Orc Tyrant

Chapter 177: The Journey of Flames (1)

Silent Hill is still silent, and the thick fog that covers the mountains and ridges is as thick as water, and even the roaring mountain breeze in the middle of the night cannot lift the veil of mystery here.

This is the home of Wendigo. This ancient sect began in the long night when mankind was still in ignorance. When people were still fighting each other with stone tools, some tribes who believed in primitive totems derived some special customs.

They believe that eating a person's heart can become stronger, and eating a person's brain can become smarter. If you eat his whole body, you can get a second life.

Those primitive and **** tribes were finally crushed by civilization, but this terrifying dogma did not disappear, because some ancient shamans communicated to a strange existence through this way, it was hungry and ferocious, and agitated. Those who touch it will devour their own kind.

Wendig, when the first shaman called its name, this evil sect was born.

In the long history, this sect has spawned in the corners of human civilization with a special life extension ritual, but due to its loose structure and doctrine, it has never set off any big storms, but it is stuck like a flea. The strong human body fills its empty abdomen.

Until the rise of Kaimon Church and the start of large-scale witch hunts, the good days of this sect came to an end.

Hundreds of Wendigo followers were tied to the penalty stakes, many of them were nobles, but under the authority of Father Kaimon, no cultists could be pardoned. This was an agreement reached between the church and the emperor.

This ancient sect was driven to the edge of the civilized world, and withered in the wild, until they found this place and something.

The originally fragmented Wendigo Church gathered together again. They held an unprecedented meeting and elected the first chief priest in the form of divination for the first time. They formulated relatively strict doctrines and divided seven dioceses. The responsibilities and powers of the chief priest, as well as the future development goals of the sect.

At that meeting, the first High Priest Wendigo put forward the concept of "final moment", calling on all believers to work hard to promote this sacred future.

At that time, the Wendigo Church and the blood worshipers were still friendly, but the two sides eventually fought for some benefit. The weaker Wendigo Church used something found in Silent Hill to defeat the invading blood worshipers. Completely entangled here.

And this, thousands of years have passed.

Although there have been many invasions by foreign enemies, with the natural fog, the core area of ​​Wendigo Church has never been attacked. In a sense, this place can even be called the most peaceful place in the world of Pacha. One corner-if you ignore the occasional screams in the mountains.

Within the Wendigo sect, killing each other is a commendable thing. It is a place where everyone's hearts are like ghosts. If a normal person breaks through the fog and comes to a certain town, then he will definitely think he has come to hell. Because the lintels and windowsills of every household are decorated with bones, especially the spine and skull.

Here, even a few-year-old girl may turn into cruelty and greed when looking at strangers.

Everyone’s mind is distorted by a certain existence. Every time they pass, they will attack the surrounding human strongholds, especially the villages and towns on the other side of the Howling Mountains. Hudu and Wendigo Church have blood feuds, and the hands of both sides are covered with each other's blood.

However, with the help of the evil power gained from cannibalism, the Wendigo Church has the advantage in most of the conflict. They will not fight a large-scale army head-on, and will only attack weakly defensive areas, and act as a human brigade. When the horses and horses chase them, they will dash into the mountains and use their magic bullets to kill enemies in disadvantaged terrain.

The magic bullet shooter, the most proud armed force of the Wendigo Church, they obtained their own rifles from the blood sacrifice and made bullets from human bones. These weapons blessed by Hanan's evil force are far stronger than ordinary rifles. , You can even turn in mid-air and snipe the enemy from an incredible position.

It has a natural geographical position, a weapon blessed by God, and a fanatical belief. So when the news of Ouke’s invasion came, most of the believers did not take it too seriously, and even some people were excited to try Europe. What is the taste of grams.

But these long-standing cannibals have never seen a legion full of firepower, so they don't know anything about what is about to happen.

The overall mountain of Silent Hill is northeast-southwest, with a length of more than 100 kilometers and a width of more than 40 kilometers. The highest mountain is more than 1,000 meters above sea level. It is also the holy land of the Wendigo sect and is called Bailing Peak.

The seven dioceses are also seven towns, arranged from west to east in a way that echoes the stars in the sky. They are connected in series like a colander. The closest to the rainforest of Ouke is the diocesan No. 7, which is also called by the believers. For the death knell town, the chief priest who manages there is the skinning priest Yanu Reeves.

He is a fanatical believer, but not a good commander. When the bombing came, he even looked up at the sky with the residents of the town.


Thunder rumbled in the distance, the sky was shrouded in white light, the fog was burned out, and the first shell accurately cut off the upper half of the huge bell tower-including the big brass bell that was blessed by Wendigo.

Immediately afterwards, the burning matter fell and rained violently toward the center of the town. The hot heat and air current swept everything around and burned it to black. The rising plume of smoke was thrown high up along with a lot of rubble, and there were many more. Still screaming undead remains.

The uninterrupted volley of artillery fire lasted for ten minutes, and the town housing more than 30,000 people instantly turned into burning ruins.

And the square in the center of the town has received more attention than other areas. The main road is now only a whole hollow ditch full of smoked ruins, and the decorated church is shimmering. The air was torn apart, the swirling dust was stirred like a poisonous snake, and the remaining bricks and stones rolled down.

Yanu Reeves was completely stunned. When he crawled out of the ruins, everything in front of him made him almost crazy.

Originally this was a pretty small town. According to his plan, he built a series of gardens, fountains and statues. He has been trying to turn Deathstroke Town into a paradise on earth belonging to Wendigo.

But now all of this has disappeared, everything has been stirred into a storm of flames, sonic boom-like metal pouring, and the smell of gunpowder is exuding everywhere, mixed with the stuffy smell of scorched corpses.

"Wendigo is on! Who can tell me what happened!"

He struggled to stand up, his face distorted and roared, but no one responded, only a dying moan that faintly sounded among the ruins.

Suddenly, the red light rising in the distant sky attracted his attention. He ignored the broken robe on his body and ran out of the town. Many surviving residents on the road asked him for help and inquired, but he turned a deaf ear and just ran. .

He didn't stop until he reached the edge of the town, beside a burning barn, but the scene before him made his body tremble involuntarily.

The original lush forest is rolling up a majestic fire dragon. Its body stretches for several kilometers, and it keeps spitting out a lot of smoke and fly ash into the sky, twisting and expanding its volume crazily, swallowing the surrounding forest, and dispersing it. Get rid of the fog that protects them

After soaring into the sky, there are endless green muscles surging, and a huge battle flag is fluttering in the hot wind.

"Wendigo is on..."

Yanu Reeves took a few steps back, then slumped on the ground.

Sure enough, I'm still on the flame journey, Okay (confirmed)

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