Orc Tyrant

Chapter 307: Take lightly (top)

The sky was covered with bruise-like ocher red, and the faint sunlight was filtered into a disgusting yellow after penetrating the heavy dust-polluted sky.

Some people say that Arkham is a wounded city, wrecked by human greed, and the strong wind blowing dust clouds is like the cry of the earth, crying for barren nature and ruthless industry.

New California Republic Brigadier General Francis Townsend Dudd wiped the dust off the telescope with a silk towel, looked at the gloomy sky, and kept sighing.

The Minister of Defense assured him that the nation’s reserves have already been mobilized, but this is only a small comfort, because even if all the regular troops across the country are mobilized now, it will take at least two months, but the current situation in Arkham is comparable. Several cult invasions have become more severe.

General Du De, riding on his horse, took a deep breath and looked back at the fortress standing on the plain. The sound of his breathing was intertwined with the rushing wind, like rough metal rubbing against each other.

The Gordon Fortress was established ten years ago. It is a new batch of modern fortresses in the Republic. Unlike the old fortresses, its main materials are concrete and steel bars. In the construction, more attention is paid to standardization and standardization of details. The number of triangular forts has been reduced to a minimum. , Barbed wire and defensive ditches were increased, and the number of hidden machine gun bunkers also reached a new height of 72 places.

The average thickness of the fort’s concrete wall reaches 2.5 meters, and the key position is even more than 4 meters. It can withstand the continuous bombardment of 210 mm howitzers. At the same time, the fort’s counterattack firepower includes hundreds of cannons of 120 mm, 150 mm and 210 mm. This defense is in The contemporaries dare not say that it is the strongest, but the attacker has to pay at least five times the price to be able to fall.

The fortress is also equipped with five steam-powered power generation equipment, water pumps and searchlights, and food reserves are sufficient for the defenders to last for at least half a year.

At that time, the budget was severely exceeded, and even caused a lot of disturbance in Congress, but the project was finally completed successfully.

However, such a copper wall and iron wall did not reassure Du De. As a senior general, he has been paying attention to the rise of Ouke, especially the two Aswan Wars. He has discussed with friends in many salons. He also has first-hand information about that fortress, even more than most people know.

In terms of the size of the garrisoned troops and firepower, Aswan was several times that of Gordon, but under such circumstances, it was still crumbling under the impact of Oak, and eventually destroyed.

For Oak's combat model, Dudd is not without research.

They are by no means pure barbarians. From the first cold weapon attack to the second heavy fire attack, their time is terribly short. They pay attention to quantity and firepower. Large and messy infantry cannon fodder is their main force. As their supreme commander, Guk, is a cunning and changeable guy.

To resist such forces, a high wall is indispensable, but Fort Gordon has everything, that is, there is no wall that can stumble the opponent.

The design of the entire fortress revolves around using humans as opponents. This kind of close combat is not considered in it. In a sense, firepower is the fortress wall.

But is the firepower enough now?

Dudd didn't have much confidence. Aswan didn't do it. He didn't think Gordon could do it.

Thinking of this, his gloved fingers touched the whole row of medals and medals hung on the chest of his coat. Touching these old honors made his face a smile of pain.

Destroyed a large number of cultists entrenched in Echo Cave, suppressed a large-scale workers' uprising, defeated two harpy hunters, and captured a harpy fort...These are glorious moments in his military career. In those wars, there are various glorious and great deeds, like a melting pot, casting him from a fragile and fearful person into a warrior composed of steel and courage.

But this war is different. This is not fighting in some remote corners, fighting in areas occupied by cultists and monsters. This is fighting on the industrial core of Arkham, Essex. This is him. Defense zone.

Speaking of this war, Dude really felt that there was no warning. A large group of Ouke who was still far away in the sinister wasteland suddenly jumped out of the Howling Mountains and rushed directly to Arkham.

Suddenly, Du De shivered, because he remembered that he was standing in a dissection room watching the specimen brought back by the scout that the technician showed him.

He had seen picture books of such monsters in the literature, and read their records in reports, but these did not help to shock him at that moment.

Dudd stared into Naoke's dead eyes.

Calling it a humanoid would be an irony and insult to human biology. It is a rickety, limbed beast with swollen arms, tangled muscles, and an ugly head between two broad shoulders, growing like Tree-like sturdy neck.

Its skin is like old leather, almost entirely disgusting green, huge teeth protruding from its lantern-like chin, round red eyes squeezed on both sides of the ape-like nose, that thick slanted skull It seems that there is no room for the brain. Although it used to carry a heavy and crude primitive gun, when it comes to that thing, scientists will scratch their bald heads in confusion, claiming that it is just bluffing. Impossible to use.

And this is the enemy he has to face.

At the beginning of Ouke’s invasion, a large number of scouts were scattered in the wilderness, and the latest intelligence was passed to his hands every hour.

Du De clenched his fists. He remembered those long and frustrating days. He was in the command room watching Green Skin steadily moving forward on his map, like a surgeon watching the malignant disease on the patient. spread.

Finally, he was determined not to wait anymore, and there was no time for him to wait anymore. Through intelligence, he already knew that the Ork army had been dispersed, and their leaders were currently coming straight to the fortress. This was an opportunity. He was determined to make a desperate move to cut off the world. This malaise—at least slow it down.

The evacuation of Arkham is still continuing, but at this time, it is strictly speaking an undefended city. All government agencies left in the first place. The panicked people also rushed to flee first, which also gave Dude a chance. Opportunity to shrink troops.

He planned to give the so-called King of Oak a head-on blow, and then turned to evacuate from the north of the city, to the meeting of Cardillon, the capital of Essex, with the 7th Infantry Division, where he really wanted to defend.

Du De wiped the dust from his telescope again, watching the wind blowing through the mountains around him.

The crops had just been planted, and the fresh vegetation was shaking in the wind. This was in line with Dudd's plan. Large plantations were scattered everywhere outside Arkham, creating a maze of valley scenery.

This is where the Oak rampage will stop.

Dude wanted to use these valleys. His main infantry regiment was concealed on the hills, and a well-conditioned road passed through the gap between the hills. This had planned a railway and was the closest route directly to Fort Gordon.

"The King of Oak..."

Du De smiled. He watched this tempting road, which was wide and strong, and could be passed through large machinery. He had already learned from intelligence that there was a large-scale heavy artillery cluster in the Ork troops.

His engineers have set up minefields on several kilometers of roads. At the entrance of the road, where the plain enters the valley area, Dude’s division has buried hundreds of heavy grenades, each of which will be in the green. The tare guns and large machinery were detonated as they passed by.

The monsters will be trapped between bombs and mines, and then Dudd's troops will fire from a hidden position on the mountain, intercepting the large green-skinned troops in the middle.

A perfect plan, he almost began to pity these beasts.

Every trap needs a bait, and Dudd provides a good reason for Ork to enter the valley area-Fort Gordon.

He ordered all the heavy artillery to be removed from the gun position, and the camouflage of the machine gun fortress was removed. He can imagine the impact on Ouke. Even if the brains of the beasts are simple, they can also recognize the terrible firepower they have to face. , Guk will definitely try to bypass the direct fire attack and surround it under the cover of the hills.

But it must have never thought that all of this is an illusion. Only 5% of the defenders will be stationed here. All the artillery except for the heavy artillery will be transferred to the hill. The machine gun is also camouflaged with wooden sticks. The real thing has long been transferred to the hill. .

He hadn't planned to stick to the Gordon Fortress from the beginning, and once the main force of Ouke was hit hard, his mission would be completed.

He smiled again.

Yes, he almost felt sorry for these dirty scum.

I'm a bit busy this week, I'm even weaker...

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