Orc Tyrant

Chapter 398: Break the Army (1)

"Sir, look here."

As the photographer pressed the shutter, the spotlight ignited violently, releasing bursts of dazzling flashes, and at the same time it also fixed General Ben Lier's vigorous posture for a moment.

He was wearing a neat general's dress, pressing the hilt with one hand, and stroking his elegant moustache with the other. At his feet was the corpse of Oak, and there were more corpses of Oak behind him as a background.

Reporters from all over the country formed a circle and asked questions while taking photos.

"General Lier, I am an interview reporter for "Cardillon Today". May I ask you, how is this battle going?"

Ben Lier removed his feet from Oak's body and replied in a very solemn tone:

"Everything went well. We successfully defeated the enemy's defenders. They could only run away with their tails in front of our cannons and machine guns, if they had any."

Such a funny answer caused a burst of laughter.

"Hello General, I am the special commissioner of the Hain Society. May I ask you, what do you think about fighting Ouke? How barbarous are they?"

The question was a young lady with long wavy golden hair.

"They are a group of beasts, there is no doubt about it, but their muscles can't play a role in combat. They are so stupid that they don't even have the most basic tactical skills. Generally speaking, they don't have any warfare capabilities."

"Then ask you again, do they have the vice of cannibalism?"

"Well, this is a very cruel question, but I don't really want to answer it."

Ben Lier touched his beard, and after thinking for a moment, he said in a deep voice:

"But I have an obligation to make these atrocities public. Yes, they do eat people, and they even do more abominable and blasphemous behaviors than cannibalism. They are a kind of public hazard!"

"Thank you for your answer."

"General Lier, hello, I am a war correspondent for The Financier Times. May I ask you, what was the outcome of this battle? What about the casualties?"

"The final result of this battle will be released by the headquarters and the Ministry of National Defense to the unified public. As for the casualties, I can only answer one sentence, which is minimal."

"General Lier, I am a correspondent for the Dawn Morning Post. I would like to ask you, what is the current situation between ourselves and the enemy? And the next move of the troops."

"This is a military secret, no comment."

"General Lil..."

There are more reporters wanting to ask questions, but the guards have stepped up to separate them, and the deputy chief of staff said aloud:

"The interview time is over, please go back and rest first!"

In desperation, the reporters had no choice but to disperse. At this time, the soldiers began to take away the green-skinned corpses and burn them. In other words, during the entire process of capturing Citrus Town, they killed the Hundred-Lai enemy. Those big mounds are actually empty.

But Ben Lier publicized that he had killed tens of thousands of enemies, so that he became the only general who won a "campaign-level victory" after the entire Thunderstorm operation was launched.

Even the commander of the Western Theater Command Grett also sent a congratulatory message, and all parts of the country hyped the victory, calling it the "Tangerine Town Victory." As for the corpse count, it is of course impossible to investigate, because according to the Benedict Empire According to the statement, the green-skinned corpse was to be burned in the first place.

The only thing that can prove this victory is that as for the large number of weapons and items left by Oak, these things are now well protected by Ben Lier. This is the capital for his future promotion, and even the capital for his future political competition.

In the New California Republic, it is a very common thing for veterans to participate in politics, and Ben Lier's ambition is not just a general.

"General, something went wrong."

Just as he was about to return to his command post, the chief of staff found him in a panic.

"what's happenin?"

"Grey Mountain is lost."


This scared him into a cold sweat, and hurriedly followed the chief of staff back to the command post, where the commander of the 17th Infantry Division had been waiting for a while.


"What did you eat!!"

As soon as Ben Lier came up, he slapped the table, and everyone in the command post was taken aback.

"What's the situation with Grey Mountain?"

"Sir, according to your order, I only sent a reconnaissance company to garrison there, but Ouke suddenly launched an attack, so"

"Stop talking nonsense! Are all your scouts dead? I don't know if the enemy comes over?"

"Sir, this matter is about to be reported to you. All the investigative teams sent out in the past two days have disappeared. The investigative company commander of Grey Mountain had no idea about the enemy's movements, so he could only choose to stop the investigation. The enemy’s chance."

"All missing?"

Ben Lier realized the seriousness of the problem. He came to the map and stared at the whole front for a while.

"Grey Mountain, is it..."

He looked at the location of the nearby friendly forces. It was not far, but not very close. If the enemy suddenly surrounded him, then he might be the first victim.

This idea started him in a cold sweat.

"How many oaks are there?"

He turned around and stared at his subordinates solemnly.

"According to those who came back, the number of enemy troops was about 1,000. Although not many, there were very few people in the investigation company. They could not stop it.

"No, no, no, no more than that."

Ben Lier waved his hand, disagreeing with what the other party said.

"This should only be the beginning, at least tens of thousands in the back."


The commander of the 17th Division recalled what Commander Kaur had said.

"... The previous week's reconnaissance did not find a large number of enemies near Ash Mountain."

"Sir, shouldn't we take advantage of the enemy's failure to gain a foothold and take back the Ash Mountain?"

The Chief of Staff also expressed his views at this time. He pointed to the location of Vader City and said:

"After all, this is the only retreat for the Second Army's northward direction. We promised to shield their flank before. Now we are negligent. If it is from the headquarters..."

"No, no, no."

Ben Lier waved his hand again.

"No one has stipulated that they must withdraw north. It is also the same way to withdraw south. Moreover, I feel that Greenskin's target is likely to be us. At this time, the forces cannot be dispersed."

He walked a few steps back and forth with his hands behind his back, and the rest of the eyes were also on him, waiting for him to make a decision.

Suddenly, Ben Lier stopped, looked up at the commander of the 17th Division, and asked:

"Did the detective company resist?"

"A few shots...forget it."

"You go back to the army first, let them shut their mouths by the way."

When the commander of the 17th Division left, Ben Lier said to his chief of staff:

"Telegram to Commander Grete that Oukeqi attacked Grey Mountain. The officers and soldiers of our 17th Division bravely resisted for half a day. However, the number of enemy troops was several times that of our defenders. They had to withdraw from the position. The current enemy has occupied Grey Mountain and threatened Citrus Town. The possibility of crossing the river."

The river crossing he was referring to might be a ferry near Citrus Town. The water flow here is gentle and the water level is lower than other river sections. An adult who knows how to swim can swim to the opposite bank in just one minute, if it’s on the bank. With heavy artillery, it is also difficult for the inland river fleet to deploy, and it is a natural forcible position.

"The situation is urgent, please consider the instructions of the headquarters."

After the chief of staff took these notes down, he hesitated for a moment, and still asked:

"The Second Army...what should I say?"

"I hope to understand, that's okay, just post it."


Not long after this telegram was sent, Ben Lier received instructions from Admiral Great that the Sixth Army retreat and return to the west bank of the Duron River to protect Cardillon's safety.

According to the Second Army guarding Vader, they were unaware of this.

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