Orc Tyrant

Chapter 312: Oak Engine (Part 1)

A rusty steel idol stands in the depths of the jungle, and on top of more than ten meters high is a barrel-shaped head that is crude enough to make a kid laugh. If it weren't for that face...

A cruel face, a sly face, a face full of Oak-style confidence and Oak-style power-the kind that can stare you down, and if you don’t step back, it will probably beat you. face.

It towers high on the outermost periphery of the abandoned city, fenced in a giant workshop between the garbage pit and the crazy town where the nerve boy lives. Behind it are trees and stinking mud from the forest. For a "god", this It’s not a place of face, but the builders don’t trust other mechanics, and other mechanics don’t believe them either.

The idol looked down at the nervous boy's shack, as if looking at a war in the distance-it was on the side of the road as the guide, if it could be seen so far.

The steel colossus inspires any green-skinned soul looking up to it, and it has been inspiring for a while, for the upcoming Waaagh!

The messy Oak tent surrounded it busyly, and the tyrants were not satisfied with the effect of the idol on the boys, not to mention that he had to endure the drooling nerve boy looking at it through the fence day and night.

It is currently unfinished, and this is the most troublesome aspect of the idea.

The entire workshop is not small, but the garbage trucks and garbage dumps are so crowded that they can fill up the mechanic's desk next to the fence.

The farts are running around, their shoulders are marked with gang dwarf tattoos. The workshop exudes the stench of hot metal and ok sweat, the burning sizzle is loud, and the cursing of the idea is louder, but it is not big enough to cover the howling of the nerve boy outside the fence, or the darkness under the tree. The buzz of pests in the forest.

The mechanics gathered together in twos and threes and spoke softly, pointing to this or that pile of paper, trying to figure out why this big guy didn't leave.

The idea guy is worrying about his plan, the loyal fart ball is by his side, and the rest of the guys are running around, their shoulders are marked with gang tattoos.

"The engine is too complicated. The little sun is too difficult to ignite. What's wrong with the solid Scrooge oil injection system?"

He rested his barrel chin on his fist, lost in thought, while his deputy was stiff and his arms slumped beside his head.

"It is impossible to sort out the energy flow of the reactor. These converters are not effective. I don't know why."

Another mechanic came up, carrying a metal disc as big as his face in his hand.

"I don't know why we don't put an oil in it."

Dianzilao's deputy murmured, he has always disapproved of the user's device

"The oil is not good enough, you need a little sun, otherwise you can't move or fight."

Dianzi became quiet, and he stared into the distance, the machine that carried his unlimited imagination and creativity.

He is eager to make it move, to make the guys who laugh at him look good.

Stimulated by Dianzi's anxiety, his drinking buddy perverted boy's cigarette holder began to talk nonsense.

"Alloy, alloy, it deforms at low temperature and will recover after heating...Nuclear fusion is an inevitable consequence of the planet's gravity collapse..."

Generally speaking, no one will listen, but the idea guys can feel the surging of Waaagh-they can all, a kind of hot joy that infects the abandoned city and other tents. They are not the only mechanics under construction, but the idea guy’s dream Greater than most.


Fart Jing Maoqi suddenly screamed, and grabbed Dianzi's mechanic uniform.

"The fighting guy is here."

Harazi, the boss of the Wraith Gang, a guy who loves heavy motorcycles and accelerated rockets, is also a frequent visitor to the idea, but today he is a bit wrong.

One arm is missing, not to mention, even his favorite jug is gone. The whole Ouke just rolled out of the mud, not only in embarrassment, but also very weak.


He screamed and swayed into the workshop with difficulty. His tragedy affected the atmosphere of the scene, and everyone stopped working.

"Halazi, are you being crawled down by someone?"

Grabbing the hip flask next to him and walking forward, Dianzi took a closer look at this guy. He found that his broken arm was only the most serious injury on his body. From his forehead to his thigh, there were large and small wounds. Some are cuts, and some are burns, or gunshot wounds? He is not a pain kid, so he is not sure.

Without saying anything, the guy snatched the hip flask from Dianzi's hand and took a few sips.

"Bah! No one can put me down!"

After drank the wine in the pot, Harazi spit out blood foam and threw the empty pot aside, and the vitality was restored to him.

"Then you... did you fall by yourself?"


Pulling off a rag from the shed on the side, the injured Ouke spit on the dirty cloth a few times before slamming directly on the broken arm.

"I got it by a group of strange things!"

"Weird stuff...you are still beaten up."

"Wh, what was beaten! I was racing there with the boys, and suddenly a bunch of weird things came out, shooting guns and spitting fire! We just ran out of gas..."


This is a new thing, although there is never a lack of new things in the abandoned city, but the idea guy smells a different breath from it.

"Tell me, how did you come across?"

"On the north side, on the other side by the sea, the forest is not spacious enough, so the boys are thinking about going to the beach, it's spacious..."

"Wait, those things you said came out of the sea?"

"I don't know, they... anyway, they suddenly jumped out, there is still a strange smell on their bodies, quite a lot."

"is it a lot?"


Harazi nodded vigorously.


Dian Zi Lao raised his head and looked at that direction. He had been there, witnessed the endless sea, and imagined what the other side of the sea was.

But the news brought him more alertness.

"What then? You were beaten?"

"I was not beaten!"

The head of Oak, who was seriously injured in self-esteem, raised his remaining arm, and his huge fist shook in front of Dianzi, but this didn't scare him.

"Okay, I just assume you fell, then what?"

"Then...they fight with us, and we fight with them, but there are more of them, but less of us. My car broke down, so I thought about withdrawing and repairing the car before going to fight them."

"Did you drive the car back?"

"No, it's broken half way, it's very bad."

"How thorough?"

"The only wheel also exploded."

"I understand, so you are here to buy a car?"

As soon as he heard this, the guy's face suddenly collapsed. He scratched the wound on his body and said falteringly:

"Uh, what... uh, borrow it first, okay?"

Dianzi didn't say a word, just touched the fart ball beside him with his foot, and the other party immediately took a board from his pocket and held it high above his head.

The above lists the prices of various machinery and weapons in great detail.

Then Dianzihao turned around and walked to his workshop. He didn't want to waste a second on this guy.

"Hey hey! Wait! Don't, don't do this!"

Harazi kicked the fur ball into the sky with one kick, and then hurried to catch up with Dianzi, pressing his shoulder and saying:

"I have a piece of news, maybe it can help you fix that big iron bump."


The idea stopped, but he didn't look back.

"I heard a few days ago that the **** guy from the Bad Eyes turned out something from the bottom of the abandoned city. I heard that it was also a big iron bump, but they got a baby out of it, the one with the hat. The mechanic has already made an offer to buy... You get me a new car, and I will contact you with a great one, and he can help you get that thing."

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