Orc Tyrant

Chapter 596: The Sea of ​​War (1)

On the outcropping bridge of the Wild, Jin Ya watched the enemy ships splashing flames and burning. He witnessed bright green and white light beams gushing out from the distant waters, piercing the shrimp battleship.

These strange, unidentified ships made him vigilant.

"How's the engine?"

"Basically fixed, boss."

Guruj beside him pointed to a smoking cruise ship ahead and said:

"Enough to knock that guy to the bottom of the sea."

"Start the engine and speed up."

The huge flagship activated the flame engine, and the damaged cruiser Knight was unavoidable. It was smashed from the center by the beastly bow of the Wild. The hull was suddenly twisted and torn, and it disintegrated along the keel, and a large cabin Expose to the sun.

Subsequently, the remains of its main body remained clamped to the Feral, while the flagship still rushed forward under the impetus of the engine.

A nearby destroyer came away, but before it could stabilize its direction, the flagship began to tear it into pieces with dense artillery fire.

Another cruiser was repeatedly bombarded by the starboard artillery of the Evil One kilometer away.

The poisonous water lion refused to order a ceasefire until the cruiser had turned into a molten **** and the upper layers were annihilated.

Soon, the executed cruiser floated away and disappeared on the water like a flashing amber.

Due to the successive losses of the cruiser and destroyer squadrons, the First Fleet was unable to intercept the two Ouke’s capital ships into their formation, but on the other hand, Jin Ya also lost his three assault ships, and captured two of them. The cruiser was unable to join the battle because of the severe damage.

What’s more serious is that due to a sudden incident, the two battleships did not have sufficient ammunition on board. Up to now, the main artillery shells have been exhausted, some secondary artillery has become a display, and the rockets are all lit up. .

"Is it time to stop?"

Jin Ya muttered to himself suddenly, and Guruji on the side immediately jumped up.

"Don't boss, this is not over yet!"

"Fart if there are no shells."

"We still have swords and guns! And rocket boats! You can fight without shells."

"What can two broken ships do!"

Jin Ya waved his hand impatiently, ready to order the fleet to return. It is estimated that this battle will be like this. What happens later has nothing to do with them.

But Guruji on the side didn't think so. He grabbed Jinfang's hand and roared:

"Boss! The big shrimp boat, I want to take the kid to rush!"

Jin Ya froze for a few seconds, then cast his gaze on the Eternal Fury that was fighting an unknown fleet several kilometers away. He knew that Guruji must be referring to the flagship of the shrimp. As for why he knew that it was the flagship, the reason was also It's very simple.


"What are you going to do?"

"Snatch it over!"

"Your brain was eaten by the Skug Shark?"

"I'm serious!"

Jin Ya looked at the other party’s face carefully for a while. In addition to believing that the other party’s breakfast was grilled fish and skog meat, he also confirmed that Guruji is indeed very serious. This kind of seriousness has appeared for the first time since he met the other party. .

"Picture what?"


"Don't you like sailing?"

"But I want to win!"

Jin Ya looked at the other party for a while, and confirmed that this guy said it from the heart, which was really strange, he had never realized that his little brother had such a strong desire for victory.

You know, Ouke is driven to fight more often by instinct rather than victory or defeat. When the passion fades, no matter whether the result is victory or defeat, they will readily accept it. Only the real bosses will care about it. This one.

So does he want to be a boss? Or is he a little different from other boys?

Jin Ya thought for a moment, then nodded.

"Okay, the rocket boat is for you, we will light up the shells once after you set off, and then we will rely on you."


"If you can't do it, there is a lot of fuel on the rocket boat, you know."

Jinya speaks this sentence very slowly, but even if it is dull as Guruji, it is enough to understand.

"If you don't win, you die, I understand."

He replied, then turned and walked towards the rocket boat that was lowering to the surface.

Soon, the two rocket boats rushed out of the mooring on the side of the Wild, and they swiftly drove toward the Eternal Fury, which was fighting the enemy.

Not long after they left, the long-silent main artillery of the Wild roared again, as if to see them off.

It is very important not to be detected by the enemy, or to let the enemy react Out of the wake.

Some dark dorsal fins also followed closely. Most of the shark tame boys have returned to the port, but a few still insist on fighting.

Two assault boats, two combat teams.

Guruj was with his closest fighters, fifty soldiers in total, and before the war approached, they sat quietly and uncharacteristically in the gloomy and excessive cabin of the assault boat.

In the hearts of many boys, these sailors are savage warriors, covered with war trophies, and rough kill signs are carved on their armors like badges of honor.

Each Ouke has a murderous look, and the black stripes on his face aggravate their murderous aura. In order to be able to facilitate the sailors' combat, most of the sailors do not wear heavy armor. They only have one set of Skugepi. Tanned leather armor, this kind of protective gear defends against swords and small

The caliber bullets are fine, but there is nothing to do with shrapnel or large-caliber bullets.

The other rocket boat also carried fifty Ouke sailors, including a nervous boy. I heard that Xiami also likes to bring their nervous boy. All Guruji deliberately picked up a guy from the lower deck.

He was not happy at the beginning, until after three punches in the face, he realized that this was an order rather than a request, and he had no right to refuse at all.

Now that the words are far apart, when Antikis began to recite the vows of battle, he shattered the sadness that existed between them.


The roar from outside spread into the cabin. This fierce loud noise proved that they were very close to the target, and Xiami probably found them too.

The hull began to shake due to the falling shells. Although it was not very stable before, this shaking was completely different from the shaking caused by the waves. It was a kind of shaking that wanted to throw them all into the sea.

"Fucking up..."

Guruji prayed rarely, hoping to protect himself from dying in the closed cabin without humiliation.

The boys are doing similar movements, their wriggling lips begging for their weapons and equipment, hoping that they will not disappoint their expectations.

The soldiers have been equipped with pistols, swords and axes, and spiked shields. Past jumping help experience has proved that in a small space, a shield can play a good effect, although the boys despise this cowardly shield. Tools, but in the same way, they who are guided by pragmatism will not refuse to use reasonable things on reasonable occasions.

Guruji imagined that he would win. The shrimps were too fragile. With their powerful charges and fierce assaults, the Oukes were enough to defeat the enemy in close face-to-face combat.

When the assault boat roared towards its target, Guruji recast his determination, chanting the name of the messy hair in a low voice.

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