Orc Tyrant

Chapter 167: To no avail

Francis rushed for nothing, or he did not find some people he was looking for, such as the most secretive and least-known Necromancer among the wizarding sect.

They were born in the long night of persecution of wizards. Under the leadership of the death lord named Bruno, the first group of necromancers formed the [Death Watchmen]. They are known for manipulating corpses and possess the strongest and toughest ones. The spiritual entities of the people, but they are too gloomy and withdrawn, even wizards don’t want to see them.

These people were the targets that Francis was looking for, but rummaged through Wuqiu and couldn't find any death watchman.

The head of the Three Witches in Cusconar, and one of the members of the Supreme Council of the Three Witches. Although the legendary crow wizard Jacqueline temporarily acquiesced to their actions, the accusations and complaints against Francis were also submitted Arrived in front of the emperor in the purple palace.

Faced with this situation, Francis could only give up and go back to find another way.

But his suspicion of the death watch did not stop, because the Empire was under pressure from the Kaimon Church and declared the organization as a heretical cult as early as 300 years ago, but secretly the Three Witches have been shielding this organization. The secret guards also started investigating a long time ago, but there is not much valuable information. They only know that the death watchmen are mostly active in the eastern and southern parts of the empire, conducting some "illegal" witchcraft experiments.

Francis had participated in such investigations in his early years. He witnessed a zombie mine. There was no living person in it, only the rancid dead people digging in the dark mine day and night, transporting ore and waste, and this The owner of the mine was a death watchman. Just as they were about to arrest the necromancer, a group of wizards suddenly rushed out to make trouble, allowing the necromancer to escape.

Francis has always hated this incident, so when Karen mentioned the dead, he immediately thought of these lawless villains.

But once again, these wizards sheltered their criminals. Francis was able to extract every lie they said from their twinkling eyes and vague language, or when he stepped on the witch hill. , I never got a truth,

Probably only the gargoyle at the door said "Welcome" is true.

"Simon, arrange three teams and keep an eye on this place for me. Anyone who comes close to here, no matter who he is, will investigate it clearly for me!"

Walking on the winding staircase, Francis, full of sullen expression, gave his deputy an order to monitor, and the other party nodded in response.

Karen walked by his side, finished the last few lines of words on the small notebook with a pen, and then handed them to Francis's palm.

"...The number of total wizards has increased significantly, the proportion of combat wizards has risen, there are a lot of signs of construction, the kitchen has an abnormally large amount of food, and many unmanned empty rooms have a clear smell of smoke..."

After receiving the small notebook in Karen's hand, Francis read the words softly, his brows furrowed.

"The wizards in Wuqiu are definitely more than the hundreds we saw."

"According to the past practice, this season is when wizards gather for the Winter Rain Festival. The average number of Wuqiu is about 200, but what we see today is about 400. There are many others. I didn't see it."

Karen’s words touched the string in Francis’s heart. He instinctively hated these wizards, not only because of the failed mission, but also because he had seen the appearance of a wizard after mutation, the suffocating distortion and evil.

Whenever he thought of the hundreds of things that could turn into monsters in the capital of the empire, he was frightened.

In contrast, although arcanists have a gloomy and short life, they are still safe, and short-lived is not necessarily a good thing, at least they don't have so much thought to spend on various conspiracies.

If the empire had to ally with some kind of supernatural power, Francis would rather choose arcanists than those fanatics who played witchcraft.

Just as Francis was about to go back and prepare a plan, he heard messy footsteps behind him, he subconsciously held the pistol on his waist, and then turned around.

Seeing that several wizards were walking towards him, Francis let go of his nervousness, but his hand did not leave the gun.

"Mr. Francis..."

The crow sent wizard headed to him came to him and took off his mask. It was Peggedo who had been waiting for a long time.

"...My name is Pegardo Esposito, and I have something to talk to you about."

"Oh, is it, like an unlucky prophecy? Or maybe I have to get off here for a while?"

Francis was smiling, but there was no smile in his tone.

Peggedo raised his eyebrows, not feeling angry because of the hostility of the other party, after all, this was also what he expected.

"This is one thing, but I have more serious things to discuss with you, such as those who are missing, and the crisis hidden in Cusconar."

"Is that so, I would like to hear the details."

Francis squinted his eyes, and a dangerous light flashed in his eyes.

"There are some people who are planning something. I can't see what those people are. My mentors and colleagues are working **** this matter, but a few days ago, I made some discoveries.

Peguedor went one step further towards Francis, did not shy away from the opponent's dagger-cold gaze, staring at those eyes and whispered:

"Flame, flames surround this great city, and there are countless deaths..."

After speaking, he fell silent, and everyone looked at Francis, waiting for his response.

"that's all?"

With his hands spread out, the secret guard made a "look you are bluffing me".

"Those flames..."

Peggedo paused, as if thinking about whether to say the next thing. When he saw Francis gradually lose patience, he finally made up his mind.

"...It's cyan."

This time it was Francis' turn to be silent, and he took a closer look at Pegged, his eyes gradually turning into ridicule and pity.

"Mr. Wizard, do you understand what you are talking about?"

"Of course I understand, but this is everything I have seen, no falsehoods."

"I was wasting time."

Francis waved his hand, as if driving away the fly in front of him, he turned and continued to walk down the stairs.

"Mr. Francis! We must pay attention to those people! You need our help!"

The cry of Pegudor behind him sounded like noise to Francis, and he ignored it at all.

"Be careful!"

As soon as Peguedo spoke, Francis' feet suddenly slipped, and his whole person instantly lost his balance, rolling down the stairs in a very funny gesture.



His two followers suddenly changed their complexions, and hurried to catch up, and at the next corner, they helped Francis with the gray-headed face up.

"I already said that."

After giving him an angry look, Francis took a step and quickly disappeared at the end of the stairs, leaving only the helpless Peggedo behind him.

High-energy warning! From the beginning of the next chapter, a very important and important plot will be unfolded

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