Orc Tyrant

Chapter 270: Blood and Sand (4)

Three hours after lunch, Naman and his team occupied a hill two hundred meters higher than the Durain Plain.

From here he could see everything from the southern barrens to the horizon. There were no roads and no villages on the barren land. The rubble was scattered on the plain as if it were there. It is said that in prehistoric times, this place was silent under their feet. The volcano of thousands of years once erupted and reshaped the entire Aksum.

Lifting the monoculars in front of his eyes, he scanned left and right, looking for signs of Ok.

He didn't see anything green, but he did notice smoke rising a few kilometers south.

He adjusted the telescope and checked the reading-2.5 kilometers, too far away from his team.

Naman sighed and retracted the telescope to his waist, then he waved to the team members.

"Continue to patrol south."

He said to them when he came down from the top of the mountain.

"Aren't we going to Quarter Horse City, sir?"

The Ranger Tedis asked that everyone around him had the same thoughts as him. They had been walking in the wilderness for a week, and they all wanted to rest.

And according to some recent rumors, that place was attacked by Oak, but there is no definite evidence yet, or that no one living person can explain the matter.

In Naman's view, this is a very dangerous signal.

"Not for the time being, let's investigate around the periphery of Ji Ma first."

As they walked down the **** briskly, Naman felt that another opportunity for ‘teaching’ was coming.

At sunset, Naman and his team had moved to a patrol somewhere in the south, ten kilometers away.

As the light dimmed, Naman marked a point on the map, where they finally settled, and the scouts set up an observation post on a bare rock.

Two soldiers were guarding the surroundings. On the leeward side of the rock, Naman and the team members began to eat dinner-cold and rough dry bread.

The sound of horse hooves broke the silent darkness before midnight. The riders relied on the moonlight to walk through the night. When they approached here from the south, Naman was the first to spot the smoke trails from the horse's hoof kicking on the ground.

He greeted the others, and then blew the whistle used by the rangers to communicate. The sound was just a bird's chirping in the ears of inexperienced people, but to the rangers, it contained many meanings.

The team ran directly into the gathering spot behind the rock without saying hello, and started feeding their four-legged companion before Naman passed.

"Aquia, you **** drunkard, shouldn't you go to Wenji?"

"The chief contacted me a few days ago and brought some terrible news."

Another Ranger captain Aquia said with his usual opening remarks.

"We have lost contact with three patrols, and a geological survey team has also completely lost news. Jimma City has been confirmed to have been attacked by Ouke, but the scale is unknown. The current situation of the city is also mysterious, but honestly I have It’s a very bad feeling."

"The absence of a report does not mean that our brothers have been killed."

Naman spoke and tried to digest the melancholic message.

"There are walls in Quarter Horse City. That thing works well against Ok. They are stupid. They have longer hands than feet and can't climb them."


Aquia said and turned his gaze to the south.

"The commander analyzed the patrol route and thought that Ok's troops were located about 30 kilometers southeast of us. The order I received was to investigate this potential location and try to establish contact with the village of Zun within that area. To confirm the enemy’s presence and military strength."

"This is just an obvious possibility, but...we still need to proceed with caution. Normally, Oak is hard to predict. Since these greenskins don’t seem to have any reliable leaders, they can wander in the wilderness at will. The North Movement may be just a general trend, not a deliberate large-scale invasion."

"Well, our two teams act together, keep a distance of less than one kilometer, and are ready to support at any time."

"Agree, then we just go directly to Jima City and see what happened."

When Aquia returned to the middle of the team to announce the plan, Naman also assembled his team members. A few minutes later when Naman remounted his horse, another group of Rangers had already set off to the south.

"We have a new goal."

He said to the scouts who were inspecting weapons:

"There is no time to rest. We are going to the southeast, marching at night! From now on, the south is regarded as a hostile territory. If you see anything, I say anything, unusual, immediately send a signal to the team. You all have to stop and hide before I conduct a threat assessment."

Naman rode a horse from the end of the team to the front, using decisive movements to emphasize his command.

"Keep quiet, pay attention to the area you are responsible for and believe that other team members will also take care of them. No one is allowed to fire without my order. We will travel without lighting, so pay attention to your feet!"

Then, he slowed down and especially exhorted a few words to his deputy.

"If I fall, you will take them to immediately withdraw from any contact with the enemy while ensuring their own safety! You have to return to Harar and report to our regiment headquarters there. We may have lost some of them at the moment. The team...There are no assets to be protected, and there are no civilians to be rescued. This is a reconnaissance mission. If you encounter strong resistance, then no matter what intelligence we obtain, we must retreat! This is very important, I mean to say. It’s important that the commander needs as much information about Ouke’s activities in this area as possible for the next strategic planning, and the only way for him to obtain this information is if you are still alive."

The deputy with his long-time partner nodded in understanding, while the others looked a little anxious.

Naman put his hand on the shoulders of the two young members of the team.

"These orders are for the sake of caution."

He told them earnestly.

"I have been a Ranger for 15 years. I have experienced two offensive and defensive battles in Aswan. I didn't get the rank of sergeant just to get myself killed."

The scouts were amused by the poor joke, but when Naman waved them to start moving, they became serious again.

When they started to ride the horse forward, Naman stayed at the back of the team, looking at the deep earth in the southern night, breathing the cold air, leaving the anxiety and worry to himself.


Grak bit off the bone in his mouth and cleaned out the last piece of meat. The rotten meat no longer tasted so resistant to him. The blood and slaughter were enough to fill his stomach.

The plentiful harvest in Jima City made him happy, and the acquisition of materials only accounted for a small part, and more of it came from the blood splashing, the moment his head was flying, and the flame ignited in his body.

Therefore, even though the two guys in the back have been talking nonsense about actions, strategies, etc. through the nerve boy, he did not stop and wait for each other. He is Grak, and he only listens to Guk. , Gu Ke asked him to chop dried shrimps, so he went. As for what the other guys were going to do, he had no interest at all.

Five days have passed since the complete destruction of Jima. He levelled several small villages along the way. Due to drought and poor land in the south of Axum, the population density is much lower than that in the north. Basically, there are some small villages and villages in Zun. The herdsmen's stockade.

Glak didn't want to spend too much time in this kind of ghost place. He knew that he could only find what he wanted by following the railway on the ground.


A noisy guy interrupted his cranky thinking, and Glak glanced over his head angrily and saw that it was "a tendon" bald, the leader of the motorcycle racing team in the legion.

This guy in a red jacket has a motorcycle squad and an unknown number of cavalry. He himself drives a heavy motorcycle named [Arch Nose]. As for his nickname, it is said that he used to drag racing. At that time, he accidentally crashed into a garbage dump, causing a piece of steel to be inserted in his body, but it has not been taken out until now, so everyone called him a tendon.

"What's up!"

"Boys said, some shrimps are coming to us!"

"How many!"

"Ten...a dozen, right?"


Grak slapped the opponent away.

"Next time I use this kind of mess to talk about me, and I'll chop you up!"

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