"You really went too far."

"Do you like Horikita Suzune that much?"

"This money-making plan didn't involve me at all."

That is to say.

She finally realized that she had been skipped again in this plan?

"In other words, you are in a bad mood now?" Oreki said.


"Are you in such a bad mood that you would betray Class D directly?" Oreki-san continued.


However, Kushida-san looked surprised.

"I'm quite disappointed in you."

Oreki-san said. "I used to think that although you have two faces, it is a personal expression after all, and there is nothing to say.

As a result, Kushida-san, I didn’t realize that you are also the kind of person who has no sense of honor or belonging to the class and betrays you casually. "

"Um...no, what are you talking about?"

Kushida quickly showed a pitiful expression of being wronged. "Betrayal, betrayal of the class or something -"

"Isn't it?" Oreki-san said. "Someone came here just now and then left again. I've heard such footsteps before. If I guessed correctly, it should be Ryuen from Class C."

"..." Kushida.


Have you ever heard the sound of footsteps like this?

Then you will be able to identify it.

You are very unusual.

But Kushida-san is in a bad mood right now.

So he could only purse his lips and continue to maintain his pitiful expression.

But Oreki-san didn't let her go, "So, Kushida-san, why did you contact Ryuuen so late to come out?"

"And suddenly he hugged me. To attract my attention."

Saying this, Oreki-san held her shoulders.

Kushida's complexion also turned pale.

"Damn it, I hate it—" Kushida said quickly. "I didn't contact Ryuuen or anything—"

"Is it?"

"I thought you were going to steal the key to the safe from Horikita-san and give it to Ryuuen."

"Oh no, I've already given it to him. The moment you hugged me, you stretched your left hand forward as if you were throwing something."

"And I have good hearing, so that was the sound of keys being thrown," Oreki said.

"..." Kushida.

And Oreki-san continued.

"Horikita-san is still taking a shower, so there are about 10 minutes left. If you don't see the key, then you will find that the key has been stolen."

"As for you, Kushida-san, who is in the same dormitory with her, you will become the number one suspect."

"I would do this even if I ruined my friendship with Horikita-san."

"Kushida-san, what do you have to say?"

Oreki said.

"..." Kushida.


"I hate it - I didn't steal the key." Kushida said quickly.

"Then can you explain why you blocked me?"

Oreki-san took out his cell phone.

"Your backup machine blocked me. Are you trying to hide something from me?"

What do you want to hide?

Of course, I am afraid that you will be discovered doing such a thing, so make preparations first. Who knows if you can GPS her.


"Did you follow me immediately because you found out I blocked you?" Kushida said.

And at this moment.

Kushida's vocals have changed.

There is no one else here.

at the same time……

She also discovered that Oreki Houtarou might have known that she would do such a thing from the beginning.

Or rather... it was a game he set up.

Because Horikita Suzune is willing to give her 200,000 directly this time, it means that Horikita Suzune may be able to get several million.

So Oreki has always given Horikita Suzune 10% of the remuneration, wouldn't it mean that he would get tens of millions.


In front of such a big score, he would not show such obvious flaws.

"Absolutely." Oreki-san nodded. "After I found out that you blocked me, I found someone who was your friend and then located your location. Then I came here and found you."

"And as expected, Kushida, you betrayed Class D."

As expected.

As expected, he betrayed Class D.

Do you know how scary it is when you say these words?

Sure enough, it was the same game set up early in the morning.

"Could it be that...you guessed that I would betray the class?"

"I didn't think it was you at first," Oreki said. "But then I heard the conversation between Teacher Chabashira and Teacher Hoshinomiya, and I found that Teacher Hoshinomiya is somewhat similar to you. She is very attached to Teacher Chabashira."

"So I think your obsession with Horikita is also scary."

"For example, if you want to be friends with her, it would be more convenient for her to drop out of school or something."

"So I set up a bureau and asked Horikita to deliberately send a group message that all the mobile phones were in the safe and a key was needed for verification."

"And you fell for it."

"You and she are in the same dormitory, so it's easiest to get her."

"In the end, you really took action." Oreki-san said.

"..." Kushida.

Kushida-san has nothing to say.


So is that so?

She was not involved in the money-making plan, but she was involved in such calculated things.


It is also speculated that she will attack Horikita Suzune.


Horikita keeps the entire class’s cell phones.


If in this case, the information about the favored recipients of Class D is leaked, how will Horikita Suzune be viewed?

Points will be lost first.

at the same time.

You will be distrusted by your classmates.

So if there are other exams and someone must drop out, it would be very convenient for Suzune Horikita to drop out.

You can also take the Class C line.

Ryuuen would also target Horikita during class confrontations.


These are now blocked.

Kushida-san then became really fierce, "Oreki Houtarou, what do you want to do now?"

Now he no longer thinks about what will happen if he betrays Horikita.

She knew very well how terrible it would be if her almost betrayal of the class was exposed.

So before this crisis, it is best to minimize the big problems.

"Didn't I say it?" Oreki said calmly at this time. "Yesterday I made a new request to you. But you rejected it ruthlessly and directly."

"And now, you won't reject me, right?" Oreki-san said.

"..." Kushida.

"..." Ordinary Kushida.

"..." Surprised Kushida.

"..." Blackened Kushida.

"Ferocious... super fierce——"

Kushida-san has really become super fierce. "You guy, stop pushing your limits!"

"Then I think the students in Class D will be happy to hear what we just said."

Oreki-san picked up the phone.

The first time he encountered Kushida-san venting his emotions and kicking the railing, he forgot to record it.

But this time...

Already prepared.

So gently click on the recording.

[Could it be that...you guessed that I would betray the class? ]

This is Kushida's voice.

As long as it is played out, her image and becoming a class traitor will be terrible.

"..." Kushida. "I hate it——"

The super fierce Kushida-san suddenly became sweet.

Therefore, this guy Oreki Houtaro was obviously very handsome, but in the end, she couldn't like him.

Then Oreki-san discovered that reality had become a notebook.

I actually felt like a notebook, experiencing what it felt like to be a girl's muff.

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