Orc Tyrant

Chapter 250: Deadly Dawn (20)

Desaikla turned around, just in time for the third enemy.

The assault warrior rushed towards him, and Ventanus noticed that the shoulder armor of the son of dawn was covered with horrible patterns, and the other parts of the armor were engraved with countless symbols that did not know the so-called. This was the emblem of the madman.

He blocked the sword swinging with a short spear in his hand, sparks flew, and the two-handed crystal sword as huge as a monster gnawed the metal pole of the short spear in a burst of neighing.

Pushing each other away forcefully, Desaikla parryed the two subsequent attacks, and then pierced the opponent's belly with a spear.

The spear missed the spine and penetrated from the left side of the back of the son of dawn.

Desaikla tried to pull the short spear out, but it stuck and his opponent survived.

He slashed at Desaikla again, and Desaikla had to avoid the sword moaning towards his face. He was forced to let go of his weapon and leave it in the body of the monster.

The Son of Dawn pounced at him, bent on ending the match.

He held the huge crystal sword in both hands and swept it left and right, intending to get rid of the already defenseless wizard. An imperial soldier came to cover Desaikla, but was split in half in a swirling blood mist.

While the opponent's sword was still biting the loyal Imperial soldier, Desaikla leaped towards the enemy and threw him to the ground empty-handed.

Desaikla suppressed the right arm of the Dawn Son, preventing him from swinging the sword sharply, and then hit the enemy's head continuously.

His fist was burning with deadly witch fire. After the third punch, the opponent's skull began to dent slightly, and his pale skin was burned like dirty and greasy rags.

The Son of Dawn roared and flew Desaikla away.

Desaikla allowed himself to be pushed away, he had re-held the metal pole of the short spear.

He took the spear out and brought out the **** internal organs.

The Son of Dawn staggered a few steps and finally fell to the ground.

The imperial soldier who was thrown to the wall was not dead yet, and his head was dripping with blood. He stood up and threw off his damaged helmet, picked up a pistol, and shot Desaikla behind him.

The fourth son of dawn is rampaging between the imperial army and the servants of the wizard.

The Scarab Guards who stayed behind and some other soldiers reorganized their defenses. They used several heavy machine guns to set the fire and tore the Son of Dawn to pieces.

Desaikla heard Xerath yelling out tactical orders to assemble defenses and repel the assault troops. They were still holding on, but the line was already shaky. Hundreds of rebels and the Sons of Dawn had already set foot on the last turn of the ladder, some even Surge up along the steep slope.

Defenders on the wall cannot fire from this angle.

At this moment, the fire pouring onto the gate and the wall was extremely powerful, and the rain of bullets had caused a large number of casualties. Even the gravel splashed by the bullet on the wall was deadly.

"I just received a signal."

Jacqueline's voice overwhelmed the roar of the battlefield and passed to Xerath's mind.

"What is it?"

"He calls himself a shadow."

"ask him."

A person flashed across Xerath's mind, but he wasn't sure.

"Ask him how many toes he has!"

"The other party answered..."

Jacqueline's voice fell silent for a moment, and then said with a smile:

"It's nine, and one on the mousetrap."

Xerath took a deep breath, and the four toes of his left foot twisted uncomfortably.

"Send him the coordinates and tell him to hurry up, time is not on our side."

17 10th 6:59:22

The assault army commanded by the Flesh Lord launched a third wave of offensive against the Purple Palace.

Nutans, Theraton, Samuel and everyone together maintained the line of defense and guarded the gate and the bridge. However, the majestic bridge of the past has been gnawed beyond recognition by artillery fire. The second wave of offensive almost broke through the gate. They pushed back into the inner courtyard, but the fierce counter-attack firepower of MacArthur's hunting squad finally turned the tide.

Nutans knew that the third wave of offensive was bound to be the key.

He could already see that endless rebels were rushing towards the gate where the two sides had been fighting for a long time, while the other group circled south, bypassing the line of defense and attacking. Their intention must be to attack the artillery positions outside the Purple Palace. Launch a surprise attack.

The emperor is determined to fight to the end. Although everyone understands that the line of defense will eventually collapse, this is foreseeable and unavoidable. This is related to quantity, which is a very realistic possibility of actual combat.

But the emperor still clings to a glimmer of hope. He is also looking forward to news from outside, expecting his army to arrive here before it is too late.

The offensive is about to come, and many signs have appeared, and the chanting has become so loud that Nutans feels that the vibration of the sound and the breathing of countless people are enough to disperse the dense fog.

The enemy used rockets, mortars, and medium-sized artillery to launch more violent bombardment on the outer retaining wall of the Purple Palace. The shells made large holes in the ancient high walls or fell into the courtyard, allowing the animals raised by the court to escape.

Silas reported that he heard the sound of the giant machinery in the thick fog, which meant that part of the shelling came from the cursed and abominable monsters of the enemy. Only Nutans heard nothing. He has been in a fierce battle. In, hearing has long been dulled by the roar of the battlefield.

The Son of Dawn whizzed to the ground. Their bodies spit out roaring blue flames, and the rebels' charge stepped on the barricades on the bridge under their feet, and part of the arch exploded and collapsed in the flying dust and rubble.

The defenders are ready for the shock.

"It really doesn't make people stop!"

Silas cursed, and his golden-red hair was covered with blood.

A flesh-and-blood messenger emerged from the thick fog outside the trench, turned the muzzle toward the gate and the western wall, and countless twisted flesh parasitized by crystals surrounded the huge body.

Parasitic, Nutans described those things that way, because he really couldn't find a more suitable word.

Because those distorted people were just harmless civilians not long ago. What did arcanists do to them, or to the whole city, anyway, those who died got up, carrying weird clusters of crystals on their backs. , Those zombies resurrected by the Necromancer sect, but more terrifying than that.

This flesh-and-blood messenger is armed with a large-caliber siege weapon. It has fired before. The live ammunition fired is not as violent as the crystal weapon, but it is equally deadly. Its side baffle and armor are painted with pyramids with eyes. Patterns and blockbusters look like distorted text.

Everyone understood that the battle scale finally tilted heavily towards the arcanist.

Close combat is about to begin, and they probably don't have time to worry about the monster.

"For dawn! For eternity!"

Crystalized rebels have begun to appear in the body, wildly surpassing the firepower of the defenders, leaving behind the large swaths of dead bodies, all the way into the already-smashed line of defense.

Silas got a move on his shoulder. A bullet with no eyesight crashed on his shoulder armor, but fortunately he could not bite through the armor and hit the flesh and blood below, but the damage still existed and affected his arm. activity.

He tried to remedy, but he lost his balance, and a rebel leader rushed up with an axe, and he involuntarily fell to the side.

Therefore he failed to dodge the attack swung to his chest.

The wound was dripping with blood, and the fierce force knocked him to the ground, as if the entire axe blade was buried in his chest.

In fact, his breastplate absorbed fatal damage, but his flesh and blood were also chopped. Before the secret guard's strengthened physique allowed the blood to coagulate, the wound would bleed heavily.

Nutans rushed over and slammed the traitor's head with his fist from the side, smashing the helmet like a tin foil box with rations.

Samuel pulled Silas up, and it took him a moment to pull the axe out of the opponent's armor.

Nutans killed his opponent, and his rage directed his blade. He pierced the helmet of the rebel leader with a long sword and cut off the right half.

The rebel with crystal clusters oozing from his shoulders fell to the ground and died, and his head incision was neatly like an anatomical example.

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