Orc Tyrant

Chapter 217: Persuade to surrender (on)

Liya was soaring in the breeze. She used to be just a flower in a greenhouse, a chick that had just full wings, and it was even difficult to fly in a slightly stronger wind.

But now, she feels that she has gradually fallen in love with this murderous air current. Flying high in the trade winds of the Flame Plateau, passing through the parishes and gardens is of course a pleasing thing, but at this time there is a kind of thing. Other things made her feel comfortable-that was the challenge.

There is no mercy in the atmosphere here. A regular gust of wind may make her rise slowly, but then a wall of air suddenly crosses in front of her. The explosive impact will make her fall straight for several yards while trying to regain control. In the process, another gust of wind would make him spin again.

Everything seemed irregular at the beginning, but as the flight flew, Liya slowly found a way to accompany the uninhibited wind here. Even in the most disorderly madness, it will naturally leave you with something to feel. signal of.

Just like she gets along with Guk and his savage subordinates

Liya relaxed her body, controlled her direction at a minimum in the wind, and adjusted her posture only in extremely dangerous moments.

Lowering her head, she inadvertently saw the dashing figure on the surface, the weird guy named Batka-it was the messenger Guk really sent, but Liya felt that she would have to talk to him well, no matter what In any case, the sudden intrusion of an Ouke is bound to scare her already very nervous compatriots.

As a member of the harpy, Liya knows their hearts very well. There are very few real eagles. They are more just alert, timid and careful, like the mediocre people who follow the rules and live like the square dove.

Thinking of the same kind, Liya's heart was once again tangled with troubles.

What is her current identity?

There is no doubt that in the eyes of her kind, she must be an abominable traitor, a weak person who succumbed to violence, just like they look at the feathers on their bodies.

Where is her mother?

How would the high priest of the Sky Temple, a high-powered nobleman, and an important minister who also had a place in the royal court, regard his daughter?

Or does she still consider herself a daughter?

Maybe not before. Liya has been living in a state similar to an orphan. She has 21 sisters, each with colorful feathers, but she is the ominous black.

On the Flame Plateau, the nestlings’ first competitors were their nest sisters. Liya is not strong, nor beautiful, and she has no mother’s favor. She can only rely on her talent and wisdom, or conspiracy, He will not fall into the status of a ash-feather untouchable.

Her first step started with poisoning one of her sisters. Because the Sky Temple’s screening quota was limited, she happened to be the last one. In order to get the only chance, she had to choose to do something she didn’t. Things I like so much.

Although she did not feel guilty afterwards.

When she entered the temple, her condition did not improve, perhaps because she knew what she had done, she had already alienated her indifferent mother and almost regarded her as an outcast.

The worst food, the ugliest clothes, the oldest rooms, the most tattered books, and the lowest subsidies...

She was like a wild dog, who could only fight for some leftovers, and even in the end her mother could not hold her. When she was about to be promoted to priest, she was given a task that was almost suicidal.

For a long time, hatred and curse were almost the only things worth savoring in her dreams, but when she was released from the cage, she suddenly realized that freedom alone is so precious, and the chains of the past are no longer worthy of them. Fetter her, she will live with a brand new identity to witness a legend.

But now, the legend she wanted to witness had to ask her to re-attach the chain, which she couldn't refuse.

In the past few days, she has thought more than half a year before. In a sense, Oak’s ecology is really amazing. When you are really in it, you will find that your thoughts will become very simple. Of course, this innocence is not the innocence of ignorance, but the way of thinking about problems becomes very simple and clear.

Shaking her head, Liya forced herself to turn her attention to the lofty mountains below.

I have to admit that this is an amazing spectacle. The weeds are spreading in all directions like the ocean, during which there are constantly fangs and spear-like boulders and severely weathered mountains piercing the earth, some even straight into the sky and stand upright. Thousands of meters high.

In this vast and desolate place, people always have a sense of stillness, but the mountains and ridges are in fact moving everywhere, the grass and trees dance in the squally wind, the trees are also swaying in the wind, and the high clouds cast rapidly changing dark shadows on the ground.

There was a moment when Liya saw a huge black handprint on a mountain in the distance, just like the palm of Guk's outstretched hand, but only after a moment did she realize that it was a trick of light.

Suddenly, she was attracted by a dull loud noise again.

In the very far distance, the earth was being torn into two pieces by myself, I saw dust flying, huge boulders burst open, and a rift valley ten meters wide appeared suddenly, as if there was an incomparably huge existence trying to break free from the cage. In an instant, the second crack appeared a few hundred meters away from the first.

This is a big earthquake. With more and more cracks, the energy spread out like water waves. After causing huge damage, it gradually died down.

Beak Ridge is an unstable area. Earthquakes are a very common natural activity in this place. This also makes it insurmountable. Only the Harpy knows where the safest nesting site is, and they are also there. The place where the nest fort was built.

Flying higher, Liya saw more spectacular sights, like a grand scroll spreading out in front of her.

On the other side of a certain valley, the herd of beasts are moving at an alarming scale and speed. Their footsteps are like another earthquake. Their queues are so close that the ground under them is completely covered. These beasts are flat and strong. On the head and behind the skull, there are huge hardened horns, and they are running in groups of thousands or even tens of thousands.

The horned beast, the most common herbivore in Beak Ridge, is also a beast that cannot be domesticated.

Slightly to the side, she saw another group of creatures on the ground. It was a group of hexapod snakes with lizard bodies. The scales were extremely bright, and each one was more than the size of ordinary people, fifteen or six.

The lizard is a special predator of Beak Ridge. Their light and tough skin is a good material for making armor.

These creatures were constantly harassing the herd below, trying to use their claws to overturn one or two running beasts. When Liya was observing, they succeeded for the first time. The high-speed running queue broke up and there were dozens of them. The wild beasts collided and turned up a burst of smoke and dust, followed by the trembling of hoofs and a huge roar and wailing.

Those creatures that have unfortunately fallen will soon be stomped into flesh by their kind, and then these strange snakes can have a full meal.

A squadron lizard sensed the potential intruder and raised his head with a warning hiss, but Batka, who was running wild on the ground, completely ignored them and went straight over the rushing herd.

Liya lowered her height, and finally found a turbulence blowing westward, which would bring her back to her target location faster-Hanfeng Fort.

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