Orc Tyrant

Chapter 769: Dark line (bottom)


Guk almost forgot the name and the meaning of the name, but it doesn’t matter. If his memory is correct, then this person should be in the distant New California Republic now, not here. .

"What is he doing here?"

Guk questioned.

Gegracas was sobbing, and under the pressure of tremendous mental power, he could barely speak.

"He... I don't know... He is eternal... He..."

"This is not a good answer."

Guk shook his head.

"Perhaps I should have crushed you."

"The bishop... the bishop wants me to warn you!"

Gracas pleaded.

"carry on."


"Stop it, Mogdrogen."

The scream subsided.

"He asked you to warn me?"

"Yes it is……"

Gracas sighed.

"Do you mean that kind of warning, or that kind of warning?"

The agent of Wendigo Church shook his head.

"Warning about danger--"

Guk immediately drew his pistol, and Glacas didn't even see the movement.

Before, the huge weapon was still hung on the waist of the giant beast, and after a moment it was held in the iron fist and pointed directly at Gracas's head.

"Are you crazy?"

Guk asked sharply:

"Are you blind? Look at me! I am Guk! Conqueror of the sky and the earth! Lord of Oc! Why do you say these rumors? Danger? Nothing here can threaten me!"

"If this is the case, I apologize, I have no intention of offending."

But the pistol of amazing caliber was still pointed at him.

"You said Hannibal invited us here, explain clearly."

Glacas swallowed.

"The bishop believes that your focus is misplaced and the real enemy is not here..."


"To be honest, my lord, I don't know... I'm just a middleman. The bishop hopes that you can see something with your own eyes in this war."

"what did you see?"

Glacas straightened his body slightly, and looked straight at the muzzle against his face boldly.

"Seeing that the real and important enemy is not the imperial people, but the void power that controls the imperial people."

Guk stared at him, then slowly lowered his gun.

"You mean their tricks?"

"that is not--"

The spy explained:

"Can I stand up, my lord? It's cold on the floor."

The behemoth wearing the helmet nodded, and Grakas stood up, but the King of Ork was still much taller than him, so he still had to keep looking up.

"That's not, that's not a magic trick, it's the manifestation of a deep power-a ubiquitous evil power."


Gu Ke sneered and replied.

"If this is what your master wants me to see, then you have been wasting time. I already know about those bugs."

Glacas shook his head sadly.

"Devils are just the simplest names. You think of them as bugs, don't you? Then your understanding of them is as simple as a child's understanding of the whole world. The gaze of the vast ocean has always existed, and will always exist, if Without restraint, it will poison the whole world and make it completely dead, and if it is helped, it will destroy everything. The bishop hopes that you can see this clearly, see it with your own eyes, so that you can take the message he wants to convey seriously. ."

After a while, he paused.

"And we are pressed for time."


"Because a huge war is about to unfold."

"The war with whom?"

"The civil war in another country, a **** battle between humans and demons, and the results are obvious."

Guk stared at Glacas, and the other party heard the slight fluctuations in the air.

A private conversation is going on, and it is clear that Guk is talking with the crazy shaman next to him, and Gracas is waiting.

Suddenly, the candlelight trembled, and a small green lizard slipped across the floor and climbed onto the wall.

The tremor of hope in the air ended, and Guk turned back to look at Gracas.

"What urgent information does your master want me to take seriously?"

He asked.

"I don't know, I'm just trying to establish a conversation."

At this time, there was a coughing sound outside, and Guk turned and said to Mogdrogen:

"It's going to start, you take him to the back first, guard him, don't let him play tricks."

The psionic boss nodded.

"This way."

He said to Grakas, then took a step forward and walked forward on his own.

Grakas followed this mysterious Ok through several tents. The scattered tents were as disorderly as the streets outside. Each tent was hung with many animal bones and a little cloth was covering the few pieces of furniture.

Until this time, the Wendigo agent believed that he was destined to be forced to the tent from the beginning.

"You designed to force me here?"

Suddenly, Gracas asked:

"You interfered with my soul and made me lose my way, so that I can be led to Guk's main account?"


The masked Oak replied:

"You have the strength. I noticed you very early. A few days ago you had been moving around, monitoring and following me. I thought it was time to come to you and ask why."

Mogdrogen led Gracas into a dimly lit tent, and some of the sofas and dust cloths on the high stools had been lifted away so that they could have a place to sit.

On a small table, a golden jug was filled with wine, several silver wine glasses were placed around, and a clay bowl with dried fruits was placed beside it.

Afterwards, Mogdrogen nodded gently, and many candles placed in the room were lit at the same time. The light that appeared at that moment caused a few small lizards to quickly crawl back into the shadows.

"I hate lights."

Wendigo's spy suddenly spoke:

"It will kill the darkness."

"And darkness is one of your tools?"

Although he couldn't see the Ouke's face, Glakas understood that the other person was smiling.

"You did observe us carefully, right?"

"That's my job."

Grakastain replied sincerely.

"Pour yourself a bar and have something to eat."

After the psionic boss finished speaking, he sat down on the sofa and put the metal long stick in his hand on a low table.

Seeing those gorgeous carvings, Gracas knew that the furniture here obviously came from a prominent family, but no matter what their status was before, their property now belongs to the new owner.

Detective Wendigo was not welcome, and poured some wine into the silver cup. He needed something to wash the taste of his mouth, although he would prefer to have clear water.

Later, while sipping the wine in the glass, he adjusted his mental power to counteract the effects of alcohol.

He sat directly across from the Oak.

"Your name is Mogdrogen, isn't it?"

"Yes it is."

"You are very powerful, you are the most powerful wizard in my life, or... psionicist."

Mogdrogen shrugged.

"It's natural talent, but your special ability impressed me even more. You are a human who I've seen Ouke speaks so fluently."

"Can you read this from me?"

"Of course, but I can't understand it. Is it all languages, or some specific types?"

"I haven't encountered any language that I can't master."

"Including Oak's?"

Glacas smiled.

"They are not that difficult. I can understand some of them, but I can't respond because I don't have the necessary physiological functions to make the corresponding sounds."

"And you can judge his thoughts by voice?"

"Yes, it's very difficult to lie to me. I can easily discern the truth, so I'm not trying to pass on other people's lies to you."

Mogdrogen chuckled lightly.

"You may indeed know the truth, but we can't guarantee that what you are passing on is also the truth."

"It's true, I have to admit it."

Glacas nodded and took another sip from the silver cup in his hand.

"So I brought more than just language."

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