
Since you know this embarrassing thing, and there are only two people here, she and him, can't you keep it in your heart and not say it out loud?

So, there were actually a few minutes left before lunch break, but Kushida-san felt that he needed to find a place where there were no cameras.

Because everyone saw her chasing Horikita-san out, there was a reason to go back a little later.

"So, doesn't Oreki-san have a good relationship with Horikita-san?"

"And this time we just adopt a laissez-faire attitude?"

After Oreki returned to class, at the end of the afternoon get out of class, the girl with straight silver hair sitting next to him spoke to him.

This is Sakayanagi Arisu.

After the lunch break, until now, this time has been enough for everyone to get information from Class C and start rumors.

Therefore, Itayanagi now also knows what happened to Horikita-san in Class C.

The sibling relationship between Horikita Suzune and the student council president Horikita Manabu is revealed.

And then there was a reaction.

Then I noticed that after returning to the classroom, Oreki-san didn't give any instructions.

That said, the rumors continue.

"I asked Horikita to go back and rest directly," Oreki-san said. "She's going to take a few days off."

"Then the rumors will probably spread even more violently."

"..." Banliu. "oh."

"It seems that Oreki-san wants to use Horikita Suzune's chess piece." Sakayanagi Arisu said quickly. "Are you interested in the position of student council president?"


This is very Sakayanagi.

Due to Oreki-san's laissez-faire attitude, she immediately realized what would happen if this rumor continued to spread.

As long as the student council president doesn't deny it.

In other words, it is impossible for Horikita Manabu to deny it.

After all, Horikita Suzune is indeed his sister, so will he deny such a thing?

Will not.


In the end, he first allowed the rumors to spread, and then borrowed Horikita Manabu's habit of not denying it.

Then this will be confirmed.

All the students in the school knew that Horikita's younger sister also attended this school and was in the first grade.

It's the next semester now, so Horikita will graduate in just a few months.

A speech will also be given.

However, during his tenure as student council president, a considerable number of students admired him.

Then, as long as the next person who is equivalent to the student council president makes a move to bring Horikita Suzune into the student council, he can get the votes of many people who originally supported Horikita Manabu.

There are only two conditions for the election of student council president.

1. Recommendation by the Student Council President to grant qualifications

2. The whole school students vote. The whole school students here include first-year, second-year and third-year students.


You can almost get most of the votes from the third graders, and some of the votes from the second graders if Nagumo doesn't interfere.

This is a very cheap, but very effective way of canvassing votes.

No wonder Sakayanagi thinks so.


"I'm not interested in the position of student council president," Oreki said. "I've observed President Horikita's work. He has to do a lot of work every day, and he doesn't have weekends. So once he becomes the student council president, Personal time will be greatly reduced.”

"The school gives students the greatest authority, but as the pinnacle of students, the student council president is also busy to the max!"

"But if Sakayanagi-san is willing to take over the class, then I will help you canvass votes."

"..." Sakayanagi.

Sakayanagi-san curled his lips.

You know that Horikita works very hard, but why do you want her to work so hard?

So Sakayanagi-san decided not to talk to Oreki-san that day.

Just like Oreki-san did, he did not continue to interfere in the rumors.

But it's not completely immobile.

For example.

He also asked Kushida to use her network to spread the rumors to the upperclassmen.

after all.

The channels and methods of contact between freshmen and upperclassmen are limited.

So someone needs to thread the needle.

at the same time.

The senior students were curious after learning this information.

Even Nagyun Masaru looked confused.


Before, he thought Oreki's Suzune was quite beautiful, a top-notch beautiful girl, but it turned out to be President Horikita's?


He didn't dare to have any ideas at all.


Rumors were circulating among the freshmen, and the same was true among the upperclassmen. Although Horikita Manabu didn't say anything, he seemed to have acquiesced in the fact that Horikita Suzune was his sister.

During this period, it also happened that Horikita-san returned to class.

She felt that after a day, she had calmed down.


"Today is the 1st."

"First of all, congratulations. No one dropped out of school in the special examination that just ended."


"This is your average and passing grade in math."

Chabashira then wrote 36 and 18 points on the blackboard.

Among them, 38 points is the average score. It’s the score everyone got divided by the number of people.

This score is pretty good.

It shows that even though Hirata worked hard to lower the score value for those who could get better scores, all subjects were fixed at 51 points.

But in the end, there are still many people who are holding back.

"And, unfortunately, you did not receive a class evaluation score in this exam."

Chabashira-sensei said this.

"However, exams are also continuing this month."

"And the exam is still a written test."

"The questions are still set by the school - the assessment is based on this month's learning content. I hope you will continue to study hard." Chabashira said. "And the rewards for exam evaluation scores are the same as last month."

"Why is this like this -" XN classmates became very noisy.

Because I studied hard for a month.

So most students are in a bad mood because they are studying every day.

at the same time.

Doesn’t this mean that we have to study every day this month?

And if the current situation continues, they will still not be able to receive living expenses next month.

Because everyone’s achievements are there.

This is an exam question.

For Horikita Suzune, there will be no problems in the exam.

After all, she had never been distracted in class.


Something was wrong on her end.

It's in terms of points.


Because the average score of Class C's written test last month was lowered, although no one dropped out, they did not receive any class evaluation points.

But the class's class evaluation score of 530 points does not belong to them.

So after everyone comes here in the morning, they need to transfer the points from the school on their student ID cards to Takaharaji and Horikita Suzune respectively.

This was agreed upon from the beginning.


There are some exceptions.

That is.

There were 40 students in the class, and 12 students refused to give Horikita's share and Oreki-san's share of private points worth 320 class evaluation points.


After the class meeting is over.

Horikita Suzune, who wanted to claim the missing points, was surrounded by her classmates instead.


"The special test this time is still a written test. Although we held a study session, it was really too difficult." A girl said.

"That's right, Horikita-san, I hope you will teach us how to study in the future." Some boys also suggested.

Horikita Suzune participated in the study session at Kushida's invitation in the middle of last month.

But some students wanted to quit midway, so she only taught for 7 days.

Kushida and the others will be responsible for the follow-up.

but now.

Do you hope she can help?

"If you want to learn, I will also participate in the study session. And this month's points——" Horikita Suzune hadn't noticed what they were thinking.

But she also has the task of collecting everyone’s points and transferring them to Oreki-san.

"Huh? I didn't mean to study, right? It's something that your brother can see with his permission. I want something like that. That's right, it's the answer to the test paper!" The classmate exposed his true colors. "And if you can give me this, then I will continue to give you the points."

"I don't understand what you are talking about at all. How can you get such convenient things? People who don't use their brains will become stupid——"

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