Otherworldly Architect

Vol 3 Chapter 195: stand-in trick

Lewis' style is different from Russell's.

The style of "Blue Star Doom 2" is also different from "Blue Star Doom 1".

"Blue Star Doomsday" has always been a clear-cut style. It may be warm or solemn, but it always has a very deep meaning and connotation.

The new plot is more fun and more in line with the tastes of young people.

Many of the younger generation who have never played "Blue Star Doom 1" have entered the pit through various publicity channels.

Now they feel very satisfied, because this sequel does not emphasize feelings like other games, this sequel...

The quality itself is very good, and the protagonist is in line with their taste!

After Louis settled the outside affairs neatly, he walked home with a lot of baggage.

At this time, seven or eight days have passed since he ran away from home.

When Louis got home, he saw that Russell was already sitting in the yard waiting for him.

Louis: "...I'm running away from home! I've been away for a few more days, no, not on purpose..."

The arrogance outside quickly disappeared, and behind his dissatisfied expression, there was also a little cowardice.

However, Russell soon saw the traces of the battle on Louis.

As smart as she naturally understands, what should have happened to Louis.

But since Louis didn't say it outright, she just pretended not to know.

"Have you eaten yet?" Russell asked, and naturally led Louis into the house.

This is the second interlude.

Early the next morning, Louis found that Russell had been working out outside.

Due to years of fighting, Russell's body has been riddled with holes. The most serious one is that he was penetrated through the abdomen once. Since then, the internal organs have been damaged, and the stomach has not been very good.

Since then, Lewis has paid special attention to the food that Russell eats.

Louis cooks in their family, and he doesn't let Russell cook by himself.

However, the weird and awkward plot of the second-year youth made him never say this, but said: "You're terrible to cook, and you have no talent at all. It's up to me."

Then he became a second-year middle-aged youth who "naturally loves cooking".

This time, Louis had just cooked breakfast and went into the yard. Seeing Russell exercising, he couldn't help but lean over to practice against her.

This is a battle that the player can control, and the outcome of the battle can be arbitrary.

If Russell won, he would reach out and pull Louis up with grace, and then Louis muttered in a low voice, "I don't know how to beat it lightly, but I've drained the water."

If Louis wins, the guy will be complacent: "I haven't tried my best yet."

Although everyone knows, Russell certainly did not use all his strength.

Then the two also hunted a wild boar by the way.

The mutant wild boar was quite cautious, and when it saw the figure, it ran away without a shadow.

With a smile on his lips, Russell said, "Louis, do you remember the stand-in trick?"

Then the two of them staged a wonderful cooperation:

First, Russell stunned the snake, giving Louis a chance to sneak in, and then shoot the bow and arrow with the mark.

The wild boar had rough skin and thick flesh, and this time it hurt and ran away again - but the mark on the arrow allowed Russell to flash quickly and kill the wild boar with one blow.

The two who cooperated successfully dragged the wild boar back one by one, and they did not forget to bicker on the way.

- Exactly the same as it was back then.

However, the two also chatted incidentally, and it seems that there is still room for improvement in the stand-in trick.

Lewis said with a condescension: "I have learned new abilities, and now I can become someone else's appearance. In the future, stunt tricks can make people more unavoidable."

After the warm interlude passed, a new plot soon arrived.

The supernatural organization that Louis provoked, soon came to retaliate - after all, Louis had taken away an important scientific research base.

This time, the battlefield has also moved to a new base city, which is full of clones with various abilities and monsters created by research.

At the end of this level, Louis has taken over the city's central control room.

Seeing that there are basically no normal humans here, he chose to press the "self-destruct" button.

But what he didn't expect was that the city also has a large part of the underground space - the normal people among them live in the underground city.

Recklessness and impulsiveness cost Louis a belated price at this moment.

Thousands of people were trapped in the ground, unable to advance or retreat. The huge broken dragon stone formed a gate, blocking the way out on the ground. This is not a heavy object that can be reached by manpower.

No other traps or arrangements are needed, the special space underground will quickly suffocate those who stay in it.

Louis used all the bones of his body to support the giant door, and in the eyes of outsiders, he had completely turned into a terrifying monster.

People screamed and fled in horror, but no one listened to Louis's command and ran away from him.

click, click...

The hard bones began to crack, and the pain surged.

Louis roared at them: "Get out! Give me one by one! Get out!"

While Louis was in a turmoil, Russell appeared again.

Russell's teleportation ability came into play at this moment, and she was able to teleport out with these innocent people.

——Louis was also liberated from the huge stone gate and helped Russell to evacuate the people.

At the back, it was difficult for Russell's body to support such a large workload. By the time she reached the back, she was pale and began to have nosebleeds.

Lewis wanted to stop Russell from continuing to do so.

But Russell said: "Remember what I said? Louis, the strong man is strong not because he can beat the vast majority of people, but because he can do what the vast majority of people can't. things."

After this level, Russell fell ill on the bed, and his consciousness was not clear.

Her hair turned white, as if heralding the lost vitality.

Since ancient times, beauties sighed late, and heroes were not allowed to see their white heads.

Back then, Russell was a female **** of war with seven in and seven out, but she would not become like this because of a day and two nights of fatigue...

After all, it is old, sick, and no longer invincible.

Not to mention Louis who stayed in bed all night, even the players who saw this scene couldn't help but feel sad.

Louis felt that these things were caused by himself, so he wanted to find a reputable doctor elsewhere to treat Russell well.

But what he didn't expect was that something happened in just a few days.

Someone took on the appearance of Russell, robbed the settlement next door, and set fire to the granary.

Only Louis knew that Russell was still sick in bed, but he was speechless now.

Louis, who didn't want to see Russell's reputation damaged, used his ability to change into Russell's appearance on the spot, and admitted the crime by himself.

He also turned into a monster, deliberately trying to intimidate them—

His appearance was also seen by many people that day, and they identified Louis on the spot.

Louis was charged with double guilt, and he didn't defend himself, just muttered: "Hmph, stupid human, I don't care whether you are afraid of me or not."

Saying that, he kicked the stones on the side of the road shyly.

After the players worked hard towards the main plot, Louis finally found the culprit.

——It turned out to be his own clone! !

This clone has his weakened version of the ability and escaped from the research base at that time.

He has half of Louis' memory, half of his abilities, and even inherited his affection for Russell.

——Such a replicator is essentially a real Lewis, and of course it is impossible to be willing to remain anonymous from now on.

The purpose behind what he did was to be unwilling to be reconciled to his fate as a replicator, and wanted to replace Louis.

Not only did he turn Louis into a "monster" that everyone feared, but he also wanted to take away Russell.

Russell, who was in a coma, was kidnapped, which made Louis intolerable.

When the bull's temper came up, Lewis went straight to the meeting regardless of whether the replicator had any conspiracy or trap.

Lewis: Huh, it's so humiliating to set a trap, I can't do it.

Duplicant: I don't do such humiliating things.

Then the two met in the ruins for a decisive battle, which was really a one-on-one showdown.

This is a final boss battle, and the difficulty is still quite large, because the abilities of both sides are kaleidoscopic and unexpected.

Players need to defeat the three different forms of the clone, and finally enter the CG.

- Russell woke up.

The two Louises were very happy for the first time, and even said in unison, "Help me beat this SB!"

Russell: "..."

The two Lewis are identical in appearance and cannot be distinguished.

But Russell's thoughts changed and he asked, "Louis, do you remember the stand-in trick?"

This is a memory that the replicants do not have.

Louis showed a smile——

He and Russell work together again, and after Russell's attention is drawn, Louis shoots a marked bow.

The replicator was very vigilant, staring closely at Russell with white hair, and said, "It's useless, I'm Louis too. I know you have the ability to teleport, so you can't deceive me."

But the next moment, from behind him, another Russell appeared - the real Russell.

Russell stabbed a deadly blade into his chest.

In front of the replicant, the Russell had changed back to the appearance of Lewis - it turned out that this was what Lewis pretended to be using his abilities.

In the sky, it was raining lightly.

Duplicant Louis stepped back slowly and sat by the wall. He clutched his chest, knowing that he was dying soon.

He looked at Russell, smiled bitterly, and said, "Humans come out of a training apparatus, and feelings... are they fake too?"

Russell was silent.

The clone said, "I've never heard you speak to me since I was born. Russell, I'm working hard too, can you... just compliment me?"

Russell walked towards him.

Louis reached out to stop her, but she shook her head and squatted beside the replicant.

The replicant looked at Russell's white hair and said, "I like your black hair better."

He took Russell's hand.

Russell said: "Louis!"

But she didn't have time.

The next moment, the ability of the replicator was activated——

Russell's white hair turned black like a miracle, and his pale face gradually became rosy.

It was Duplicant Louis who exchanged their internal organs and smoothed out the old wounds on Russell's body.

The duplicant's hair turned snow-white, and his face gradually filled with a dead gray color.

Finally, he whispered again:

"You have to eat well in the future, don't worry, I will... He will protect you."

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