Orc Tyrant

Chapter 1167: Warcraft (8)

The blockade that was suddenly broken allowed Oke to obtain much-needed assistance, which immediately changed the situation on the battlefield. Although the demons were still endless, Oke also had the opportunity to continue advancing.

Guk immediately ordered the war between King Mao and Brother Mao. A hole was made in the demon army's queue, and then the scrap metal mecha followed up, widening the gap, giving Guk a chance to face the real enemy. .

At first it went well, the war machine used brutal artillery fire to plow a hole in the dense queue of demons, and the scrap iron mechas that had already been in place immediately filled the gap.

The leader is naturally the earliest scrap metal mecha-Viken.

At this time, the noisy clanging sound filled the already broken battlefield, and occasionally a few steams escaped from the cracks in the ground, and the smell of cut and crushed rocks was strong.

As the **** supply team lost their way during the battle, Viken could only use the existing ammunition to fight, so he cursed the unreliable guys when reloading the bullets.

"I—must be choked to death—they!

Although there was not enough ammunition, he did not stop, and his senses were also detecting whether there was a target he had missed in the enveloped steam.

More than four-figure demons were scattered on the floor, their bodies were completely shattered by the firepower of Ok Titan, and only some flesh and blood was still convulsing, and the air was filled with a strong smell of rust.

Other scrap iron pieces were scattered around Wiken, each made of stone, indifferent to the small firepower of the cultists.

"No one can stop me!!!"

Generally speaking, slaughtering the fragile shrimp is a waste of scrap iron. However, most of the time they do not have much choice. Today, they can face the "more powerful" demons, which makes Viken very excited.

Of course, he hadn't forgotten, what drove him into the scrap metal mecha.

Anger is still his current dominant emotion.

From Wiken’s point of view, so far the demons have proved that they are not as fast and ferocious as Ouke. They are not prepared for Ouke. If Guke can put them on the battlefield at first, they may even be mopping up now. It's before the brass gate.

But these are just thinking about it. Viking often uses this kind of fantasies to maintain his combat sensibility and battlefield observation. Most of the scrap irons have become crazy machines, and Viking is their leader, easily letting themselves Falling into madness will lead the whole piece of scrap iron towards


Therefore, he has been extraordinarily controlled his emotions.

"We walked forward in a row."

After confirming that there were no enemies around, Viken issued orders to the other scrap iron blocks, and the killing machines responded to him with various voices.

The eight scrap metal mechas were separated by no more than ten meters, forming a battle line of nearly a hundred meters, and began to advance on the trajectory of King Kong.

At this time, there was a rain of blood in the sky, and the filthy blood filled almost every inch of their armor, forming a dark, reddish-brown shell on the outside.

For some reason, after the **** rain began, King Kong and the soldiers were dumbfounded.

"Don't stop."

Viken informed the team:

"The overlord ordered us to move forward, and we just kept going forward until--"

Viken didn't say anything further.

In the next second, the cold howl drowned out all the noise, and even penetrated the communicator of the scrap metal mecha.

Before any of them could react, the air above their heads was ignited as an orange flame that bloomed from nowhere, accompanied by a strong impact.

When the five figures wearing twisted armor ripped apart the flames, the howling sound became even louder.

It is already difficult to judge who they are from their appearance, but from the red robe and gorgeous gold thread remaining on them, it can be seen that they should be the five-ringed elders with the highest status of blood worship.

But now these high-level cultists can hardly be called humans. They have become monsters with distorted appearances, with the physique and tail of beasts, and huge claws surrounded by supernatural flames.

After appearing in midair, they swooped toward the scrap iron blocks for the first time.


Before the first monster attacked the player's Briquettes, Viken didn't even have time to issue a warning.

When it comes down, it spreads its lower limbs that are bent forward, and its claws dig deep into the shoulders of the scrap iron mecha on both sides. Because the'Balquet' is a severely firepower patient, his mecha is good at long-range firepower, and the armor is not It's thick.

Under this blow, the shoulder of'Balquet' was almost taken off, and it was only because of the huge weight of the scrap iron that he was not overturned.

"Smelly stuff!"

He immediately raised the mechanical arm with the chainsaw to stab at the howling monster, but the rotating saw teeth only passed through the flames left by the opponent gradually dissipating-the thing turned a downward attack into an upward sprint , Out of the attack range of the'coal ball'.

"Look at me taking you all away!"

Viken yelled through the horn and raised his heavy machine gun.

However, the violent shaking interrupted his attack, and a pair of huge claws smashed part of the sensor on Viken's head and pulled blood from his left shoulder pad.

The veteran Viken immediately released the protective strong current and backed away, giving himself space for slashing.

This time the monster did not escape, and a strong electric current crackled around the scrap iron shell, shaking off part of its limbs when it tried to withdraw.

It uttered a harsh howl, slammed backwards instead of upwards, gliding on the floor like a kind of dive.

At this time, the other four monsters transformed by the high-level blood worshipers were dealing with the remaining scrap iron mechas. Their claws pierced through the thick armor, bringing up a lot of flesh and blood.

Scrap iron armor is almost impossible to defend against such supernatural blades.

The ‘Balquet’ had fallen to his knees and was torn and bleeding in many places. There was another piece of scrap iron that had lost power due to damage to the joints of his legs and could only shoot blindly.

The Ork infantry who followed up tried to help the harassed scrap iron, but a large number of demons gushing from the ground entangled them again.

The scrap iron blocks that were originally assault forces were immediately surrounded by heavy encirclement, but the distant players and warlords were still in a state of misfire.


Viken fired angrily at the enemy attacking him, struggling to track the creature as it flew upwards, and luckily cut off its wings with a bunch of bullets.

When the monster gained height, it suddenly lost again, and fell to the ground.

Viken rushed forward awkwardly, his leg joints made a harsh rubbing sound, and his magazine made a click of empty, but that happened after he managed to pierce the thing with a few bullets.

He has no ammunition.

But this did not prevent Viken from venting his anger. He grabbed a limb with his fist when the enemy was staggering and trying to get up.

The monster screamed and quickly threw it away, and when its claws hit Viken's front armor, an unclean flame erupted.

In an instant, the two forces faced each other, and the entangled fighters collided with sparks.

Then Viken clenched the huge fist surrounding the electric current and slammed at the thing's head.

Immediately, the head of the unclean thing burst open in the process of spraying burning flesh, and the whole body was liquefied by Viken's brutal blow.

But other scrap iron pieces are still struggling.

The ‘briquette’ that was shooting before has completely fallen down. There is a one-meter-diameter hole in its torso, and the viscous liquid is slowly overflowing from it.

Suddenly, the earth trembled, and Viken felt a scorching gale coming in from the gap in the armor, and then he saw a pillar of fire and a wave of air soaring into the sky.

Mao King Kong, who had been silent for a long time, fired again.

In the light of the fire, a huge figure stepped past the demons and rushed straight towards Wiken. With a violent wave of the warhammer in his hand, he smashed a monster trying to dive into flesh.

"Scrap! Follow me!"

Corresponding to this sound, there was the roar that tore apart space and time. In this roar, the towering brass gate burst into countless small pieces like broken glass.

"Gu Ke——————!!!"

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