Hasebe discovered Watson, "Sakayanagi and Oreki-san are dating!"


On top of the student union's list are two things.

One of the incidents was that Vice Chairman Nagumo was fired for misconduct.

Probably with this in mind, the list of student council members was revised.


Above this is...

[I’m dating Oreki Houtarou. You vixens who are staring at Oreki-san, please pay attention to me! ]by President Sakayanagi.


It's really... so arrogant.

Chapter 200 The Lost Dog Alliance!

What an arrogant statement.

rather say……

Sakayanagi-san actually announced that he and Oreki-san were dating directly.

Still so high-profile.

But it seems that most people are paying attention to the list of new student unions.

In fact, this is not the case.

"Why is this happening..."

"Didn't Houtarou say that he wouldn't date anyone in high school?"

Someone made such a sound.

This is Karuizawa Megumi.

She was also among the crowd watching the bulletin board.

And Karuizawa-san is indeed quite disappointed. Obviously, instead of seeing herself become a student council officer, she was more concerned about the fact that Sakayanagi Arisu directly announced her relationship with Oreki Houtarou.


Houtarou obviously gave her a birthday gift, and said it was the first time he gave a gift to a girl, but... he actually wanted to date Sakayanagi Arisu.

And this kind of thing... is a bit mentally prepared. After all, Sakayanagi-san is cuter than her.

At the same time, when Houtarou took her to buy gifts, the hat gift he bought was also the most suitable for Sakayanagi.


Houtarou said that Sakayanagi gave him a birthday gift, so he wanted to return the gift. In other words, it was a polite way of saying it.


They were dating like this... She had no idea about this kind of thing.

"Why...is this happening-"

While Xiao Hui was shocked, she found that Sato, who was following behind her, started crying.

His hands were wiping tears like a kitten.

But tears fell heavily.



Sato-san, you have already confessed your love and then took away Houtarou's first kiss. You should have just let it go.

As a losing dog, you have already won a lot over others.

So now that I know he is dating someone else, I should bless him.

Xiaohui complained in her heart.

Little Kushida noticed the figures of Karuizawa and Sato-san.

I also paid attention to Sato-san’s condition.


After the sports festival, most of the girls in the class saw the scene where Sato-san went to confess his love to Oreki-san from Class A and was rejected.

And now Sato-san's performance is obviously... he hasn't given up yet.

Kushida-san had already somewhat reacted at this time.


This student union list is very problematic.

There are a total of 6 students in Class D. Moreover, she does not think that she is very good, but Sato-san, Karuizawa and the others do not have outstanding abilities in all aspects, so they are not qualified for the position of the student council.

So why did President Sakayanagi let them all in?

Kushida found that a connection could be made.


[I’m dating Oreki Houtarou. You vixens who are staring at Oreki-san, please pay attention to me! ]by President Sakayanagi.


President Sakayanagi's attack power is very strong.

And the words used are vixens. This is the rhetoric of the main palace sufferer.

And now the list of girls who have been put into the student union...like Ichinose-san, well, Kushida discovered that Ichinose has been attacking Oreki Houtarou recently.

As for Horikita Suzune, this is an honest person who doesn't understand love, but she is also a love rival who must be dealt with if she wants to date Oreki Houtarou.

As for Hiyori from Class C...because she is cute and adorable, she has also become Oreki-san's dog, so she also needs some attention.


Hey Hey hey.

Listed in this way, aren't these girls the type who have a good relationship with Oreki-san and may be love rivals, or potential love rivals?

And Kushida himself is still on the list.

In other words, did Sakayanagi-san actually suspect her?

She is obviously so innocent.

She didn't like Oreki Houtarou.

And even if Sakayanagi didn't include her as a love rival, I'm afraid the other people on the list would be suspicious of her when they find out that they are surrounded by love rivals.

And this kind of thing is not a good thing for Kushida-san who wants to build a friendly Kushida Empire.

She doesn't want to be interfered with anyone's love.


Kushida made a proposal.

"How about checking with Oreki-san during lunch break? Sato-san." Kushida trotted over, took out a handkerchief and handed it to Sato-san and said.

This tone sounded like he noticed Sato-san was crying and then gave his opinion.

In fact, the correct thing to do is to send a message directly to Oreki-san to confirm.

However, Kushida said that she would confirm during the lunch break, which showed that her relationship with Oreki-san was very far away, and she could not even contact him directly by mobile phone, so she could only go to see each other during the lunch break.

And this kind of thing...

That's really revealing, Kushida-san.

And Hasebe-san already felt that Kushida-san was not that reliable during the last additional voting withdrawal exam in the class.

And now.

He even noticed that Kushida-san seemed to be hiding his closeness with Oreki-san.

The reason why I say this is that when Hasebe himself went out with Sakura-san, he happened to meet Kushida and Oreki-san.

At that time, Kushida-san was like a little angel beside Oreki-san.

No matter how you look at it, the relationship doesn't look that shallow.


The two have a good relationship.

Then... Kushida-san is still deliberately acting like he is not familiar with Oreki, which makes people very suspicious.

But it's possible.

Because after all, Oreki-san is now dating Sakayanagi-san.

They all have girlfriends, so as rational girls, they should keep their distance.

Apparently. Hasebe-san, who discovered the relationship between Sakayanagi and Oreki-san, has yet to realize that the list of students in the student council is actually the Love Rivals Association.

"Yeah, that's right——" Hasebe-san said. "Oreki-kun is also a celebrity in the school, so I think we can ask him during lunch break."

"After all, Sato-san confessed to him before. He said he didn't want to date others and wanted to study during school time."

"Uuuu——" Sato-san seemed to be unable to stop crying.

Ah this.

Hasebe just wanted to change the subject, not to hurt Sato-san.

"Let's see if there is any misunderstanding or something." Hasebe quickly added.


"By the way, what do you think of Airi?" Hasebe quickly changed the subject.

So Xiang supported Sakura-san who almost fainted after hearing that she was the pet of the student council.

I want to change the topic from Sakura-san.

"I don't really want to go to the student union." But Sakura-san also said with an expression that looked like she wanted to cry.


Which means she just doesn't want to be the student council's pet.

So Sakura-san is safe.

Another pet from the student union who was left waiting to collect information thought in his mind.

"Then it's decided." Karuizawa suggested. "Go find Oreki-san during lunch break."

"Obviously the reason he used when rejecting Maya was that he wanted to study while in school, but now he is dating someone. It's so strange."

"Maybe it's a misunderstanding or something."

Karuizawa said, "And Maya also wants to know."

"Yeah." Sato-san nodded as he sniffed.

Then she can officially get the answer.

She was obviously the person closest to Houtaro, but to be told such a thing suddenly was totally unacceptable.

Xiao Hui said in her heart.

So Kamuro-san reported to Sakayanagi that everyone was going to spy on Oreki-san at noon.

in this way.

He obviously agreed to come over during lunch break to spy on information.

Oreki-san found that his cell phone received a large number of messages.

Karuizawa (3)

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