Orc Tyrant

Chapter 260: Rush

In the rain, the ruins of the palace seemed even more bleak.

Rain water rushed down from the broken roof, dripped on the gorgeous mosaic tiles, poured down the embedded steps, turning the scattered curtains and tapestries into limp shrouds.

He limped into the ruins, the rain hit his armor, and the vicious light from the blue sun penetrated the clouds.

Throttid was waiting for him.

"They are here."

The Imperial Colonel said so to the head of the secret guard he had avoided in the past.

Throtide looked into the distance.

Outside the collapsed high wall, outside the trench, outside the broken bridge, the enemy is ready to go.

They appeared silently from the rain. They did not yell. The rebels in Tsing Yi gathered in front of the trenches. There were hundreds of people in each column. Behind them were the silhouettes of the beasts of war and the indeterminate luster of the blue-gray armor. .

Behind the army, there was a larger figure, and the giant creature with multiple arms was covered by the heavy rain.

This is more than Thurrodid had imagined, and Fedetek's assault force was tens of thousands.


The colonel said so, and in the next second he drew his sword very skillfully.

There is no fear in his eyes, only calmness and determination. After making so many sacrifices, he still intends to pull some traitors back before dying.

"Oh, come on, it's just started."

Throttid turned around and looked at the armed nuns neatly lined up. They were not delicate and defenseless aristocratic ladies, on the contrary they were stronger than most of the men present.

The Blood Lily Sisters, the oldest female monastery in the Eastern Kaimon Church, almost never step out of this church to dedicate their entire lives to the sanctuary and the Holy Father.

They wore sacred armor composed of chains and flower-carved plate armor, and they held heavy black firearms of amazing caliber. These were the weapons that were transferred from the east to the Citizen Temple in the past when the Eastern and Western Kaimon churches were divided. They became Dongkai. The holy relics of the Mongolian Church, and most of them are kept in the Church of St. Elena.

But this is not the real purpose of the existence of the Blood Lily Sisters, their task is to protect another thing.


Fedetek launched an attack.

The first thing the defenders tasted was a fierce bombardment by light artillery and large-caliber machine guns. In addition, a flesh-and-blood messenger and several combat vehicles provided fire support.

The rebels were deployed along the lawn outside the church, and some were deployed on the west side. The intention of these forces was to protect the flanks of Fedetic's army and block the counterattacks from the east flank of the main hall.

Barrage bombarded the road, razing the three machine gun positions to the ground and breaking up the defenders.

Hundreds of imperial soldiers and dozens of secret guards were killed in the artillery fire, and the destroyed roadblocks were burning in the rain.

A flesh-and-blood messenger awakened from stillness like a hound that had slept for a long time, and then stepped forward to start hunting. A flood of cannonballs poured toward it, trying to slow down its pace purely by relying on ruthless firepower.

And it fired with two cannons hung under its arms, killing the soldiers who counterattacked one by one with the white-hot light of killing.

The corpses thrown up by the blast wave fell within a radius of several hundred meters, knocking over some soldiers who were fleeing.

Others defended their positions under the scolding of the secret guards, hiding behind the walls and ruins to fight back.

Hot bullets screamed and roared throughout the area, and all the defenders desperately asked for support.

After the flesh-and-blood messenger hit the ammunition in his hand, he rushed forward and drove a road full of stagnant water.

It knocked down the walls, crushed the rocks, crushed the soldiers trapped in the collapsed bunker into powder, and the side-mounted fire-breathing device neighed and spewed out a blue-gray twilight, turning the rainwater into lingering steam.

Behind it, the loud noise of heavy machine guns tore the air, filling the defenders' positions with destruction.

"With all my strength!"

"Prove my whole intentions!"

"With my soul!"

"Prove my piety!"

The Blood Lily Sisters appeared outside the church gate at a critical moment. They chanted the holy texts and threw the flames of revenge on the enemy.

Heavy rain-like bullets, armor-piercing bombs, incendiary bombs, and explosive bombs slammed directly on the charged Flesh Messenger, tearing it to pieces like a rag.

But they are still not enough to turn the tide of the battle. The rebels rushed like a raging wave, about to break the small church. The dense queue was mixed with many fast patrolling figures. The Sons of Dawn had formed the sharpest attack. spearhead.

A sudden burst of gunfire interrupted the pace of the rebels' charge.

Fedetek shook his head angrily. He saw the troops that were supposed to be defeated and eliminated appeared again. They shouted Kaimon and the Empire, desperately crossing the rebel defense line on the west side.

Diego led the troops on foot and quickly traversed the broken avenue.

On his left, Silas and Nutans led the team, and on the right, Francis and the commander of the 2nd Guards Division led Demirian.

Demirian's troops are relatively complete. They formed a broad right-wing force, which wiped out a counterattack that the rebels had launched after the reorganization.

Other chaotic infantry and cavalry gathered in the rear and left flank. They swept through like an angry thunder, pulling the rebels out of their bunkers and trenches.

The sons of dawn formed a dark line in the rain, trying to stop the charge.

Arcanists seem to have developed a habit of hand-to-hand combat, perhaps this comes from their evil taste, perhaps this is only related to the meaning of sacrifice represented by sharp blades.

At this time, the concentrated firepower put in the right position might break the charge organized by Diego, but this did not happen.

The other party just greeted the impact with expectation. They drew their swords. They wanted to compete with humans in a melee, and no matter what the outcome of this battle, it was impossible to affect the final direction of the Battle of Cusconar.

The two sides met abruptly in a loud crash.

The messy gray body came to the solid blue-gray front.

They broke through the enemy line, they tore the line of defense, swarmed in, gray and cyan intertwined, swords intersected.

Blood was gushing in the downpour, the corpse fell to the ground, and water splashed everywhere.

The hilt covered with rain, oil and blood became slippery, the bayonet frayed and the armor shattered.

The air is full of the smell of ozone, the shock of energy and the explosion of electric energy.

Diego is in a fierce battle.

One second he blasted a head into a scattered blood mist, and the next second he pierced two enemies at the same time.

While cutting off an arm, he split a head in half.

The two roaring chain swords became the most terrifying killing weapon on this battlefield, and even the Son of Dawn could not walk in his hands for a second.

He has never felt so powerful and unstoppable.

So filled with righteous indignation.

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