Also wearing gray stockings.


She's a pretty pretty girl.

Moreover, this was also the first time for Oreki-san to see someone wearing gray silk stockings.

Usually they are white stockings, black stockings, or flesh-colored stockings.

So gray is quite rare, but it is also quite eye-catching and makes the other person look quite cute.

From the information about students from other classes presented by Hashimoto-san, Oreki knew that she was the class star of Ryuen Class, Class D, first grade.

The name is Hiyori Shiina.

In the initial plan to deceive people into opening a store...oh no, it was a store opening, 36 students from Ryuen's class participated.

Except four people.

Ibuki, Albert who was tamed by Ryuuen, Ryuuen and Hiyori Shiina.

According to Manabe-san, this Shiina initially advised her not to join.

At that time, Oreki-san considered Shiina-san to be a very smart person.

But Oreki had never spoken to him, and he didn't even have a few brushes with each other in school.

And now Karuizawa-san is still waiting for his reply.

"I noticed it too." Oreki took out his phone and there were words written on the screen.


That means he knows.


Karuizawa-san stopped talking to him, as he seemed to have other things to be busy with.

"See you later then."

She said these simple words and walked out of the bookstore.

But Oreki was still in the store.

Because he found that Shiina-san was still observing him from the corner of his eyes.

Some time ago, he took Ichinose to eavesdrop on Ryuuen's brainwashing technique in Ryuuen's class.

At that time, Ryuuen regarded him as an imaginary enemy, and Shiina Hiyori was also there. Ryuuen portrayed him to his classmates as the Great Demon King Oreki, so Shiina Hiyori might pay more attention to him out of curiosity.

But how much do you pay attention to him? Is it possible that it was a mistake?

Oreki-san doesn't like trouble.

I also don’t like being pestered by strange people.


He looked at the bookshelf and raised his hands, then sighed, and called a clerk over.

"Is there a book that will be the final chapter of [My Youthful Love Story Really Has Problems]?"

"Sorry, let me check." The clerk walked to the computer at the service desk and searched, but the result was that it was sold out.

"It's sold out, but we can accept reservations." The clerk put down the mouse and said.

"How many days is the fastest?"

"It takes three days."

"I see... I really need to go to the library to borrow some." Oreki-san looked disappointed and muttered to himself.

Then he turned around and left.

The goal is also the direction to the library.

But when he walked out of the store, he suddenly looked back and saw no one.

Then keep going.

But Shiina Hiyori-san didn’t dare to move forward.

Because this is her first time stalking someone.

A little nervous.

Also worried about being discovered.


Now, the other party's itinerary has been marked.

It was not her mission to track Oreki-san, but Ryuuen molded Oreki-san into the Great Demon King. Although she felt that the chance of being promoted to Class A was very small, because she had to defeat the Great Demon King Oreki.

But now let’s collect information about the Great Demon King Oreki.

From the girls’ sources, we know that Oreki-san seemed to have been confessed to by a girl from Class C some time ago.

And now, she is with Karuizawa Megumi, the cutest girl in Class C.

at the same time.

You will also see him occasionally or often meeting Horikita Suzune from Class C.

Don’t you, Class A, have your own beautiful girl? Why do you always come to see the girls from Class C?

But Hiyori also knows that the girls in Class C are indeed exaggerated and too beautiful.


Now that Oreki-san’s path has been determined.

So Hiyori-san was already prepared to ambush her in the library.

But she didn't know that Oreki walked back to the dormitory through the alley after leaving the bookstore.

And she stayed alone until closing time and no one came.

So, when Shiina-san met next time, he changed the name of Oreki the Great Demon King and Oreki's Money-Taking Monster to Oreki Pigeonmon.

After leaving the library, Oreki-san had returned to the dormitory.

To be precise, after getting on the elevator, I passed by the boys' dormitory and then arrived at the girls' area of ​​the dormitory.

He squatted down and took away the succulent potted plant from the door. Oreki-san found a room card there.


Swiping the card gently, the door opened.


Sakayanagi-san is really brave.

Because she lent him her key card.

The theory is that she didn't expect him to come so late, so she had to go to her father's place as usual. But the key card was left at the door.


She was in poor health, but she could stay in this school, and Chairman Sakayanagi had the intention of taking care of her at any time.

But her health condition must also be confirmed.

But he is very busy at work, so Sakayanagi-san often goes to his father's office by himself.


The cat is so cute.

Oreki-san just opened the door. In the dark room, light came in from outside the door, and an orange cat came to his feet from far away.

He scratched the ground with his front paws, raised his head, and stretched.

This is his cat, Hayate.

It seems that the original owner was not remembered because he was raised by Sakayanagi-san.

Oreki-san bent down and touched the other person's head, and it just lay down on the spot, quite submissive.

"Ara, what a coincidence, you are already here."

At this time, a cute girl's voice came from behind, and Sakayanagi-san also came back.

Chapter 114: The deceived Ibuki and Hiyori-san’s attack!

Sakayanagi-san has returned.

She was still wearing a student uniform, and then white stockings.

But when he turned back to look at the other person, Oreki-san felt that the other person's cuteness was +10.

And this is probably because the place where he is now is the other party's dormitory.

The school's dormitories are uniformly configured, but students can arrange them according to their own preferences.

Sakayanagi-san put up wallpaper and was also a cute type of dresser.

It feels like a little princess's room.

However, she also has the title of Little Princess Sakayanagi in her class, so there is no problem in dressing up and living like a little princess.

It makes people think that this is a girl.

"Oreki-san's cat is very clingy," Sakayanagi Yusu said. She knelt down and touched the cat's head. When she raised her hand, the cat would put its head on it.

Very dear.

And when Oreki touched its head just now, it was also very good at lying down on its own.


When Oreki-san raised it before, it wasn't so well-behaved.

Probably because he was treated well by staying with Sakayanagi.


Although he came here to pet his own cat and let the cat remember him as its original owner, Oreki was not embarrassed to leave like this.

"Black tea will do." Itayaru Yuqi said.

Oreki-san is making tea.

It's her tea leaves, her tea cup.


"I'm sorry that my health is not good, and Kamuro-san is responsible for these things, but she is not here now, so I can only trouble you," she said.

It seemed a little apologetic.

Everyone knew that she was in poor health, and no one would blame her.

But when it comes to Oreki-san, I find that Kamuro-san seems to be quite useful.

I thought she was just doing an auxiliary job, but now isn't she doing a pretty good job taking care of her daily life?

So, what is Kamuro-san’s handle?

Oreki-san was a little curious.

However, in the precognitive dream, it can be known that the future Kamuro classmate did not leave after graduation and was still by Sakayanagi's side.

Then it must not be as simple as one handle and two handles being grasped.

It's the other person's choice.

"Speaking of it." Yusu Sakayanagi continued. "Oreki-san, you can open the box on the table."

"Packaging box?"

On the square table is a chess board and chess pieces, and then a small rectangular box.

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