Orc Tyrant

Chapter 782: Fighting aid (on)

"What happened?"

Rogmus came to the front of the team and asked the company Commander Krenz who was frowning.

Krenz was very surprised by the presence of the regiment leader.

"It's just that the track is out of the way..."

Roger Muss noticed that a tank was paralyzed at the front of the team. This was a MOU-2 tank aided by the Republic of New California. It was a heavy armor with a tonnage of 34 tons.

As one of the most elite field troops in the empire, the 23rd Heavy Armored Regiment was given priority to these aid weapons, but although these armors performed well in firepower and protection, the suspension system had a very high frequency of failure due to design problems.

So much so that the logistics staff called him the "hammer killer."

"There is something that we can't take the time to solve now, especially in this kind of place."

Logmus interrupted Krenz. He could see the armor of the vehicle. It was clearly broken down, and one track was scattered on the ground.

"Don't people here understand what'emergency' is?"

Roger Musse’s tone was very serious. He was born in a military family and his father’s generation held important positions in the Imperial Army. This is why he can still hold important positions even though he has very little actual combat experience.

"We have a mission. How can we be delayed by such a stupid mechanical failure on a tank? This broken track is really not the right time. Even if the track is broken, this tank happened to be the leader of the vanguard column. That one happened to break down on this narrow mountain road

on! The space here can't even accommodate two tanks in parallel! Forget it, why does it have to stop at the bottleneck? It's still turning! "

The anger that was nowhere to vent made his face flushed, and even the people around could feel the hot flames burning on his body.

"Can't you move?"

After roaring for a while, Roger Mouss calmed down a bit.

"It looks like this, we have to push it away with a cart..."

"Pushing such a long way?"

Roger Musse’s tone was full of sarcasm, and the road was three kilometers long!

And to push a behemoth of more than 30 tons, Roger Muss doesn't think that a cart can do it. This is a meaningless waste of time.

"What about after it is pushed out? We will throw it down sooner or later! No, you will blow it up for me now. I hope I can move on in five minutes!"

The authority of the head is beyond doubt.

Soon, there were waves of condemnation from the paralyzed tank, and Roger Muth watched as Company Captain Krenz slowly walked back to the forefront of the convoy.

He could see that the captain's pace had become stiff due to his inner displeasure, but it was his duty to make such a difficult decision.

He firmly believes that he has made the right decision. The casualties of Mihir’s line of defense are increasing every second, and the position is shrinking every moment.

Admiral Yushkin's meaning is clear: Mount Mihir must never fall, and everyone must drain the last drop of blood for it.

Although the time and place are all on the human side, the dawn of victory is still far away. The Oaks will seize any little hesitation, tear through the gap in the line of defense, and penetrate the entire Witlier Canyon. Go straight to Tyre.

Roger Muss is very clear about his mission, and it is his mission to complete it.

So he will be done!

Company Commander Krenz executed the order, and the sound of an explosion when the tank was destroyed was heard from a distance.

But it took 10 minutes for the tank to start moving again instead of 5 minutes.

Roger Moores cursed a few words quietly. He did not return to the cockpit of the flag car, but stared at the dark night ahead, watching the raised dust leave spots on the tank, and at the same time trying to control his emotions. .

He didn't want his people to see him gaffe.

The only thing he thinks about now is the delay. Their regiment must reach the defense zone at the scheduled time at a speed much greater than the current speed.

He was worried that when he arrived and found that the war was over, his children would ask in the future:

"Father, what did you do in the war against Ouke?"

At that time he can only answer:

"Child, I am very happy with the tank!"

Just thinking like this made his face flushed with shame, and he was determined to let the 23rd regiment continue to advance, for the victory and glory of the empire, and to prove his own worth.

Suddenly, all kinds of noisy sounds came from the trail.

Like all regiment-level command vehicles, his tank is in the center of the entire advancing force, so his communications with the entire regiment should be at least as stable as possible even if it is not foolproof.

Most of the regiment was still on that trail, and the leading tanks had to slow down again.

"Damn it!"

Roger Mouss hammered the top of the turret hard, frowned from the severe pain, and went down into the hatch.

The inside of the tank was filled with the roar of the engine and the noise of the vibrating metal, but compared to the outside, he could hear the sound from the earphones more clearly.

Just as he was about to start reprimanding Krenz, the other party spoke first.

"Colonel, we just discovered a fork in the road leading to the depths of the canyon."

"How wide is it?"

"Enough to accommodate 3 light tanks, maybe 4 can be packed in."

"Are there signs of enemy activity?"

"I didn't find it, sir, but there was a very steep curve on the road, and we couldn't investigate very deeply."

Rogermus hesitated, he was in a dilemma.

If he does not follow this path, he will not be able to catch up in time, and he will not be able to participate in battles that desperately need his armored power.

Keep going, the delay caused by this road right now is estimated that only the Holy Father knows how long it will be...

"Turn off the fire for me!"

He ordered:

"I ask you all to remain silent!"

The convoy came to a halt, and when the engine shut down, thick smoke and harsh noises were raised.

In less than a minute, there was no movement in the whole group, only the light noises from time to time as the metal cooled.

"Company Captain Krenz."

Roger Moose said to the car radio:

"I ask you to conduct a full investigation of that route inside and out. If there are green-skinned ambushes there, I hope we can find them."

"Sir, with all due respect, the current sight and weather conditions are not..."

"This is my order, company commander! Implement it now!"

After speaking, Rogermus waited, and described the war he had missed in his mind, hoping that the greenskins were tired and did not continue to attack Mount Mihir.

The more he thinks, the more he feels that he is wasting time now.

Even if there are a few orcs in ambush, what can they do?

After all, most of them have already gathered on the front of Mihir's line of defense.

Twenty minutes later, company Captain Krenz reported back:

"There is no hostility, Colonel, but I personally suggest—"

Very good, no green skin.

Even if they do, they will choose to stay where they are as long as they spend half their brains thinking about it.

Even if they are stupid enough to attack, their numbers are not a threat.

This is simply impossible!

Making this decision is simple, there is only one choice.

"Keep going!"

Roger Musz ordered:

"full speed!"

It is very risky to do this in the middle of the night, but the road conditions are very clear, and this rocky valley gives them an excellent range of the entire battlefield.

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