Orc Tyrant

Chapter 553: waaagh Great Rebellion! (Up)

The earth is bleeding, the sky is burning, and life is dying.

The two armies met in a vast desert, on the edge of a torn-to-fortress.

On one side is a loose front line composed of sloppy and poorly equipped boys, while facing a fierce and combative army-Goff.

The respective commanders of the two sides stood in front of the army and were fully armed. A one-eyed boss nearly four meters tall was covered with blood stains and new wounds. The yellow-black armor was shaped into a wild look, with one on his chest and one on his back. A smiling face like Ouke, this kind of face also appeared on the battle flags standing behind him.

And the leader opposite him, wearing a storm-like gray iron armor, a flag flying behind him, on which was the mark of the Gough Legion.


The boss of the Gough Legion spoke first, but his gaze was fixed on the other Ouke, on the right hand side of the opposing boss.

"Karon boss."

Ok, with a yellow leather belt tied to his head, shook his head, clenching the weapon in his hand and replied:

"I am no longer a member of the legion."

The boss named Kailong smiled suddenly, showing a twisted smile with sharp teeth.

"It's a shame, if you still do, I don't need to be here."

At that time, Ok, who painted his face golden yellow across from Kairon, finally spoke, his left eye twitching frantically before.

"Did he send you here?"

Kairon did not answer. His silence made the yellow-faced boss smile, but it was an ugly display, and there was no joy in it.

"He didn't, did he? The overlord and Grak were fighting together. They didn't care about it. You came because you think you have this right."

In the process of speaking, he kept stroking the handle of the battle axe that smashed into the ground under his feet. It was a real great axe. The tearer is higher and lower.

Kairon carried a huge chainsaw sword, which was enough to cut through the strongest armor when the weapon's motor was activated.

The hot wind blows his Skugger hairstyle, but his frosty eyes never leave the blood-stained head on the opponent's waist. There are many familiar faces in it...

"A lot of news has reached my ears, Gulsuth, why do you think I will come?"

"You are not qualified to judge me, a scorching ass."

Ok, named Gulsuth, waved his arm impatiently, as if driving away a fly.

"You have no power to direct me."

Kairon smiled again, but there was still no smile in his eyes.

"But I still came."

"What are you doing here? To start a war that will destroy you?"

Gulsuth wiped his face with his wounded hand, as if this would wipe away the pain.

"Leave, leave quickly before things turn to regret."

The wind started to get stronger, and many boys could feel the whispering wind even through the helmet, and the battle flags of the two positions began to flutter.

More than ten seconds later, Kairon spoke again, but her bright red eyes did not move.

"All your actions must be stopped, Gulsuth, you have violated the rules left by the overlord, and you even attacked the army's conscription stronghold. What have you done?"

"An eyesore, cleaned it up."

Gulsuth didn't seem to care about the other's warning at all, and was very frank.

"When we met you were not like this. You went too far on the road of destruction, and now there is still time to turn around, dismiss your boy, and go to see the boss with me to see how he sends you off."

Even with his eyes tucked away, Gulsute's eyes still showed obvious surprise.

"Do you think I will obediently let you threaten to follow you?"

"I think the opportunity is great, yes."

Gulsuth laughed, the laughter even overwhelming the wind.

"What if you die?"

The strong wind blew the leather on Kairon's armor, making it flutter like a ribbon.

"Do you really think you can fight against the boss of Grak? Against the overlord?"

Gulsuth snorted, completely showing his disdain for the legendary pale overlord.

"You are confused by your own crazy words. I used to persuade the Pain Kid to open his head to see what went wrong, but you always refused."

He listened, but didn't care, he appeared stubborn and isolated.

"You don't understand anything! I can hear the voices of making hairy, they tell me what to do! I am the choice for making hairy!"

"You are really crazy, buddy."

Kairon's voice changed cold, and the other party's decision had obviously been made, which made his voice cold.

Gulsuth laughed, his voice mad and crazy.

"Tell me about Mao! The reason why we fight is for the land, for resources, in order to let them truly descend on the earth one day! But Guke is not such a boss, he wants to eliminate those who really listen to the voice of Mao. K, he wants everything to be surrendered to his feet. What he did was just enslavement, it was just a fig leaf of "domination"."


Kairon suddenly held his breath. He realized that things were far from being as simple as he thought. The other party's extraordinary behavior may not be a temporary impulse. Maybe he had already started planning a few years ago...

But Gulsute still stood proudly, with a sneer.

"How can I be a traitor? Kairon, in the past, I was fighting like you, as loyal as you, and a **** of the hegemon... But now that Mao has chosen me, should you dedicate your loyalty?"

"The overlord is the strongest, you can't replace him!"

Kairon gritted his teeth and said:

"You are completely confused by the crazy words in your mind, and now you say that the overlord is enslaving me? Has your madness already made you less than jumping?"

Gulsuth's smile faded, his face was sullen, his eyes were staring straight at Kairon, and the expression of defeat appeared on his face that was distorted by pain.

"What is the strongest? Why do you know that he is the strongest if you haven't played before? Why do you all feel crazy, thinking that a guy who has never seen him, only appeared in the rumors of the boys, is the strongest Strong! Are you crazy or I crazy!?"


"Quiet! You have yelled out your threat, now it's time to listen to me, just this time."


Kairon gasped and squeezed a word between his teeth, as if he had given permission.

"As soon as I came out of the soil, I knew that I should listen to the words with the biggest fist. So did I. But after a long, long time, I thought I could be a head, but suddenly one day, a large group of guys ran away. Come and tell me, there is another one that is the most powerful and the most powerful. How powerful is he?...Ha! It is so powerful that no kid is allowed to challenge, and he can't even think about it! All this should be his by nature! !"

Gulsuth took a breath and lifted the battle axe on the ground in one hand.

"I always think, what would happen if I didn't have him? Maybe I would be a real boss, a boss who can bring a kid to level the world! Ha! But this...no! Allow! Yes! So I decided , I want to chop off that bastard's head."

Both legions were stunned. Thousands of fighters clenched their weapons, and the betrayed Legion’s Ke Suo took a step forward. The sound of his joints was clearly audible in the silence.

In the next second, Kairon did not hesitate, drew out his sword and swung it at Gulsuth, and then was blocked by the opponent's battle axe. The breath between the former buddies was full of hatred.

"You're done, Gulsuth!"

"Then treat me as finished, but you know, you are not surpassing my possibility."

The gunpowder barrel of war detonated.

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