Orc Tyrant

Chapter 331: Refugee (middle)

With his usual speed and efficiency, Brandi tied the horse to the wreckage of a nearby factory, and the fragmented mechanical parts walked in the grass under the broken roof. Although Tuco didn’t know what it was once produced, but He agrees with Brandi's choice.

If they have to retreat during the action, the surrounding ruins can provide an excellent shelter.

Tuco hoped that everything went so smoothly. When Brandi moved over, he listened attentively to the sounds around him, but he couldn't hear anything except the sound of his own heartbeat.

"Let me go first, sir."

Brandi released his carbine and quickly ran to the nearest place where the sun hits. He lowered his body and aimed at the street outside.

After a while, he raised a hand and signaled that there was no enemy on either side of the street.

"Pay attention to concealment."

Tuke deliberately strengthened his tone and climbed down from behind the ruins.

For a moment, he felt a little unstable in his standing, so he immediately pulled out the pistol and cavalry sword from his waist. The feeling of the weapon in his hand made him calmer immediately.

He walked quickly across the empty street and squatted down beside Brandy, not daring to breathe.

Not far away, the strong sunlight in the morning was reflected by the surface of the opposite building. It was another building. It looked like it used to be a church, but now its roof was obviously lifted by a large-scale explosion. It was originally designed. Obviously, the teacher had never thought of using more walls to deal with unexpected incidents.

The explosion left deep cracks in the walls, some weak spots have collapsed, doors and windows were shattered, and the roads between the buildings were covered with debris.

Other things around were seriously damaged, and even the building they were hiding in was not spared. The cracks in the wall that Tuco used to observe all of this were obviously caused by debris from the explosion.

"It's a mess here."

The recruits around him commented so, Tuco nodded in agreement.

"I hope they are not the main force of Oak."

"Holy Father is always dependent."

The mantra he often said came out of Brandy's mouth, and then they clung to the outer wall of the building and entered the town, and began to cautiously explore this dilapidated town.

At first, no signs of survivors were found. There is a lot of evidence to prove this, but they still hope that Greenskin has given up here.

There were corpses lying everywhere, mostly humans, of all ages and genders. Apparently when they tried to escape, they were hit by bullets or chopped into meat sauce by sharp melee weapons.

However, the situation was not one-sided. There were also green-skinned corpses lying around. Among them were a small number of muscular monsters, similar to those in the soldier's manual, and some scrawny guys about the size of human victims.

"It's been a while."

Tuko came to a conclusion after stopping to look at the body of a local sheriff who died for protecting civilians.

His weapon was taken away, and Green Skin killed him. Judging from the wound on the corpse of a fart next to it, it was obviously a large-caliber revolver.

His body, like everyone else, was highly decomposed and shriveled, which meant that he had been dead for a long time.

"damn it……"

Brandi nodded, staring at the green-skinned corpse in a daze, obviously hoping that he had a torch in his hand to burn them to ashes.

The deeper they go into this devastated town, the worse the situation becomes.

Ironically, they learned from passing signs and merchants that the town was named Xianghejing.

They looked around, and their eyes were full of the brutal atrocities of the invaders. The killing and destruction were purely out of their own desires. Although Tuco was usually pragmatic, this time he felt unable to restrain the anger in his heart.

He could feel Brandi's feelings, and for the first time he could understand the unforgettable hatred of the Arkhams towards these creatures.

It is difficult for anyone to accept that a peaceful and peaceful town is so ruined, especially knowing that his hometown suffered the same suffering a month ago. Such shame is intolerable.

At this time, Brandi and him were a few meters apart, alternately covering each other from bunker to bunker, relying on sign language to communicate, and trying to minimize the sound.

But when Tuco was about to leave the bunker in front of a store, Brandi raised his hand to stop him, and turned to hide in the shadow of a trash can.

"There are enemies."

His sign language expresses such a message, and at the same time he raises his weapon.

Tuco understood that he squeezed the gun in his hand, squatted down, and looked carefully at the street outside.

Before long, he waited for the target.

A group of fart spirits slowly entered his field of vision. They were pushing a huge trolley, chattering and noisy, and an ordinary green skin followed behind, fighting the fart spirits, obviously urging them to hurry. Some advance, but ignore the quarrel between them.

The cart was full of corpses. Thinking of some biped monster he had encountered in the wild, Tuco had a terrible guess about their final destination.

"Don't fire."

Tuco made a gesture, and Brandi nodded coldly in the distance.

Although the target is so attractive, although the Holy Father can feel the righteous anger that Brandi has accumulated in his chest at that moment, Tuco believes that there is no need to let them notice their existence because of venting their emotions.

They obviously didn't notice the existence of Tuco and Brandy, and the fart spirit moved forward with a brisk pace under Greenskin's supervision.

When Greenskins had their vision, Brandi ran over to meet Tuco, and he seemed to have something to say.

"There seems to be something to the south, I'm sure I heard something."

"To the south is..."

Tuco stared at the compass that was taken out of the bag, and the pointer was pointing to the direction the orc had just gone out for food, and he sighed deeply.

Although worried about this adventure, they passed through the center of the town unscathed.

In other words, to Tuco's surprise, Brandi and him passed through the southern part of the town alive, but the closer they were to the center of the town, the more green skins or other things they would see. If he could, he really didn't want to Remember what you learned about this journey.

They once passed by a destroyed and desecrated library where the books were burned out. Judging from the stench, Green Skin used it as a temporary toilet.

Even if it was not defiled, it was eclipsed in front of the administrative building in the center of the town where they first saw it.

Obviously this was once an elegant and well-proportioned building. The wide square in front was cleverly arranged with fountains and colonnades for the townspeople to relax and enjoy the cool. But now the windows and statues of the building are covered with corpses twisting in the wind. Seeing the dresses and robes, Tuco believes that those people were once officials and priests.

Although they have all become dry corpses, it is obvious that very few people die easily without experiencing torture.

Brandi spit, but the feeling in Tuco's heart was unspeakable.

A lot of green skins can be seen along the way, large and small, and they are wandering around for some reason. Most of them are concentrated on yelling and fighting each other.

Once or twice, they saw them pull out their weapons to resolve the argument. Although they only left some bullet holes and axe wounds on their opponents, none of the guys who participated in the brawl suffered permanent damage, and most of them were green skinned. They all ignored the immediate disputes. The roaring vehicles exacerbated the noisy atmosphere. They drove completely regardless of the safety of their owners and pedestrians, just like they had seen motorcycles before.

In the end, in the direction Brandi heard the change, they saw the same foraging squad as they had seen before, but not all the squads were looking for fresh meat.

Some carts are full of scraps, while other green leathers tend to collect scrap metal.

What shocked and surprised them both was that, through the careful identification of the telescope, the scrawny **** Tuke had seen before turned out to be human prisoners!

When he pointed out the guys who described haggard and staggering to Brandi with a strong disgust, he just nodded coldly.

"The coward can only die in shame."

Although he said so, Tuco did not agree with him.

In fact, a person must possess extraordinary perseverance in order to survive the brutal long-term slavery of the green skin, but for normal people, this is very difficult.

Undoubtedly, the atrocities in front of the government affairs building were originally intended to intimidate these survivors and make them settle for a life of enslavement. There are various signs that Green Skin has achieved their goals.

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