Orc Tyrant

Chapter 200: Howling Mountains (Part 1)

After Liya left, Gu Ke leaned back on the throne built by scrap metal. He glanced at the two large and one small heads on his right hand side. Every time these demons appeared, they would bring their own huge surprises.

After removing Zha Rasha’s head from the bracket, Guk looked at it as if he was admiring an exquisite artwork. Its facial features were all sealed with thread, and the ornaments from Mogdrogen were all nailed to it. With that angry face, as Hannibal declared, the demon did not die, part of its soul escaped into Hanan, and the other part was sealed in this head.

Guk shook it vigorously, faintly hearing the painful curses coming from his skull, which made him feel very happy.

"I will give you an arrangement, hehe."

With a grin, Guk inserted the first stage back into the bracket.

His armor was completely scrapped during the last war, and the mechanics are currently rushing to make a new set of armor temporarily, and Guk didn't expect too much.

The battle was won, but there were not many trophies. The boys burned most of what they could burn, and most of the things that were robbed were just useless things. There were very few scrap irons or weapons that Guke looked at. On the contrary, the heavy artillery consumes a lot of ammunition in the continuous shelling. These need to be replenished, and on-site production cannot meet the next demand.

The transport team in the abandoned city has already set off, and it will take time to get here, and once Guk crosses the Howling Mountains, there is basically no hope for this fragile supply line.

Therefore, Guk must find the right target and use the most effective offensive to achieve his goal, at least allowing him to obtain a front-line supply station.

Before Hannibal left, Guk entrusted this task to him and the humans who went with him. They will go to the New California Republic as spies to spy on intelligence and guide Guk in the next war.

At the same time, Guk himself was not idle. Although the large-scale attack was temporarily suspended, the spontaneous penetrating aggression of the boys has begun to spread to the Howling Mountains. According to Hannibal, there are some humans in the mountains. In the gold mine, many desperadoes are panning for gold in such a dangerous place. These people are likely to expose Guk’s intention to invade in advance, so Guk says nothing about them.

Just as Guk was struggling to think about the next action, the door of the chapel suddenly opened, and Mang Gur walked in with his head high.

"Head! You have to look at this!"

Mangul was followed by two guards. Every time they took a step, the skull behind him would make a crashing sound.

Each of them held a roll of blanket in their hands, which was stained with large blood stains, and occasionally drops of blood were dropped to the ground.

When they came to Guk, the two guards shook the blanket, and several mutilated corpses fell down, and their limbs were scattered around the torso like toys dismantled by a urchin.


Guk stood up, but affected the unhealed wound on his body, which made him inexplicably angry.

He walked a few steps forward and roughly hooked up a corpse with mechanical claws.

This is a man, not too old, he is probably shorter than Hannibal, he is wearing a brown leather jacket, his trousers are of a shape that Guk has never seen before, his two trouser legs look like trumpets, and there is a piece around his neck. In the short black and white cloak, he was originally wearing a hat, but now he has been stepped on by Guk.

He should have dared to die soon. The **** smell on his body is still fresh, but the sour smell on his body is also very strong. He is obviously a guy who doesn't like bathing much.

Thick black leather boots were on his feet, stained with dust and blood, and there were metal spikes on the heels.

There was also a leather belt slung around his waist with a black revolver hanging on it. On his chest, Guk saw a small brass star badge.

"Where did it come from."

Guk threw the corpse aside, then grabbed another one, and found that they were all dressed in the same way.

"Come from the other side of the mountain, riding a horse, and was found by the kid."

"Are all here?"

"It should be, the boys ate all the horses, and a few of these guys were also eaten. I thought about what was wrong with the rest, and I will show them to you."

"Then you have to get me alive too, what do you let me see if you die!"

Gu Ke angrily threw the corpse into the fire nearby, and Mangul and the two guards were suddenly scared and shrank their necks.

The scorching smell of the fabric mixed with flesh and blood began to diffuse. Guke took a few breaths and forced himself to let go of his anger for a while. These corpses are not meaningless. Someone must have noticed the situation on the other side of the mountain and leave a Guke to prepare. The time will not be too much.

"Go! Tell Truf! Let him look at the mountain and kill any humans who come close!"

The guard who was ordered ran out immediately, and then Guk turned to another guy.

"You, go and deliver my order! No human beings on that mountain are allowed to stay! Let me kill them all! Isn't there a lot of buck teeth, let him clean up for me in three days!"


When these two boys left, only Guk and Mangul were left in the worship room.

"What are they doing these days."

"Drink and go dry."

Hearing this rather satisfactory answer, Guk's anger calmed a little, but the painful wound under his ribs reminded him that he still needs to be alone for a while.

"Go and call Mogdrogen."

"Yes, head!"

Guk’s command spread rapidly throughout Silent Hill through errands and nerve boys. The boys excitedly felt the aura of war, and they became their new goal without the fire of war spreading to the mountains...

The grass on the plain was getting thinner and thinner, and the bushes stretched towards the swaying green ocean. The terrain began to **** up slowly. Momac concluded that they were no more than three kilometers away from the ridge.

The surroundings are still dark and the moon is still hanging in the sky. It will not leave until the eastern sky is illuminated by the dawn two hours later.

The air was cold but Momac didn't care. The cold was an environmental factor that was difficult for him to feel. It was not as strong as the fatigue caused by continuous running. His arms and legs swayed in an orderly manner without any pain. There was no rapid breathing, even though he and his boys had been trekking for a whole day.

The Twin Snake Corps, as a regiment that emphasizes the primitive power of the body, pays more attention to the improvement of their own combat effectiveness by muscles and physique than other boys.

They don’t like to use too complicated weapons, and they don’t like too thick armor. Therefore, in the battle gang composed of hundreds of boys, they rarely see huge machine guns and metal draped on their bodies, and the barbarism in the bare air. There are scars and war lines all over the muscles, and primitive bone ornaments dot the neck and limbs.

Many jumpers and fart spirits are mixed in the team, which is also an important combat power, the double snake's fart spirits and jumping are well-known to be able to fight in all legions.

Their goal is the same as their master, the towering mountains. Momac is going to build a camp there. He is tired of Silent Hill and desperately wants to get a place of his own.

And this is just the first step of his ambition.

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