Because several exams are customary, you can see the performance of students from different years.


Both the small island test and the preferential treatment test were amazing to them.

In the small island exam, you need to live a hard life on the small island, and then find each other to compete for strongholds.

And then there is the stage of guessing the team leader.

Therefore, the results of previous students were average, or rather poor.

The better ones are those who scored over 200 or 300 points. The best scored 402 points.


First grade Class A +471 points

First grade Class B +300 points

First grade Class C +0 points

oh. There will be no extra points for Class C, so put it aside for now.


First grade class D +650 points.

It's really... surprising. Even they themselves are a little confused. Do they think they can get so many points on the small island?

The same goes for the preferential treatment test.

In the past, if students failed in the Kojima test, they would be desperate to recover their scores.

The class that gained an advantage responded passively to this test to maintain its advantage.

So the final results were neither good nor bad.


After the Kojima exam was over and the results were received, even the chairman confirmed the correctness of the two results.

Because it is very exaggerated.

Even the best student council president Horikita Manabu only got a high score of 402 points in that exam.


Finally got the exam process submitted by Mr. Mashima.

Then also let them understand how these points are obtained.

Exchange basic points with other classes.

Moreover, the stronghold is directly surrounded.

But at the end, a loophole was exploited and the team leader was not allowed to be changed at will without justifiable reasons.

These performances are, to be honest, quite amazing.

Then I also got something else.

That is, finally some students try to look at the problem from the school's perspective.

The specially set up No. 41 stronghold was found to be occupied.

This is the first time this has happened in the past three years.

In fact, they are guiding students to have an overall view, and from different perspectives, you can see different points.

Their school is unique in that it is funded by the government in order to deliver talents to society.

And there are quite a few people staring at this place.

Therefore, the talents sent out are more likely to be valued than others and receive corresponding opportunities.

So from this perspective, there is a need for the emergence of outstanding students with a hierarchy and structure.

And now.

They were actually looking forward to the preferential treatment test.

Since the small island test can surprise people so much, can the preferential treatment test make them wait and see again?

Then the result is like this.

"The total is 146 students."

"It includes 11 preferential treatment recipients, each of whom can receive a preferential treatment reward of 1 million points."

"And the remaining 146-11=135 students will each receive 500,000 points as reward."

The staff almost lost their voices as they read out the information they received.

Because this time, a total of nearly 80 million points will be spent.

And this is just the expenditure for one exam, which has never been done before.

Have you ever seen this result?

Never seen it at all.


Isn't this class competition?

The fact that all students can obtain so many points means that all students who are still taking the exam have chosen outcome 1.

As a result, you... all of you actually chose outcome 1, gave up looking for preferential treatment and backstabbed other classes, and instead chose to share the money with peace of mind?


So at this time all the staff looked at the silver-haired man sitting in the highest position.

"Yeah." The chairman took off his glasses and wiped them. Then he said, "This class of students is really different. I didn't even expect that they would actually choose to compromise in the preferential candidate test."

"This is probably because they saw the original intention of this exam." The staff member said. "Because this is the only opportunity in the first grade to get a huge amount of points. If you are just short-sighted, you will only notice the 50 or 100 class evaluation scores."

"And those with preferential treatment will take the exam," the chairman said. "Have you ever thought about why you are called a preferential treatment person?"

"Those who receive preferential treatment are given preferential treatment, so they can take the test with peace of mind, because they will be treated well," the chairman said. "The small island exam is generally considered to be a hardship, and then returning to the ship is preferential treatment. This means that the school will not make things more difficult. But not many people can think of this."

"And being able to do this is obviously a rule for those who have received preferential treatment."

"Then it led to this result." The chairman said.

"Does that mean this is the optimal solution?" The staff member understood.

“This year’s class of first-year students is unique,” ​​the chairman said. “I think probably in this year, every class can put together a huge amount of points.”

"And when the time comes, there will be other exams, such as when a huge amount of points must be spent. Will they be willing to hand it over?"

“I’m looking forward to seeing what they choose,” the chairman said.

"That means we can look forward to their growth more than ever," the staff member said.

In other words, the staff are also motivated.

After all, this is an institution for cultivating people. It would be a joy to watch the students grow.

Instead of looking at the second grade students who are a little sad and can no longer think for themselves, people are worried that when graduation comes, can they really push out the second grade Class A like this?


"Bring me the bill," the chairman said. "Then start signing the contract now."

"And you need to work too."

Needs work.


Because there are 146 student accounts that need to be refreshed, it is natural to start checking and transferring money.

You really need to be busy for a while.


The chairman's office is brightly lit.

On the ship.

Oreki-san and the others expelled the recipients at the same time at 9:35 pm, and after sending the information about the recipients of their own group, the end of the exam was also announced on the ship.

However, the exam is over, and the representatives of each class who were in the private room yesterday afternoon are now gathered together.

Still in the original private room.

Class A Katsuragi Yasuhei, Oreki Houtarou

Class B Ichinose Honami, Kanzaki Ryuji

Class C Long Yuanxiang

Class D Horikita Suzune, Kushida Kikyo, Hirata Yosuke

There are 8 people in total, all present.


Oreki-san's agreement with them is not over yet.

In other words, now everyone is waiting for the points to arrive and then complete the final step.

Collect half of the points earned by the students in your class and transfer them to Oreki Houtarou.

"Don't all look so gloomy." Oreki-san found that except for himself and the cheerful Horikita-san, the other class representatives were not in a good mood.

But Katsuragi-san's side is quite stable.

Because the exam for preferential candidates is over.

For Class A, he was satisfied with the results of this exam.

The class evaluation score increased by 471 points.

The gap with lower classes widened again.

At the same time, although they signed an agreement with Class D to spend 800,000 points every month until they graduate.


Now every student can get 250,000 points. Although it is a pity that Sakayanagi is not here, she also contributed in this time's preferential candidate exam.

Participated in the derivation of the law of preferential treatment.

In the end, Oreki Houtarou got the information about the recipients of other classes.

Then the current result was achieved.


This exam shows that Sakayanagi is also assisting Class A.

after all.

If his Katsuragi faction keeps competing with the Sakayanagi faction, it is actually not a good thing for the class.

But Sakayanagi's idea was too radical, and he felt it was unsafe.

So the current result is the best.

Katsuragi-san feels very satisfied.

But the expressions on Class B and Class C were very bad.

Of course.

Because Oreki-kun, you are making a lot of money, and Horikita Suzune can still share the money, so of course she is also very relaxed.

Therefore, Kushida-san was happy to be excluded and even exposed as a spy.

Her mood became quite bad.

Because what she was thinking was that Oreki would exclude her and doubt her, she was referring to the relationship between Teacher Hoshinomiya Chie and Teacher Chabashira from Class B.

I think Horikita looks like Chabashira.

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