Orc Tyrant

Chapter 366: Weird vine

The humans ran away, they ran clean, and even the fortresses and observation posts they built were blown up. It seemed that they planned to never return to this place.

Guk can understand their fears, because he knows his own power. It seems reasonable and normal for humans to dare not face him, but one thing makes him quite puzzled.

"This mountain... is it like this?"

Shabal scratched his head and replaced his left hand with a smaller mechanical claw. The price he paid was that he owed Okimid more debts, but it was totally worth it. All the Black Fire fighters in the position of the warlord will get on the ground.

Focusing on the mountain in front of him, Shabal clearly remembered that the place where he had fought was a barren stone mountain, but now...

At a glance, it was full of lush green, as if someone had put a green blanket on this mountain.

"I take a look..."

Grabbing the binoculars from the fart, Guk carefully looked at the mountainous area in front of Bil Taiweiler, the more he looked at it, the deeper his doubts.

It is not the plants that he knows that brings the greenery, nor is it trees, nor shrubs, nor grass, but a large number of weird vines and thorns, as well as some thorny plants, which looks really unusual.

Even Guke, who has no knowledge of botany, knows that few vines can survive on their own. They always need to depend on other life, but there is probably nothing but stones in this place.

"It doesn't matter, go and see."

Throwing the binoculars back to the face of the bullshit, Guk led the boys towards the hilly area. As for the war machines, including King Mao, they all stayed outside-now its driver is Okimid.

The boys are very carefree. They all think that such a place is better than Stone Mountain, but Gu Ke's doubts are getting heavier. Those vines make him feel very uncomfortable. They don't have the vigorous life force of common plants. On the contrary, There is a feeling of corruption.

As it got deeper and deeper, strange things became more and more. Some kids claimed to smell strange smells, and some kids said they heard something.

Guk brought three legions this time, including a large number of newly born boys from the sinister wasteland. The number is even larger than the scale of the Expedition to Arkham from the Howling Mountains, so he is not worried that humans will play any tricks. In the face of such a number, no matter how many tricks are just a joke.

When he greeted Liya to fly into the sky to check the situation, the accident finally happened.

The moment the vine came alive was not accompanied by a roar, but a whisper.

At first, Guke thought it was just the wind blowing between the valleys, and the soft rustling sound of the slender weeds swaying made this idea believable. When a guard was slammed to the ground, he I realized that something was wrong.

The other guards immediately gathered in his position, and their weapons were aimed at the invisible ambushers.

When he noticed that the dense vines were suffocating the attacked guards, he really realized that this was indeed a trap.

Guk took out his magic blade and swiped it downwards, cutting open the vines, and the light green sap splashed on the guard's dark green armor.

Then the guard who was pulled down jumped up, and then pulled and pulled the deadly vines that were covered with vicious barbs on his breastplate, but more and more hostile plants had already attacked them. The small clearing where they were standing climbed up, and the Oukes pointed their weapons in all directions, trying to hide the hostile target.


Batka was the second to fall to the ground. The surrounding Okers immediately turned around and fired at the creeping plants that were holding him tightly. Then Mangul and Momac were even lifted off the ground by the abnormal vegetation. He lost the gun in his hand when he was suddenly lifted up.

The clicking sound of the big gun broke the tranquility of the mountain area, and large sections of vine fragments splashed around in disorder, and a thick layer accumulated on the ground in an instant.

Guk pointed the master craftsman's pistol at the vine that was entwining Momac, but before he fired the shot, the crazy plant suddenly stretched out between his feet and tightly entangled Guk's thick wrist.

At the same time, more sprawling canes continued to beat his calf and violently tried to push him to the ground.

"What the hell!!"

Guk pulled out and waved the Demon Slayer with his other hand, freeing the hand holding the gun, allowing him to fire straight ahead, destroying the attacking cane with bullets.

Soon, two more vines tried to entangle him, Guk violently tore it off, and then trampled it with iron boots to completely wipe it out.

On his left, the guard leader Mangul drew his phase axe and cut off the dense vine that had just climbed to his feet.

A guard was smashing the vine in front of him with the butt, because at this time the shot would hit the other comrades. His chain saw axe was jammed by the thickest part of the vine, and some of the vines were stuck. Shi entangled him again.

Suddenly, an unnatural green flame suddenly erupted, burning the rattans, and the air was full of a heavy smell of burnt plants.

Another flame burned to death the vines that were tightly wrapped around Batka. Under the high temperature, the green plants instantly turned black and shrunk.

Mogdrogen, the only one who didn't wear armor, walked among his fellows with a lazy confidence, as if he didn't care about the battle that was going on right beside him.

He lightly waved his wrist, and a cluster of vines that had just invaded the open space was immediately turned into ashes by a ball of emerald green flames. Once again, he waved his hand and a huge wall of fire rose up, pushing the moving plants back, and the air began to reverberate. Vaguely roar and scream.

After experiencing the initial chaos, the burning boys began to pour out their anger with their torches. The scorching hot oil splashed on the low bushes, burning down the trees, and roasting the vines to powder.

Those burning creeping plants turned over and turned like an animal version, igniting other vines by the way.

After a few minutes, all the vines were removed, except for the slight crackling sound of smoldering plants and the thick gray smoke rolling into the sky. Everything in the mountains looked the same as before the attack.

But the gunshots and roars in the distance have not stopped, and it is clear that it is not just Guk who is in trouble.

Around him, the guards took off the helmet and part of the armor, inspected the damage to the armor piece, and ripped off the armor with the hook teeth and barbs sharp enough to penetrate steel.

Check the weapons and refill the bullets, but during the whole process, they stayed vigilant to prevent those crazy vines from appearing again.

When everything calmed down a little, Batka walked over to Guk.

"These are not plants."

His big face was covered with green chlorophyll secretion, and blood flowed down his cheek from the barb pierced under his right eye.

"what is that."

"It's kind of like... this."

He raised his finger and pointed at the shriveled head swaying in the wind behind Guk.

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