After all, she was still a [friend] of Horikita-san in the class, and she gave up on teaming up with her best friend Wang Miu in the matching exam, and then teamed up with Horikita Suzune.

So in the eyes of others, their relationship is quite good.

These days, there are rumors about Horikita Suzune, and it is indeed strange that she has not played a positive role.

So let’s express our attitude now.


Little Angel Kushida just stood up to help speak, but found that Horikita Suzune spoke herself.

"Although I don't really want to mention it, there are girls in my class who have strong opinions on me." Horikita Suzune said.

Chapter 134 Horikita Suzune’s acting skills! Counterattack! Kushida: You can act better than me!

Last night in her dormitory, Oreki and Ichinose came over again to discuss the details of the response, and then Horikita Suzune opened her heart.

To be precise, she regained her composure after being comforted by Oreki-san.

After they went to class, Duzi took a shower alone.

Finally calmed down completely.

And that's what she said at the time.

"There are girls in the class who have problems with me."

"For example, those girls who had direct conflicts with me, and then there must be some people who are unhappy with me." This is what she said.

Isn't she quite self-aware?

There are only twenty girls, and then she gets upset with half of them. What kind of bad interpersonal relationship is this?

"These people, there's no problem." Oreki-san replied to her. "I'll arrange for someone else to handle it."

And now, these girls jumped out again.

Refuse Hirata to clear the ground for Horikita.

[As long as we control those few people, they are not very prominent existence in the first place, and it is easy to control them, because rumors are rumors after all, and most people actually don’t care that much, and spread them The realism will be greatly reduced.

And now they are still spreading because no one is stopping them, so we just need to create ways to prevent them from spreading. ]

That's what Oreki told her.

"In the final analysis, we have to create a prohibitive environment, so how do we do it? There are still some people who are disgusted with me." Horikita had doubts at that time.

And now is the time for revelation.

At this time, just shoot the first bird and it will be fine.

Karuizawa Megumi, who was sitting in his seat and playing with his mobile phone, suddenly said, "Wow, it's really true that someone would believe that kind of rumor——"

It was obviously just a casual voice, but it made everyone else fall silent.

Because this is the position of a domineering person among girls.

As soon as she opened her mouth, the girl who was still about to quarrel with Horikita suddenly lost her arrogance.

Because this girl is the classmate Yoshiko Itada who was controlled by Ryuuen before and then betrayed Karuizawa.

And Karuizawa was already looking at the others with disdain.

"It was said that the student council president would inform Horikita about the content and direction of the exam, but I guess that's impossible."

"Because there are two students from Class A in the student union? They are called Katsuragi-san and Kito."

"Are they cheating every time they take the exam? And this is impossible."

"If you can cheat if you join the student union, then everyone will want to join. A student union, and it is the student union of our school, will have this kind of ethics, right? And since they have it, doesn't the student union president also have it?"

Karuizawa said, "If the student council president were my brother, then he would definitely not tell me the answer."

"Because he has to lead by example, and... he is actually the one who is monitored the most. The greater the power, the greater the responsibility. I don't think such a student president brother will give the answer to his sister easily."




Karuizawa's words were very long, but Yoshiko Itada, who had just spoken, felt a little embarrassed.

"That-" She was speechless because of the question.

"Anyway, these are basic principles. It would be strange for someone to think about violating them."

Karuizawa's teammate Sato also stood up.

"I can't understand you," she said.

After finishing speaking, there was a gap of more than ten seconds.

Because except for some people in the class, it is difficult to understand, but some people will still understand some things.

Otherwise, there would not have been 11 students willing to spend money on the first day of school to listen to the information that Oreki-san came to sell.

And Karuizawa continued,

"If you want to think about it the other way around, then if the student council president has selfish motives and you bully his sister like this, are you dissatisfied that you haven't dropped out of school yet?"

Karuizawa looked aggressive now, "And did you think what Hirata-san said just now was wrong? Do you think your thinking is clearer than Hirata-san's?"

"Okay, okay, please don't use that tone." Mr. Hirata hurriedly came to smooth things over.

"Well, no, we don't really believe those rumors...right." The girl who was criticized immediately went down the steps.

Then they whispered to each other and then stopped talking.

Because Karuizawa directly turned things around and made these people want to fight Hirata. Hirata-kun is very popular in Class D. It is said that in order to prevent conflicts among classmates, he even resigned from the regular team of the football club. Who can directly confront him?

They didn't want to fight against Hirata at all.

And no one told them that if they offended Horikita Suzune, they would be expelled from the school by the student council president. They just see Horikita being unhappy and collect money to do things.

[Karuizawa and the others directly suppressed the girls who surrounded Horikita yesterday. ]

[By the way, is Karuizawa also the person you support? ] by Haruka Hasebe. [I always think she is very fierce. ]

Oreki-san also had an insider from Class D, and the other party quickly passed on the information.

And the same news that Horikita Suzune finally started to deal with the rumors actually spread to different classes.

The students who had spies in Class D were informed of the current situation in Class D.

It's just that these are basically done by letting other people help.

What about Horikita Suzune herself?

Oreki-san sent a message.


Horikita Suzune's phone vibrated on the table, and she noticed a message from Oreki-san.

There is blank content above.

But she knew it was a signal.

So Horikita Suzune stood up obediently. "Can I say a few words, Hirata-kun?"


Others looked over.

Horikita Suzune stood up, then bent down slightly, "I'm sorry."


This apology surprised almost everyone paying attention.

Because Horikita Suzune would actually apologize.

And why did she apologize.

"I said something outrageous to you yesterday morning. I should calm down." Horikita said.

What she is talking about here is that when she ran out of the classroom yesterday, she also yelled at other people a few times. It seemed like nothing serious at the time, but others must have been talking about her after she left.

"Huh -" The girl who was yelling at Horikita didn't expect Horikita to say that, but now that everyone was looking over, she had no choice but to bite the bullet and say, "Well... we probably went too far."

It's like the two parties reconciled with each other.

"Well, well. That's the end of it." Hirata, who only cares about the harmony of the class, is very satisfied with the current situation.

But this is not the end.

"Also, can I say one more thing." Horikita Suzune continued, "I'm not very good at getting along with others, but I like this class very much, so I participate in study sessions every time there is a written test. I hope everyone We can live together for three years without leaving each other. So, can you move forward with me?"


The air seemed to have stopped.

Probably no one could have imagined that such a cold-blooded Horikita could be so humble and passionate about the class.

Some people have already remembered what Horikita-san did along the way.

Although he cursed people at the study meeting, he took the trouble to give them questions. He also noticed Sudou's things last semester, and then taught them a lesson, asking everyone to chase Sudou back, and then invited Takaharaji.

Although the class failed in the end, it also made an appearance.

Aren't these all manifestations of her love for the class?

Don’t you hope that the class will perform better and better?

It was like the air had been sucked out of me.

"Pah————Pah——" The stunned Hasebe classmate was the first to clapped his hands.

The others were stunned for a moment, and then clapped their hands, and more and more people clapped their hands.

"Yes, let's unite and work hard. I also hope that by the end of three years, we will have more than one person here!" Hirata Yosuke said.

So the topic immediately turned to loving the class.

In other words, now, there is no one to continue the rumors.

In other words, most people feel that they need to gain new insights into Horikita Suzune. In other words, someone wants to get in touch with her and become friends with her.


Kushida picked up the pen in a way that appealed to his heart, but he couldn't break it.

If at first I was just worried about being targeted by Horikita Suzune, then the recorder would be exposed.

But now, she found that Horikita Suzune had turned to another level. That was the step she hadn't considered.

At first, she thought that Horikita Suzune might use her side to be the mastermind and expose her tactics, but now it's completely different.


She had no idea that Horikita Suzune was so good at acting.


This is definitely an act.

The love for the class and the fact that everyone has been helping each other for three years are all fake.

Because she has always known that Horikita Suzune has been thinking about saving up 20 million to leave this garbage-like place.


This is acting.

Just to gain other people's approval, and rumors can leak out, the big reason is that this person's status is not high enough, so it can be slandered, but when Horikita Suzune came to act in this drama, she became a [companion], Who would say bad things about their companions?

And in this way, the matter was solved directly.

And because they are companions, no one has the nerve to refuse.

Therefore, the points will still go to her.

In other words, just perform it and it's over.

[well done. ]

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