Noelle's E skill does not produce balls, so the elemental charging efficiency is very important to Noelle, and her output basically comes from the basic attack after using the elemental burst, so Noelle continues to output uninterrupted to the ultimate, so she is extremely dependent on teammates to provide charging. The charge of the adverb entry does not need to be particularly much, but it cannot be without.

Single Relic Graduation Weapon

Red Horn Stone Pestle Recommended Reason The high critical damage provided by the Red Horn Stone Pestle

and the defense and damage increase effect of the weapon effect perfectly match Noelle's character mechanism, which is full of Noelle's inter-damage 81.83% 88.49% 95.16% 104.67% 111.33% 118.94% 129.41% 139.88% 150.35% 162.76% 173.18% Low altitude/ Ground Crash Damage: 163.63%/204.39%176.95%/221.02%190.27%/237.66%209.30%/261.42%222.6A well-deserved graduation weapon. Available Weapons

: Skull

Sword, Reed, Sea Beacon,

White Shadow Sword, 2%/278.06%, 237.84%/297.07%, 258.77%/323.21%, 279.90%/349.36%, 300.63%/375.50%, 323.46%/404.02%, 346.29%/432.54%.

Recommended reason: The special effects of the Bone Sword fit perfectly with Noelle's shield coverage reaching a permanent 50% damage bonus, plus Noelle has no other means to increase the critical strike rate, and the critical strike chance of the adverb entry is needed. The output ability of the Bone Sword after full essence is extremely strong, and in the case that the Huaguan set may dilute the defense provided by the White Shadow Sword, the relatively simple stacking method and simple and crude damage increase effect of the Bone Sword are superior to the White Shadow Sword of Full Essence in terms of output.

The versatility of the Reed Sea Beacon is extremely high, although the special effects are useless, but only relying on the advantages of the main and secondary attributes can make its strength in the hands of Noelle exceed that of the low-precision bone sword, and slightly lose to the essence 5 bone sword. The White Shadow Sword is a two-handed sword that can be forged from a blacksmith. Its adverb Percentage Defense, as well as the Percentage Attack and Defense provided by the weapon effect, multiplies Noelle's output. Moreover, as a four-star weapon and a forged weapon, it may be much easier to obtain than a five-star weapon. Due to the "lock panel" mechanism in the defense to attack of Noelle Elemental Outbreak, you need to pay attention to the technique when using the White Shadow Sword, first stacking and then opening the ultimate.

Optional Weapon

: Pride

of the Sky Recommended Reason: The Pride of the Sky effect's Vacuum Wave can benefit from the huge attack damage bonus that Noelle gains after using Elemental Burst. The elemental charge of the secondary attribute is helpful for the maid who does not produce balls, but the improvement is very limited, and it cannot completely solve Noelle's dependence on Albedo. Optional

weapon: White Iron Greatsword

is recommended for use as a transitional 3-star weapon in the early stage.

The weapon is not recommended Wolf's End

Sword of No Work is not recommended as a five-star weapon, although the attack power provided by the

wolf's end or the Sword of No Work can increase a large part of Noelle's attributes, but due to the mechanism of Noelle's defense power to attack power after releasing the elemental burst and increasing the conversion ratio of 6 lives, the attack power income after 6 lives is lower than the defense power, and it is far lower than the critical hit rate, critical damage, Elemental damage increase, pure attack weapons are only suitable for low life and no Bone Sword.

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