So the next time we encounter an exam related to academic ability, the top students in Class A will be exhausted and will no longer be able to play.

This is Class D's plan to accumulate their own academic masters and then compete against each other.

"But it's a pity, will her luck be so good?" Sakayanagi said.

Although the commander of Class D currently in the examination room is Ayanokouji-san, Ayanokouji-san has not given any instructions since entering the exam room.

Rather, it seemed that Class D was mentally prepared to lose and be deprived of [protection].

It can also be seen from this that the real commander of Class D this time is Suzune Horikita, who has not yet taken the field.

"The next round is English cloze."

Because the students of Class D abstained early, the on-board digital teacher of Class C, who was the invigilator, directly announced the next computer-selected exam in advance.

It’s still an English test.

"It seems that luck belongs to our class!"

In the classroom of Class D, students who did not participate and those who had already participated in the project and returned remained in the class.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief as they watched the fifth exam that was selected by machine.

"The rest is up to you."

"Make up our share!"

Karuizawa-san and the others, who returned from abstaining from the fourth English test, said to Yukimura Teruhiko and Kushida's best friend Miu Ou who will represent the class next.

There aren't actually that many academically capable people in Class D. There won't be more than 7 in total.


Gaoyuanji has already participated in the swimming event, so he cannot appear.

Kushida-san is a candidate for the typing project, and Horikita-san is a candidate for the chess project. There is no guarantee that he will be selected for the typing project and the chess project later, so we can only arrange for the remaining top students to participate. .

But fortunately, the English cloze project provided by their class only has two students.

So I arranged for classmates Yukimura Teruhiko and Wang Miu.

Yukimura is recognized as the academic leader in the class, and Wang Meiyu, although not the academic leader, is very good in the subject of English and always gets full marks.

And she is also the top horse in the Tianji horse racing chosen by Horikita-san.

So what is the combat power of such a high-quality horse?

"This classmate Wang Meiyu's English question-solving ability is indeed excellent."

Although it is a command tower, you can directly see the live broadcast of the competition scene, and Banliu noticed that the students in his class had already chosen the wrong question when they were doing the questions.

But classmate Wang Meiyu was extremely smooth both in reading and doing the questions.

It's like going through a large number of questions. This level of cloze puts no pressure on the other party.

Sakayanagi retracted his contempt for Class D.

Teacher Mashima said that this special exam can also be regarded as a final exam, which combines the students' academic ability, athletic talent, and even luck.

Therefore, students are arranged to choose the projects for the design competition exam.

But the difficulty is also much more difficult than the projects given by the school at the beginning.

In this project, although the students in Class A are balanced in all aspects and even have excellent hardware, it is undeniable that Class D can still pick out some outstanding people.

Therefore, because 6 places were occupied in the last English test, Class A once again faced off against Class D. The carefully prepared English cloze was somewhat insufficient.

English cloze was won by Class D.

in this way.

Class D won the first swimming competition.

Class A won the second basketball game.

Class A won the third round of abacus mental arithmetic competition

Class A won the fourth English test competition

Class D won the fifth round of English cloze

Soon came the key items.

As long as Class A wins again, Class A will win this exam.

Chess, the project in which Banliu is most confident, has not yet appeared.

Therefore, Class A still has the advantage.

"It seems that Lady Luck is standing here in Class A today." Oreki-san said in the classroom.

Because the system's random draw in the sixth round has been released.


Chess is among the five sports offered by Class A, while chess is also included among the five sports offered by Class D.

Rather, it is a bit surprising that both classes have come up with this project, and that it has only been selected now.

It seems that this is not even the finale, the results of this special examination are about to come.

"Get a crucial victory for the class." Oreki-san said to Kamuro-san.

There are three people in class A who can play chess.

In fact, in the beginning, only Sakayanagi Arisu was unable to do any exercise due to physical discomfort, so she chose chess as an activity that suited her.

So he is an old chess player.

During the holidays, she tried teaching Oreki-san to play chess, but Oreki soon discovered that her focus was not on teaching him.

in this way.

We arrived at Kamuro-san’s place.

I knew the rules of chess in the past, and then I also received formal training from Sakayanagi in the past two weeks.

Oreki also paid attention to Kamuro-san's changes during the days when he was teaching Horikita-san. Judging from the fact that he was always full of energy, he probably wasn't tortured by Itayanagi.

In other words, Itayanagi didn't care about Kamuro-san's own chess skills.

Because in a chess game, the command towers of both sides can intervene.

Chess is 1VS1. The required number of people is 1, and the time limit for playing chess is 1 hour (overtime will result in loss)

Rules·Based on standard regular chess rules.

The command tower can give instructions at any time, and there is a time limit. The commander's thinking time for each move must not exceed 5 minutes, and the total consumption time must not exceed 30 minutes.

The rules here are a bit interesting.

Initially, Sakayanagi-san thought that the command tower could provide guidance only after the 21st move, but Oreki-san suggested changing the situation.

The command tower can be used to give instructions to one's own team members at any time, which shows that one can actually intervene in the first move of chess.

Because of such loose rules, Sakayanagi can completely regard Kamuro-san as a tool for placing chess pieces.

As long as Kamuro-san doesn't place the wrong pieces, the level of Kamuro-san's chess skills really doesn't matter.

And now.

Kamuro-san stood up.

Although Oreki-san gave her a request to win a crucial victory.

But the real person playing chess is Sakayanagi behind her. She should tell Sakayanagi to bring back this crucial victory for the class.

She is just a tool anyway.

in this way.

Kamuro-san left the classroom, and after a while, he saw Kamuro-san in the room where Chabashira-sensei of Class D was the referee.

In addition to Kamuro, the chess players from Class D also arrived at the scene.

The other party arrived earlier and seemed to be well prepared.

The referee for this exam, Sae Chabashira, was on Horikita Suzune's side.

"How's your state of mind?" Chabashira asked the other party.

Logically speaking, a teacher shouldn't say so much to a player, but as a teacher, Chabashira's feelings can certainly be understood.


This class climbed up from the garbage heap. Although it is still about the same now, judging from the examination situation, this class is not hopelessly rubbish.

Even in the class, there are a few outstanding people.

In this way, as a teacher, it is impossible not to have mood swings.

"A dead pig is not afraid of boiling water." However, what surprised her was that Horikita Suzune said with a straight face, "But I will try my best."

It was indeed a straight face.

Horikita Suzune stopped feeling cold almost as soon as she saw the chess table placed in the center of the classroom.

It was as if Chess had done something very painful and hateful to her.

Then what you can see is that Horikita Suzune sat quietly in front of the chessboard, closed her eyes, and seemed to be thinking with her eyes closed.

Quite serious.

"I don't like playing chess." Horikita Suzune opened her eyes and said, probably after noticing that Kamuro had arrived.

"..." The divine room.

In fact, Kamuro doesn't like playing chess either.

Playing chess requires thinking and even strategy. This kind of thing is a bit stressful for Kamuro.

But Horikita Suzune, you don't like playing chess, what are you going to tell her?

"..." Sakayanagi.


Sakayanagi stared at the screen emotionlessly.

As a chess fan, Horikita Suzune really said something that made chess fans -1 in favor as soon as she appeared.

"However, one person asked me to get off." Horikita Suzune continued.

"Although the time was short, I also memorized more than 300 chess games."

"So I'm going to do my best."

"Show all the results of these days of hard work." Horikita Suzune said.

"..." Sakayanagi.

These words made Sakayanagi quiet for a moment.


Did Horikita Suzune memorize more than 300 chess games in just over two weeks?

Memorizing and understanding the chess game is equivalent to gaining 300 or even double the experience of playing chess.


Sakayanagi started to teach himself at the age of 6, then played with a machine, and then played with himself.

After all, this is the only way for her to develop her intelligence even though she is unwell.

So she has more experience. If we use statistics to describe it, Horikita Suzune has 600 chess games, while she has 10,000.


And the exam continues.

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