Orc Tyrant

Chapter 794: Persevere (in)

Jackson was silent.

Although he agrees with Onori's point of view, he must believe that Yushikin knows what he is doing.

As a high-achieving military school student, it is not impossible to try to understand the intentions of a master of strategy, but Jackson knows better than anyone that Yuhijin, who has never been to an officer’s school, has made a leap in imagination, intuition, and logic. No one can reach it.

However, what he designed will only work when every gear on the machine turns in the same direction.

Although Honorary has courage and glory, it is distorting the operation of the machine.

This is not allowed, at least not for now.

"Onori, your command has been lifted."

Jackson threw a blockbuster.

"Leave this post and let your deputy come."

"Jackson, wait—"

When everyone was so shocked that they couldn't speak, the seventh division Kexi'an took the lead to speak.

"Do you want to be with Onori?"

Before he could finish speaking, Jackson blocked everything he wanted to say.

"No, sir."

Xian bowed briefly and said:

"But even you have to admit that your order seems...somewhat contradictory, you know, I can see it in your eyes."

"All I need to know is that my command has the authority of the Supreme Command. Who among you thinks he knows more than the commander? Can any of you say that you understand the subtleties of war better than General Yushikin? What? Everything I arranged was approved by him."

All the officers looked at each other silently, and the silent Nutans also provided all the answers everyone needed.

Since the Queen’s representative has no opinion, Jackson has the power to temporarily appoint and remove a division commander.

"I understand."

"Then follow my order,"

Their gaze shifted back to the holographic map again, and with the approach of noon, the entire front began to burn again.

Oak usually likes to attack at noon when the sun is the strongest.

In the image, the smaller icons of human forces gleamed when they were destroyed, and the red icons of Ouke's anger spread out like ripples of blood.

From here, every part of Mount Mihir was hurt.

The wild forests in the south have turned into grey wastelands, the mountains in the east have been swallowed by fire, and the once well-run resort towns have also been reduced to rubble, and they have been razed to the ground by artillery fire, as if they had never existed.

It started as a strategic conflict, and then decayed into countless melees between isolated fighting groups.

The combat distance between each human force is only a few miles, but it seems to be in a different world, because they are isolated from each other.

If it were not for the extensive network of mine tunnels, it is estimated that they would have been divided and annihilated, but now more and more mine tunnels have been discovered by Ouke, either being destroyed or turned into flesh-and-blood grinding discs with repeated seesaws.

After watching it for a while, Jackson felt as if he was sinking quickly, and he regretted removing Onori from the command echelon of the General Staff.

Hasn't he talked to Yushikin about the value of a antagonist? Doesn't every leader need a voice of opposition to force him to question his decision?

He looked for any signs of hope on the tactical projection, not knowing where he had done wrong.

What can he do? Did he miss something? He made a rigorous analysis of every step of the tactic, but Mihir was still on the verge of disappearing forever.

"Promote the 13th Regiment."

Jackson gave a new order, and then the automatic memory evokes more teachings about Yushikin.

"Support the 17th Regiment, order the 11th Regiment to reorganize its formation, attack Ok from the side and nail them in the right place."


"Order the Eighth Regiment to withdraw to the 23rd Mine Road, the 31st Regiment to cover, and to establish temporary fortifications."

Jackson hadn't finished speaking yet, and more tactical variables were fed back to the staff.

"If you want to win the greatest victory, you must take the greatest risk."

Yushkin once told him this on Bill Tevere.

"You never seem to take risks."

Jackson at the time was so refuted.

"You don't know it."

Subsequently, Yushikin proved with facts that after a huge adventure, the huge benefits they brought, they defeated the almost impossible to defeat the Ouke army.

When the countless environmental variables displayed on the plotter flooded into Jackson's eyes, the answers and strategies he needed flashed in his mind.

He has heard people say that the greatest generals are those who make the least mistakes, but that is the highest level of nonsense.

The greatest generals are those who can plan ahead and know how the enemy will fight.

When he saw the breathtaking beauty and complicated strategy unfolding in his mind, he knew without a doubt that Yushkin was such a general.

"Order the 39th Division to rearrange the front along the Yahirna River."

When he gave the order again, the light spot on the tactical screen flickered. With the advanced equipment supported by the Citizen Temple, the command from the command headquarters could be transmitted to the regiment level almost without delay.

"The Ninth Regiment and the 25th Regiment changed their direction and deployed to the northeast of the Delta Ridge."

The officers obeyed his orders without a doubt, but Jackson did not stop there.

His commands flooded like a tide, and each command spitted into the heart of the enemy commander like a poisoned arrow.

When he issued combat orders to the battlefield at an alarming speed, his men could hardly keep up with him.

Confusion enveloped every face, but as the large-scale troops began to readjust and execute Jackson's orders, these faces turned into expressions of wonder.

In the center of the Lex Ridge, a group of red icons, representing a large number of Occan battle groups, now finds itself surrounded on all sides, because the previously isolated human forces merged together, rotating like closed doors, turning It is trapped in a deadly killing zone.

Within a few minutes, these icons disappeared, and the firepower of the three regiments was added together, and the area was razed to the ground with cannons, dense bullets and cleverly arranged overlapping firepower.

And near the eastern ridgeline, more Ouk troops were suddenly surrounded and isolated from each other, and their **** aggression pushed them directly at the guns of human beings.

This effect is similar to the arrangement of one million dominoes, which seem to be randomly arranged and combined, but can create a masterpiece that is played by kinetic energy.

Those forces that had fully retreated turned to unite with their allies and locked the Oukes who had entered too deep into a deadly trap that they could not escape.

Soon, the red icons of the invaders disappeared one by one, while the icons of the human defenders remained steady blue.

The casualty index began to decline.

"I do not believe."

Ulastov whispered, while news about the stability of the front came from all over the place.

"It seems impossible."

In fact, it's hard for Jackson to believe that death came so quickly, believing that the idea in his head is one thing, and seeing it in practice is another.

"What is our level of tactical efficiency?"

After Jackson spoke, his staff hurriedly compiled the information, filtering battlefield reports, casualty reports, ammunition consumption levels, and unit damage rates.

Reports are flooding in the plotter, partly red, partly orange, but at least one-third is healthy green.

Summarizes the incoming information flow, but Jackson does not need to interpret the data, the visual results are clear enough.

"If I didn't see it with my own eyes..."

Xian let out a sigh, and said what they all thought.

"Have you ever doubted?"

Jackson looked at him.

"Damn it, but I thought about that, Jackson."

Xian nodded.

"If you must blame me, then blame me, but I was afraid of losing Mihir at that time, and also afraid of losing many good guys."

"We may have lost it,"

Ulastov said painfully:

"Look at what those heinous beasts did to the empire! How do we need to recover from such suffering?"

"Ulastov, this land is stronger than you think."

Jackson said, took a deep breath, and smiled at the short victory he had just won.

"The empire can recover from it and bloom more beautiful flowers than before. Believe me, if you want to extinguish her light, it is not enough to rely on Guk's butcher!"

Didi didi~~~!

Suddenly, the soldier's display instrument issued a low-pitched siren, and everyone turned their sights, directly on the edge of the map, dense red dots were pouring out, and gradually joined together, enclosing the entire Mihir Mountain in a **** ocean. in.

Everyone took a breath, and only Jackson knew that this was just the beginning.

"Not enough!"

He clenched his fists and swore secretly in his heart.

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