Orc Tyrant

Chapter 584: The boiling sea (1)

"No. 1 gun position, give me that big one! That's the one who walks sideways! What? They're all going sideways? Open your jumping eyes to see clearly, it's the white one!"

On the Evil, Tis is using the microphone to give instructions to each gun position. Only he can do it, and only he can do it.

On the contrary, the real captain, Poisonous Scorpion, is only responsible for simple steering work. After all, he is better at using fists instead of artillery.

At this time they were driving the Evil to the human mine-laying fleet, and according to Golden Tooth’s instructions, they used fierce artillery to disperse the small boats, but the human’s counterattack was equally fierce. In just over ten minutes of fighting, it was extremely evil The number was hit by two shots.

One shot hit the bow and blew up dozens of **** and the rocket launchers they operated. The other shot hit the bridge, but did not penetrate the armor of the control cabin, but still killed a dozen boys and Dozens of ass.

There is still a mess in the command cabin now, and fortunately there is no more serious damage.

"Hi! It's hit!"

Suddenly, Tis roared, and his right hand fisted with excitement and hammered on the console full of broken glass.

The poisonous water lizard stretched out his neck and looked around, and found that a small boat with dried shrimps was exploding, like a toy that had been smashed apart, all kinds of fragments and parts soared into the sky, and then disappeared on the sea very quickly.


Toxic Shui Liao laughed happily. Although it was not as refreshing as **** meat, it was still quite coke to watch Xiami's ship being set off with fireworks.

Even the nerve boy behind them nodded.

"Bring, bring energy!"

Just after speaking, the nervous boy suddenly tilted his head, as if he heard something.

"Old, boss, something is going to me, we are here, here!"


Poison Shui Li turned his head and glared at the other person, a little bit at a loss as to what he meant.

"Just, yes, soon, buzzing."

The nervous boy gestured with his hands for a long time, and Tis and Poisonous Water Li didn't understand what he was going to express. They always looked like this, upside down and talking nonsense.

"Have fun! I don't have time to beat you."

"Head! I'm serious!"

Rarely, the nervous boy's expression became serious.

"You better hurry up and order something."

Almost as soon as the voice fell, it felt like a huge and fierce guy had inserted its claws into his body, turning it from the inside to the outside.

In an instant, he tripped and fell, and his calf hit the console heavily, accompanied by violent tremors and the creak of metal distortion.

Not only him, but all Ouke in the command cabin, and even on the deck, fell to the sky.

Ten seconds later, the communicators all over the ship rang.

"Boss! Boss! Something hit us from under the water! A big hole was cracked!!!"

Regardless of the terrible pain in the temple, the poisonous water bird staggered to his feet.

"What the **** happened?"

When speaking, he already felt that the hull was slowly leaning, and the speed had dropped.

"I don't know, Boss! Suddenly the bottom compartment exploded! The mouth was bigger than Tou Sgugger! The water couldn't be blocked!!"

When talking, Poisonous Water Li could hear another roar of the microphone. He had only heard that sound near the waterfall in the Howling Mountains. It was obvious that the other party couldn't say too much, and the actual situation would even be worse.

"Send all the **** repair teams! Block the hole for me anyway! Also, fill the other side of the cabin with water immediately! Don't let the ship capsize!"

"It's the boss!"

Turning off the microphone, the poisonous water dragon handed the position of the helm to his first mate, and then said to Tis:

"Something went wrong below."

He couldn't wait to pick up the weapon hung on the bulkhead and put on his captain's coat at the same time.

"I have to go and see what's going on."


"It's hard to say, you have to continue firing at Xiami, our speed has slowed down, they may assemble us."


After explaining these things, the poisonous water duck crossed the smoke-filled deck and plunged into the lower cabin.

When he came to the lowest level, some of the other leaders on the ship also squeezed into the corridor excitedly. He even saw a shark tamer with a frightened face and an worried look at the captain following him.

The sounds of confusion and anger echoed in a small space, which would seem like a nightmare.

"Get out of the way!"

The bodyguards led the poisoned water bird through a maintenance hatch that he had never noticed before, and said briefly to a speaker, and then the door behind him slowly closed, and the chaotic sound in the corridor disappeared.

Poisonous Water Li found himself in a dim aisle with dusty colored pipes on the wall. He rarely went down before because this was the area where the mechanic was responsible.

"Where's in charge? Where's the gear boy??"

Poison Water Li asked loudly.

"I'm here, boss!"

Soon, a voice came from the end of the passage. A guy covered in water led a group of **** trotting all the way, and the tools hanging on the outside of his uniform fell and fell along with the interesting steps.

"What happened!?"

When he came to Poisonous Water Root, the mechanic stopped suddenly, caught the fart behind him by surprise, bumped him from behind, and fell down a lot.

"We were hit."

The mechanic put his raised hands back to their original positions, his expression very nervous.

"Xia Mi didn't know what to use and hit us from under the water."

"How did they do it?"

A venomous bodyguard roared, the farts paled, and the mechanic shrugged.

"Who cares about this?!"

The poisonous water roared the bodyguard back, and his mind began to spin quickly.

"Can it be blocked?"

"It can't be said..."

The poisonous water lion held the mechanic in his hand, just about to give the opponent a little "inspiration", suddenly the deck beneath his feet seemed to be twisted, and with a sound of metal tearing, the ceiling suddenly became very low and the lights suddenly became too low. It's all gone, and all the brats and farts fell over.

After a while, it was replaced by a dim red light that made people panic, and the alarm sounded, but the sound was strangely weaker and weaker.

"What the **** is going on?"

The poisonous water fangs dropped the panicked mechanic and roared loudly, his voice mixed with the dull roar.

Then he shook his head to relieve the brief feeling of dizziness, tried to get up, somehow, the action was more difficult than expected, as if in a strong wind.

When he could move his feet, he finally realized clearly what was going on.

"We got another shot!"

A mechanic screamed and ran up from the lower stairs, shaking his loose tops and trousers, and all kinds of cables and wrenches on his body were constantly arranging like flags.

"Boss! We opened another hole!!"

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