Orc Tyrant

Chapter 526: Raid on the Port of Sal (6)

Various voices flooded the communication network, and no one responded to the orders issued by the superiors, and the arranged tactics were rarely followed, and everyone was stunned.

Soros, the captain of the new battleship Nightfall, hurriedly walked the streets, listening to countless chaotic screams.

But in his mind, a command was repeated hoarsely, and he heard the command crying, screaming, and roaring over and over again.

【All crew boarding】

【All crew boarding】

【All crew boarding】

"This is a long-planned attack. We can't even know the identity of the enemy."

His deputy captain was also by his side. The day before the storm, the entire First Fleet returned to the port. This season, storms are very common, and they are generally a rare rest time for them to reunite with their families.

In fact, the port also has a series of measures to cope with the attack, but no one would have thought that the enemy would be so fast that it even rushed under the nose when the alarm was first issued.

"Did you not hear the sound of those rockets? If my memory is not wrong, only Ok's weapon will make such a movement."

Soros is an experienced captain. At the age of 43, he started as the captain of a small frigate and became the helm of the Republic’s new battleships. He has also participated in many maritime conflicts during this period. Therefore, regardless of experience and vision, It is one of the best in the entire Republic of the Navy.

And he also led the Night Veil to participate in the bombardment of Port Van Gillie. Oak's fighting style left a deep impression on him, as did the weapons made by this crazy and violent race.

"But they obviously don't even have a sampan—"

"Throw away your blind arrogance, look at all of this, we have paid a heavy price for underestimating them again and again, so before things get worse, we immediately return to the battleship."

The wind blew his coat hunting, Soros glanced at his watch, ten minutes had passed since the attack began.

Judging by the firepower displayed by the enemy, ten minutes can cause enough damage.

Some scattered officers also saw them and came to inquire about the situation, and Soros also unceremoniously asked them to return to his warship quickly, whether the captain was or not, they should immediately command and fight.

At present, the commander-in-chief of the fleet is still in a state of losing contact.

"Where did they come from? I clearly remember that Port Fanjili had been bombed to ruins..."

The deputy captain watched the rocket drag the hot tail flame rain down the city.

The city of Thrall is by no means defenseless, even if the enemy's rockets roared over the battlefield, cannonballs rained down from the sky, crashing into houses, near high walls, and even in courtyards, the city itself was still desperately resisting.

After all, it is a military port, and measures to welcome the enemy were formulated at the beginning of its establishment.

The towering turrets and machine gun towers spewed waves of barrage into the air. The rockets that hit the ground ignited fires, and the coastal defense guns operated by the port garrison tilted their counterattacks against the attackers on the sea. It is a large-caliber naval gun or cannon, enough to threaten and deter the enemy.

Soros rushed across the street, and the officers followed. When they passed a machine gun guard tower, the soldiers above began to call out their aiming positions loudly, and the stone road under the soldiers' feet vibrated with a huge roar.

"It seems that a certain large ship has caused a martyrdom."

The deputy captain judged what had happened from the loud noise, Soros nodded, but said nothing, things were going to the worst.

"Just not—"


The sudden explosion knocked them over, and the deputy captain fell forward and slammed his head into the wall.

Soros was thrown aside, big pieces of meat and building fragments fell beside him, hitting him as he dragged his body to get up.

Above his head, another rocket swept across, smearing the red paint that represents speed, and the howl of the fart was quickly drowned in the gust of wind. Then a thunderous noise was triggered, and a nearby church was almost destroyed in an instant.


Soros turned the deputy captain over and shook the opponent's head to restore his sanity. He then opened his eyes, but still dizzy.

"We don't have time to rest."

"thank you."

After shaking for a while, his boots stepped on the icy ground again.

"Being bombed by Ouke is really a humble way of death."

They hurried to the port, and met some low-ranking officers in the nearest armory, as well as the sailors, first mate, second mate and other crew members of the Nightfall. Their hesitation disappeared the moment they saw the captain.

At this time, the port area has been plunged into a sea of ​​flames, the ground is shaken every minute of falling shelling, the air is full of noise, and several ships can be seen sinking into the sea in the wailing of metal.

Strictly speaking, it is very dangerous to board the ship at this time, but Soros is a captain who regards the warship as more important than life. Even when the attack occurred, the first thing he thought of was not his wife and children. It's the Nocturne number anchored in the port.

That is where his life's honor lies, and it is also his duty.

"All members board the ship."

Passing through a messy port road, Soros and his team rushed to the Nightfall. The huge ship was shaking on the undulating waves, and it was close to the neighboring sister ship, like a dead fish with no life.

Soros has already noticed that there are some weird and unbelievable ships in the fleet. They are like crabs rushing into a school of fish, and they are all leaning against a warship, which looks like...

"Ok is capturing the ship!?"

When he saw through the telescope the black Okker skull flag raised by the Sunburst, Soros felt cold all over, and he did not expect the enemy to adopt such an "old" attack tactic.

How do they approach the port? How did it pass through the defensive firepower of the port area? Even if they couldn't move, the artillery on those battleships were indeed active.

With countless doubts rolling in his mind, Soros arrived in front of the Night Veil, and boarded his battleship through the unfolded climbing rope, but when he came to the deck, he saw a scene that he didn't want to see very much. .

The dead crew members lined up by the wall. Some were dressed in officers’ black uniforms, and the rest were dressed in crude sailor suits. Every corpse was torn apart by bullets or machetes, and the blood plasma coated the walls with an uneven layer of fishy smell. Dye, there are still some big footprints on the deck, extending all the way into the cabin.

Soros drew his pistol, raised his fist, and then made a spreading gesture with his five fingers apart.

Memories from a few minutes ago told him that the Veil of Night was not entangled by the weird ships of Ork, so how did they board their ships?

Until he saw the hooks hanging on the railings of the ship, he suddenly realized that these Oukes might have climbed onto the battleship directly from the sea!

"What a horrible group of guys..."

Soros quickly judged the situation. The number of enemies should be small, probably less than twenty. The target is most likely the engine room or the ammunition bay. There should be hundreds of sailors left behind. The possibility of falling is extremely low, and there is still a chance of recovery. Room.

"You go to the command cabin, control the rudder, you take people to the communication room, and immediately contact the command center, and the others will come with me."

After assigning the task, Soros walked towards the cabin, behind him were eleven officers and sailors.

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