Orc Tyrant

Chapter 338: Countermeasure

Dark clouds rolled in the sky over the mountains of Bill Tevere, blurring the trail of stars and filtering the moonlight into a dirty gray.

The continuous drizzle and the falling residues attached everything to a smooth and greasy surface. Campfires were scattered throughout the positions, and the soldiers huddled together to keep warm and promote feelings.

Others worked **** defense facilities, digging deep trenches and simple fortresses, and placing machine guns facing the wasteland.

There are bunkers dug for the placement of howitzers, mortars, and machine guns at intervals. If the scouts are correct about the Greenskin’s re-attack, they will definitely come from this direction.

Yushkin stood by a large-caliber howitzer docked in a bunker, searching for any traces of movement on the horizon with a telescope, but there was nothing left except the orange flares swaying in the distance.

That must be the scouts of the forward of the Ork army, the Rangers are correct after all, they are organizing an attack outside the range of the artillery fire.

The hazy moonlight bathed the entire mountain in black and white. Yushikin sat listlessly on the other side of the bunker, lost in thought, sighed, shook his head and touched his pockets to try to find a cigarette.

Eventually, he found one in his left breast pocket, then beat the match rhythmically to light it.

Taking a deep breath, filling his lungs with smoke, Yushikin tried to make a judgment about what will happen in the future.

He could hear the soldiers of the first regiment working behind him.

Most of them have recovered from the shock and are desperately preparing to survive.

Some guys whispered excitedly for the arrival of Ouke, and from time to time they exclaimed for hearing the difficult crimes they caused. Rumors and legends swept the camp like an infectious disease, making everyone rejuvenated and trembling with excitement. .

In fact, not everyone, Yushijin sat alone, recalling the two nightmarish battles, and the acquaintances who turned into corpses. These people still fell in the place where they died, and no one went to collect them.

He still remembers that night, the mixed blood soaked the ground, and in just an hour, more than half of his company was killed.

Those are his people, good people who have been born and died countless times.

People still call them cowards.

Taking another breath, Yushijin exhaled a thin strip of smoke into the night sky.

Really good tobacco, growing in the dry soil of Axum, for a moment, he even felt that he had tasted the smell of blood that had penetrated into the soil.


The word stuck in his mind, burning his soul like a piece of hot carbon that kept surrounding it.

He never told anyone about it. Something did happen in the second Battle of Aswan. Several of his soldiers turned and fled in the face of fear and pressure. He personally solved most of them—— Put to death those who have been with you day and night.

Guilt gnawed at his conscience and made his head aching.

Glancing at the line of defense, Yushkin saw several people sitting alone in silence. They were obviously worried and left their comrades temporarily.

Those stories about Oak had some influence on them. The small sparks on the cigarettes of these people marked them in the dark, like fireflies on the line of defense.

But Yushkin didn't want to punish them for stopping work. The fortifications were improving rapidly, because most people were driven by optimism to work with enthusiasm.

He was very happy that his subordinates were able to handle everything that happened on their own-the last thing they needed was the commander yelling for their cowardice and apostasy. Everyone knew what had happened, and some chose to forget to smooth out what was coming. The fear of fighting, other people rely on themselves to discover the last trace of tenacious will in the body.

But some people, such as Yushkin, simply discovered the terrible truth-they are still cowards after all.

Anger and confusion shook in Yushikin's brain, and the scene of the meeting two days ago appeared in front of him again. It was a choice he didn't know how to make.

"According to intelligence, a tribe of Ork has separated from their kind and is rushing here, planning to do a mountaineering activity."

General Prokhov's words were very relaxed, and he even hoped to make everyone smile, but no one could laugh.

When they heard that Oak started fighting, many people were as happy as marrying a wealthy young widow. They laughed and scolded Oak for his stupidity and chaos in this place, but now no one can laugh.

"Ahem, rectify it. I think it is more appropriate to call it a legion. They are organized in a way that does not resemble primitive tribes."

The secret guard from the royal family, or the night blade, interrupted Prokhov with a smile. He represented the shadow prince to participate in this combat meeting and was able to put forward his own opinions. Some people think that he is just a monitor, in order to guarantee the army. The loyalty to the royal family, and some people very much approve of his insights on many issues of Oak, Yushikin is one of them.

But in any case, this face was always smiling, and the man in black did not cause any trouble to the people around him.

"Mr. Charlie said yes, that is."

Prokhov responded briefly, and then continued on his topic.

"This department...this legion has no clear records at present. It only appeared briefly in the second battle of Aswan. We have no way of knowing their leader, but according to the latest intelligence detected by the Rangers, the main body of this legion The scale is between 150,000 and 250,000, and the overall scale is around 500,000."

Everyone present took a breath.

However, the night blade smiled and waved his hand.

"Don't be nervous, everyone. Ok's poor command system determines that unless their leader Guk personally comes forward, 100,000 to 200,000 is probably the command limit of a warlord, and the rest can be completely ignored."

"But that's also 500,000 euros."

General Prokhov dropped this sentence coldly, and then continued:

"At present, they are rushing towards the West Ridge of Bill Taiweiler at full speed. According to our existing strength, it is not realistic to completely block this army."

After saying this, he turned his gaze back to Charlie Yablade, but the other party just shrugged, and then stood up.

He glanced at all the officers present, as well as the representatives of the Three Witches and the East Kaimon Church, put down the expression on his face, and used a rare solemn tone.

"Everyone, we must block them! The main force of the empire now has to guard against the trust council on the other side of the strait on the one hand, and on the other hand to solve the increasingly serious invasion of the beasts, and the support it can provide is very limited.

Some people made a sniffing sniff, some sighed, and some others sneered.

Overall, the atmosphere is not optimistic.

"It's hard to stick to it, and I know it, so I propose a counterattack!"

At this time, everyone was stunned, even Prokhov was stunned.

"You, you say..."

"General, I am not a professional, but I can also see that things that Aswan cannot do can not be done with this mountain line of defense, so we must change our thinking."

"It's simple!"

The chief of staff also stood up, and he banged the desk angrily with his pen.

"We are short of supplies! The equipment is old, and the recruits have not been able to replenish them! This also allows us to fight back! That is to let us commit suicide!"

Charlie looked at him, waiting for him to finish.

"I know these questions better than you, Major General Asek."

"Then you still..."

Prokhov interrupted the Chief of Staff with a wave. He looked at Charlie and asked with suspicion:

"do you have any plans?"

Charlie turned and walked towards the big map hung on the wall, pointing to a location in the mountains.

"Here, Highland No.19, a natural funnel-shaped valley, happens to be a key location in the Western Ridge. We are here to conduct a defensive counterattack, lure Oak’s main force into the valley, and then cut off their retreat from both sides. According to Ouke’s combat habits, their warlords and leaders will surely rush to the forefront. As long as we concentrate on destroying Ouke’s main force in the valley, the remaining army will collapse without fighting!"

Everyone stared at the map, thinking about the feasibility of this plan.

But it didn't take long before Prokhov let out a sneer.

"Oh, even if Ok is stupid, he knows that this place is a natural trap, let alone whether they will get in, even if they do, how can they get their pockets with our little force? If the forces on both sides are thin , It will allow the Oke troops in the rear to rush in. If the frontal force is insufficient, then Oke is likely to pierce the pocket directly."

This was a question that stumped Charlie. He thought for a while and asked tentatively:

"Frontal terrain is more conducive to defense. Can a small number of troops hold on?"

Everyone laughed now, which embarrassed Charlie.

"Please! How much is a small amount? One regiment? One division? How many divisions do we have in total?"

"Why don't you take your doglegs and try it!"

"That's Ok! It's not a human, nor a beast! They can hit five of us! Even if only a few thousand numbers come in, it's not a simple matter!"

Amid the noise, two coughs interrupted everyone's voices. Everyone turned their heads and found that Yushkin was leaning against the window and smoking cigarettes one by one.

When he finished his last puff, he stepped on the cigarette **** and said in a low voice:

"I don't know if our regiment can stand it..."

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