so scarlet and conspicuous.

Bronze sighed and caught up with Diego's footsteps.

Diego, who returned to his secret room, suddenly fell back on the chair as if he was drained.

He stared at the ceiling blankly, like a lifeless puppet, and it wasn't until a minute later that his pupils gradually focused.

Then, he drew a stack of cards from the cabinet and spread them out on the table.

The secret room is dark, with only the dizzying blue light from the desk lamp, like an island of light floating in the dark ocean.

Diego didn't care about his surroundings, and completely ignored everything that happened before.

An old set of playing cards was placed on the wooden table radiating soft light in front of him. The edges of the playing cards had been frayed and curled up because they had been flipped and rehearsed for more than ten years.

At first, this was just a family game popular among the wealthy in Cusconar, but wizards also regarded the changes in these card patterns as a kind of divination.

These cards obviously correspond to the social class of the ancient times. Different cards depict different images: warriors, priests, merchants and workers.

In the ancient beliefs, the future can be interpreted based on the card patterns performed by the cards.

But in this gloomy era, such traditions are already outdated.

In the deathly silence, Diego's fingertips moved lightly.

But no matter how persistent he repeatedly flipped and rehearsed his cards on the polished surface of the wooden table, he always got the same deck of cards.

The moon, martyrs and monsters, these three cards form a triangle.

And the card he just put at the top of the card, the card that has hardly changed over the centuries-although its meaning is often misinterpreted, it will never be mistaken.


Suddenly, the silence was broken. Footsteps sounded beside him.

Diego looked up and saw Bronze walking towards him.

The wizard wore a light gray military uniform and a black cloak that shimmered for ceremonial use.

His hat looked like a skull-like mask, and a small metal incense burner emitting a mist on his waist.

"The drifter sent a message that the plan was successful. They blocked Guk and are now doing their best to annihilate him."

Diego suddenly laughed gloomily.

"Is that enough?"

"It looks like this, but I have also recently felt a swell of a vast ocean, which means that a huge army is coming to us through the void... The plan of blood worship has been accelerated."

"I'm asking you, is this enough to kill Guk?"

"The drifter is the strongest Titan, it—"

"You humans always show your incurable nature when you should not be arrogant."

As Diego spoke, he swept away the cards placed on the table, revealing a translucent document.

"...Guk arranged at least three Apocalypse-class war machines nearby, and more than 20 super war machines on standby. They can quickly enter the battlefield by teleportation at any time."

Bronze opened his eyes wide, and said hesitantly:

"This is true?"

"What do you think."

Diego threw the document into the opponent's arms, then got up from the chair, turned and walked to a dark red curtain, gently pushing it away.

A small shrine appeared behind the curtain. The shrine enshrines this alien **** who is holding a burning sword and roaring up to the sky. Below is a bronze wine glass.

"Your task is to force its hole cards, only me..."

Diego picked up the wine glass, then picked up the ritual dagger on the side, and then lightly bumped, making a crisp reminder.

"... to really end it."

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