Orc Tyrant

Chapter 341: Blood Flag (2)

Soldier Zavi’s favorite rifle was named Sarabova.

He named it after the first and only woman he slept with, and later he met other women in other places, but none of them can remember him like Sarabova.

At that time, he was still a young guy who had just passed the recruit training, and was temporarily relaxed during the last few days of his stay in the station.

Going to serve in the Axum Army is a recognized chore, so like other recruits, Zavi got a stack of banknotes and was told to go out and find a partner who was "happy with each other", and maybe he could do it for himself. Leave a descendant in this world.

In their hometown, everyone who went out to serve as a soldier had such a "tradition", although Zavi didn't have any special thoughts about it.

He always thought that he was a stunned boy who had no relationship with the opposite sex. He had no idea how to pick up girls and had to mix in with a large group of recruits and followed them to a notorious red light district not far from the training base.

He was very unlucky at first, and as it got late, most people began to pair up with women who seemed very happy.

The strong sense of inferiority makes Zavi look inferior. The only thing that makes him absolutely confident is the marksmanship that he has been practicing hard long ago-in the literal sense.

Just when he was about to give up his journey of hunting pornography, a skinny girl walked in the door drunkly and threw up his neat and bright uniform after tripping in Zavi's arms by her own feet.

He flew into a rage and yelled at her and rolled away immediately, but the other party did not flinch before his rage. This plain-looking girl with big brown eyes yelled at his face and made him Shut up, sit back, less smelly...

Zavi still doesn't understand why he would follow suit. Perhaps the strict training has allowed him to form a conditioned reflex to obey orders.

After a while, she walked back from the bar again, banged two drinks in front of him, and then sat down in the chair beside him without waiting for an invitation, and started talking with him.

Zavi can't remember the content of the conversation anymore, just remembering side by side that her perfume smells good.

Before he could react, they had returned to her sloppy little single room, and they were entangled in the bed racing against time.

When Zavi woke up in the morning, he looked around dizzyly, and then saw that she was standing by a blue flame cooking breakfast. He threw her a smile, but he didn't get a smile in response.

Sarabova, Sarabova, cruel, quiet and deadly, do not fall.

He loaded the gun, ready to play a new bullet.

He never understood why she disgusted him. From the moment she got out of bed, she began to make vicious comments about his hard work the night before.

Her insults are painful, and the ridicule is even worse. Even the breakfast she made was prepared for herself. If Zavi didn’t pay, she would have to go hungry. She didn’t care if he had intimacy with herself. Relationship.

When he left, she chased out the door behind him. He was wearing a sloppy and messy uniform, chased by her verbal abuse through the alleys full of garbage and the sky above his head.

It sounds not romantic at all, but it is really impressive.

Will she have a son for me? He wants to know.

Or a daughter? Or for men and women?

Zavi asked himself dozens of times, but he thought that might not really matter, because he might never be able to confirm.

She brought him a wonderful and terrible night in his life. Her touch was exciting, and her bullet-like words were amazingly destructive, so he later named his love gun after her-this shadow king Very remodeled, silver rifle with a beautiful streamline.

Just like the feeling her skin gave him, it also made him tremble slightly.

He pressed his eyes on the scope and clearly adjusted his target to the center of the focal length. The distance was about 600 yards, and the wind was negligible.

In the past, they used the same rifle as ordinary soldiers. It was not a good weapon. Although the accuracy was good, it was not powerful enough to kill an Ouke, let alone the best of them. .

That's right, their target was never ordinary greenskins. Yushkin asked the snipers to only shoot at those big guys, the guys with the biggest body, the most colorful, and the most flamboyant-looking guys. They were the frontline commanders of the greenskins.

The best way to defeat the herd is to beheaded. Yushkin understands this very well.

With the assistance of the Shadow King Court, all the snipers in the group were replaced with handicraft rifles that fire explosive ammunition. Compared with ordinary rifles, it is more difficult to control, but a well-concealed shooter can use it without exposing himself. Kill the target.

In addition to the high-power sights, Sarabova also installed a magical noise and flame suppressor, just like her performance that night, reticent, but enthusiastic.

It is worth mentioning that Zavi likes to have a friendly match with a row of snipers called "Clockwork" Izgro. Everyone is betting on who can win the most kills in this battle.

There are more people betting on the old clockwork to win, but Zavi is confident to win this competition.

He moved his gaze to the target. It was a tall dark-skinned Oker rushing forward. It was wearing a necklace made of iron wire through several human palms. The armor on his body was painted dazzlingly. Yellow, with a gun in one hand and a knife in the other.

It completely ignored the surrounding explosions and shooting, bent on rushing through their positions, and even punched and kicked the greenskins who were slightly cowering, as if eager to send them to death.

The Father is above.

Zavi cursed while praying, these beasts are pure rubbish, and sending them to **** is what everyone should do.

He pulled the trigger while slowing his breath, and a whisper passed through the air.

In the scope, Zavi saw the target’s head suddenly tilted back in a cloud of blood, and then fell face up to the sky with a large black hole through the skull, and the corpse was quickly trampled by other orcs, almost Can't observe anymore.

But the green skins who had surrounded him before showed a certain amount of dazedness, seeming to be puzzled and confused by the sudden death of their boss.

Ah, Sarabova spit out another terrible curse from her lips.

There was a smile at the corner of his mouth.

You never get tired of killing, right, my love?

Zavi imagined the smell of perfume he had sniffed, and he used chalk to carve a piece on the wooden board on the side, and then he pushed the gun into the load, and continued to play the next bullet.

Farther away, a tall battle flag is slowly approaching...

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