Orc Tyrant

Chapter 586: The boiling sea (3)

"It's been on for fifteen minutes, commander of the fleet."

A young naval officer said that he has a rare tattoo at this age, and he has a lot of blue and black strange patterns on his forehead and back of his head. The six-pointed star on the military emblem on his shoulders indicates his identity-a wizard serving in the Republican army.

"So far, we have only received scattered pieces of information. The only thing we can be sure about is that it comes from a very distant place. So far, only a part of the information has arrived here. We are working hard when I am talking to you. Extract other parts."

Niels took turns watching the officer and his whispering subordinates. Under the loose military coat, he could see their thin bodies and heard the hissing in their throats.

When these prophecy wizards spoke, they always shook their heads, and when their brains were trying to penetrate the sky, women's slender fingers usually twitched.

"Could it be a distress signal from a ship? But the Sky Eye showed nothing special."

The deputy captain asked, interrupting Nils' thinking.

"We can't tell yet, sir, but it's unlikely to be in distress, at least not something that has already happened."

The officer explained that when he turned to face Niels, his face became gloomy.

"Its state is...discontinuous, more like a cry of the soul, because Hanan's rise makes observation unpredictable."

Niels didn't really like this kind of pessimistic predictions. He never believed that wizards could really predict anything, at least when Oak attacked Thrall Harbor, they didn't do anything.

If it wasn't for some of their power, he didn't even want these people to set foot on his boat.

"There is no exaggeration. We think these broken images are a scream from the death of a wizard."

"This is already alarmist"

The wizards could feel that Niels was casting questioning glances.

"Also, Ok's warship did not sink. It seems that the effectiveness of your weapons is not as good as expected?"

The deputy captain also spoke, and everyone could hear what he was suggesting.

"As you all saw just now, Ouke's battleship almost sank, which proves a lot. As for now...maybe we don't know the structure of the Ouke battleship yet, or it may be that their damage management is quite severe."

The leader of the wizard shrugged, unwilling to admit that the weapon launched by the Night Veil was a failure. Such a rebuttal made the deputy captain's face very unsightly. He didn't say anything, but turned and looked at the burning sea.

In all fairness, Niels also believes that it was not a failure, on the contrary it was extremely successful. It almost destroyed a giant ship with just one blow. After that, the entire fleet did not achieve such an effect after two rounds of salvos. The only pity Yes, there is no backup for that experimental weapon.

If you can come again, Ouke’s flagship will sink!

Yes, everyone regards Hexie as the flagship of Ouke, because it appeared on the scene when it attacked the port of Thrall.

"Until there is definitive evidence, I will not make any negative decisions."

After a few minutes, Niels replied calmly, unwilling to succumb to the uncertain future that the wizards were worried about.

"We must firmly believe—"

When the energy-filled psychic screams began to overflow, the three wizards serving at the console began to convulse, and blood spewed out of the coats covering them, which looked hazy and bright from the outside.

The wizards used their limbs to squeeze their flesh, trying to keep them prototype, their muscles spasm when they rolled in pain, trying to control the vision that rushed into their minds, and at the same time the control surrounding them. The station also spewed out a large amount of data in an instant.


Niels and all the other officers were taken aback and hurriedly backed away.

When the smoke rose from their broken bodies, the originally hazy psychic smoke became more intense, and the main console flickered and burst out with strong electric arcs and pops.

They unanimously shook their heads wildly, a pure mental aftermath was released into a terrible death scream that resonated throughout the room, and the wizards became a channel for transmitting it, amplified by the tides surging in Hanan. Several times.

The wall was shaken by the violent impact, and all the lights on the battleship went out in an instant.

Every emergency bell on the Eternal Fury screamed immediately, and Niels could hardly know what was thinking in his mind. The warning data on every console flashed light, reflecting the dark cabin. As with some monochrome animations.

The exploded cable seemed to dance wildly with limbs, and even the refrigerant under the metal shell boiled together.

"Captain, emergency... situation!"

The wizard officer staggered, trying to disperse the screams flooding into his head like a flood. He was also the only wizard on the scene who was able to stay awake.

Niels immediately walked to the opponent's side and sent him to the chair. At the same time, the medical officer rushed to him and other wizards to inject a special tranquilizer to ensure that they could save their lives.

"There is an enemy... nearby!"

The wizard gritted his teeth and roared, desperately trying to resist the urge to faint.

"They sent out huge mental fluctuations and caused a chain reaction in Hanan. This is a... terrible enemy."

A question emerged from Niels's face, illuminated by the light from the readings and the flashing warning lights from time to time.

"What enemy? Where? Is it Ok?"

"No... this feeling is definitely not Ok..."

He almost fainted, but still tried to interpret the impact.

Deep in his retina, accompanied by a strong flashing light, he saw an image, so short and illusory that it might just be an optical illusion caused by pain.

The wizard blinked immediately, but only saw white smoke, so he shook his head again, trying to capture it again.


At the last moment, he held Niels' arm tightly, trying to express something.

"What is it?"

The commander of the First Fleet shook the opponent's body vigorously, but did not get any response-he passed out to death.

"Take them to the medical room."

In desperation, Niels could only ask the medical staff to take the wizards away. This was when the technician who was checking the communication suddenly shouted.

"Sir! We have lost contact with all warships, communication is blocked!"

"I can't use it anymore?"

This is much more serious than losing a few wizards. Niels hurriedly walked to the other side, but only saw that many screens became dim, and crackling static electricity was shining on its surface.

"Where is the Eye of the Sky?"

"can not be reached!"


Niels slammed the console and picked up the telescope to look out the window. He saw that the white technology ship was quietly parked at the position three minutes ago, and the antennas on it stopped rotating. I don’t know what’s going on inside. .

"Play semaphore! Change the formation, maintain control of the situation, and protect the eye of the sky!"

After giving the order, he glanced at the captain on the ship and ordered:

"I need a few people to go to the Eye of the Sky."

"It's sir, I'll make arrangements right away."

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