Orc Tyrant

Chapter 207: Codenamed "Pangolin" (Part 2)

Momac noticed that Shaluka hadn't followed, but he didn't care about it now, or that he actually had his own plan.

In fact, it can be seen from the quantity of dried shrimps here, there must be more in the future, it may be so much that his warrior can't eat it at all. If he ran into it like this, the result would definitely not look good. He was here to grab something. Although it is important to kill shrimps, it is not his style to put himself in to kill shrimps.

Comfortably kill the shrimps, this is what he and most Ouke want, as for the life-for-life, it is a last resort.

So he pretended to come and chase Xiami, but actually hid, waiting for a good time. He had a hunch that Xiami would not give up so easily. Their tenacity had already been shown once when guarding the towering city wall. ...

Colonel Brom was panting, watching the exhausted soldiers under him. This invasion was even more severe than the snow disaster, and it was so sudden.

The small-scale garrison troops in the construction area can foresee the end of being completely wiped out, but in this way, they still have no idea about these green things. What they are called, where they came from, and why they attacked here are all a mystery. .


The salute of the soldier Electrolux Lisso drew Brom's attention back.

"Yes, soldier, what's the matter?"

Brom replied a little tiredly. The young soldier fought the monsters bravely and stood on the ground together with Brom. Although he escaped in the end, this was the most demanded by Brom, but Electrolux But he felt that his behavior was a shame, and his temporary cowardice seemed to take his entire life to atone for his sins.

"I got you some coffee, Colonel!"

Electrolux said that handing a broken iron cup to the officer, the camp is now messed up, and it is not easy to get such a thing.

In any case, Brom is very grateful. It has been a long night. Although the starry sky is still dazzling in the cold winter, they will not be able to sleep tonight, perhaps never.

"Thank you, Electrolux."

He said sincerely, reaching out to take the warm cup in the hands of the soldier who still maintained the salute posture.

"You can relax."

"Kaemon will bless us, right, Colonel?"

Electrolux said eagerly, excited that Brom still remembered his name.

Brom looked down at the steaming drink, then raised a glass to his lips. It was so hot that he burned his throat when he swallowed a big mouth, but he didn't care. If this was the greatest pain he suffered today, That's nothing to complain about at all.

"I hope we don't have to wait too long."

The colonel replied, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, and looked at the young soldier calmly. He looked terrible, driven by madness and tension.

"You fought bravely today, boy, go to sleep for a while, and then you have to fight bravely."

"But I don't have time to sleep."

Electrolux showed resistance, turned his head excitedly, and looked at the busy camp. The soldiers of the entire division had assembled. They were about to launch a counterattack to repel the monsters in the tunnel. The white snow was stepped on by a pair of feet. Not far from the concrete wall, the searchlights were all focused on the entrance of the tunnel, as if it was an evil cave that needed more light to light up.

"Guys... well, they all want to know what they are facing, Colonel."

The soldier said unnaturally. He looked back over his shoulder and looked at the soldiers sitting around a small campfire.

And when Brom looked at them, they all pretended to talk casually or looked around.

"I understand."

When he realized the real intention of the other party to bring him coffee, he laughed.

"I am not very clear about this, but in the newspaper a month ago, I seemed to have seen a report that a certain border fortress of the Benedictine Empire was attacked by an unknown group of creatures. They were called..."

"What is it?"


A clear voice joined in, and the two turned to look, and saw a man in a military uniform with a red wolf mask on his face.

The wizard walked up to Brom, his eyes behind the mask staring at the officer who had escaped from the dead.

"I'm about to launch a counterattack soon. I will become your witchcraft adjutant to assist you in completing the remaining tasks. By the way, I almost forgot to introduce it. My name is William, William Wallace."

This was a young voice, probably only in his early twenties. Brom did not see any family emblems from him. He was probably a civilian student from the Witchcraft Academy.

The New California Republic’s pursuit of freedom is particularly strong, so as long as it does not violate federal laws, anyone can do what he wants. The same is true for wizards. Compared with the strong religious associations of the Benedict Empire, the new Wizarding organizations in California are more similar to professional guilds. Wizards register here, and then they can do what they want, such as starting a detective company or working for a certain company.

During this process, many wizards persecuted by the Kaimon Church fled to the New California Republic. Many of them smuggled in as families and took root in this country.

The ultimate manifestation is the Holtz Wizarding Academy. At first, it was just a family-style academy where a few wizard families cultivated a new generation. As its influence continued to expand, it finally officially began to recruit talented non-witches under the leadership of the Wizarding Association. Family student, and changed its name to Holtz Wizarding Academy, which is also the only exclusive wizarding academy in the world.

"Welcome, Lieutenant William."

Brom nodded to the other party, but there was not much respect in his tone, because the wizards always enjoy the best treatment on weekdays, and there are even rooms with fireplaces, but they have not done anything, and occasionally use witches. Play tricks on the soldiers, few people have a good impression of them.

"I almost thought I had gone wrong. There should have been a company."

Stubbornly resisting the urge to snap the coffee cup onto the opponent's head, Brom said in an annoyed manner.

"I apologize for those who died in the tunnel. I really disappointed you. I was not able to line up to welcome the great wizard."

"Uh... you can misunderstand what I mean."

The wolf wizard scratched his head and took off the mask, revealing his immature face with pimples.

"The order I received was to report to Silian, which is a complete company."

"This is Sanlian, wait..."

Brom suddenly realized the problem. The Four Company was all over. They were all lying in the tunnel now, so this guy was ordered to report to the Four Company.

Finally, Brom figured out the joints, and his gaze at the young man turned into pity.

"What's wrong? Did I go wrong?"

The other party was still ignorant, but because of Brom's gaze, he became embarrassed.

"No, you didn't go wrong, boy."

Brom sighed, feeling a little regretful, this should be a good person, but unfortunately he didn't know why he offended a big person.

Huh~! ! ! !

With a whistle, everyone sitting on the ground stood up.

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