Three days have passed since that day when he began forging equipment and training the army.

Xianjin Yi returned to its usual appearance, and the materials brought by Juncheng came and went, and at the same time, Wang Wen’s message was transmitted.

Wang Wen now has two weapons for all summoned beasts, and they have all undergone training, although they are still wearing tattered clothes, but their temperament and image have changed greatly.

With a tall and muscular figure, plus a weapon, and a majestic momentum, just standing there, he is a well-trained soldier of a hundred battles!

In the past three days, Wang Wen also found time to return to the main world to keep abreast of news and current affairs.

Construction of the ancestral home has also begun.

The people on the grandparents’ side, after communication, also rushed to the ancestral home, in the name of repairing the ancestral home, after all, they are all the Wang family, and they will definitely be there.

Monster attacks in the Overworld are also slowly increasing.

There wasn’t much happening in the past few days, and in the last two days, I could see dozens of them every day, but they were still those monsters on the first day, and there were no new monsters.

There is still no thing about world coordinates on the Internet, and it seems that the imperial courts of various countries are still trying to control the spread of information.

In addition, there are also traces of super-powered people on the Internet, some people can breathe fire and spit water to condense ice and control the wind, but the videos quickly disappeared, and all that remained on the Internet were rumors of catching the wind and shadows.

What a magician, plus special effects rhetoric hustle and bustle.

Wang Wen still stayed in the world of Kabane for a long time.

Today he was practicing martial arts with Hanko and Shizuka, and a subordinate came to report that someone wanted to see him.

Wang Wen heard something strange, his mansion, not to say that the gods are disgusted and hateful, but most of the people in Xian Jinyi are in awe of him, who dares to visit him?

The servant went to bring the people along, and when Wang Wen saw it, it turned out to be the protagonist of this world, Shengju.

He held the steam gun in his hand tightly, and carried several iron plates on his back.

“Lord Lord! My name is Ikoma. Ikoma was also very nervous, and the sweat on his forehead never stopped.

Folklore has it that the lord is a heavenly deity, his soldiers do not have to eat or rest, and they learn things very quickly, learning the forging skills of craftsmen in just one day.

Various rumors made the current Shengju also very nervous, for fear that Wang Wen would drag him out and cut him off if he was unhappy.

Being able to come here is also the obsession in his heart.

Ever since that night five years ago, when Ikoma personally executed him and became Kabane’s sister, he has been researching Kabane’s weapons day after day for five years.

Shengju can summon up the courage to come to Wang Wen, and he relies not on faith but on obsession.

It was day after day of failure, and the people nearby were full of mocking words that persuaded him to give up.

Again and again in a dream, back to the day five years ago, he executed his sister with his own hands.

Each time, he said to himself in his heart: “You must invent a weapon that can kill Kabane and fight Kabane!” ”

So when he came to Wang Wen, although Shengju was afraid in his heart, his eyes were full of firmness.

“What’s the matter with me?” Wang Wen put down his weapon and said.

Seeing that Wang Wen didn’t seem to be so difficult to communicate, Shengju quickly picked up the steam gun and said: “Lord Lord, my friend and I invented this weapon that can penetrate the steel membrane of Kabane, and I hope to be able to fight Kabane!” ”

Seeing that Wang Wen’s reaction was dull, Shengju was anxious, he numbly set up a shelf, put the iron plate on it, and then connected the steam gun, and after pressurizing, he aimed at the iron plate and pulled the trigger.

With a “choking” sound, steam guns were fired, strong air currents appeared, and the clothes of the blowing horse rattled.

The iron plate was also knocked off and landed on the ground.

Shengju stepped forward in two steps to pick up the iron plate, pointed to the place where the hole was pierced in the middle, and said to Wang Wen excitedly: “Look, Lord Lord! This is the power of penetration, which can penetrate the steel membrane at the heart of Kabane, giving us the ability to kill Kabane with one blow. ”

Wang Wen seemed calm about Shengju’s actions, not only because he had known about it for a long time, but also because he had just met Shengju, remembering the steel membrane of Kabane’s heart in the original work, as if it could be used to strengthen weapons.

Although for Wang Wen, who can shuttle to the heavens, even a weapon strengthened by the steel membrane of the heart is only used for transition, but it is better to use than nothing, even if it is collected and used as a memorial.

Wang Wen, who came to his senses, motioned for Shengju to calm down and asked, “The penetration you invented can penetrate the steel membrane of Kabane’s heart, but it must be as close as you just did?” ”

“Yes!” Ikoma replied in a loud voice.

This he has been tested in the past few days, as long as it is close to the steel plate, it can be broken.

The breakthrough relies on the special ammunition “jet shell”, as you can see from the name, of course, it requires an extremely high initial velocity, that is, the closer to the muzzle, the greater the power.

“Then have you thought about what to do if you get bitten in close combat with Kabane?” Wang Wen asked softly.

Deafening, Shengju’s brain buzzed when he heard Wang Wen’s words, what should I do if I am bitten in close combat? What else can be done, only to die using the self-determination bag.

Ikoma’s original intention was to make a weapon that could destroy Kabane, but every time Kabane was destroyed, it was accompanied by the death of a person, so what was the point of this weapon?

The lost soul of Shengju carried the breakthrough and left Wang Wen’s mansion without a god and returned to his residence.

“Ikoma, how’s it going? What does Lord Lord say? Ikoma’s friend asked.

“Qiu Sheng, what if you say that our weapon is in close combat and is bitten by Kabane?” Ikoma asked in frustration.

“Wear protective gear! So that we are not afraid of being bitten! Qiu Sheng replied.

Ikoma didn’t care about wearing protective gear in front, not afraid that Kabane’s protective gear was very heavy, and it would not be dead to be surrounded by Kabane at that time.

Instead, he heard the words “not afraid of being bitten” behind him, and muttered: “Yes! As long as you are not afraid of being bitten, it is no problem! ”

“That weapon is still a little useful.” Hanzi, who was watching the whole process, said.

Wang Wen saw an iron plate left by Shengju, signaled the summoning beast next to him to lift it, took the posture of a gun, and said: “It’s a little useful, it’s not very useful, and it’s even more so for us.” ”

Adjusting the spirit, “Ha” Wang Wen shot out.

The gun was like a hidden dragon out of the water, and after a “choking” sound, it was like a tiger entering the hole, and Wang Wen resumed the posture when he came out of the gun.

And a front and rear light transmission hole has appeared on the iron plate.

“It’s amazing!” Shizuka sighed.

Hanzi didn’t say anything, she can do such a thing now.

Although Wang Wen and them have integrated various skills, they have skill memories, as if they have cultivated over the years, and when they are cast, they are also flowing clouds and waters, as if the water comes naturally.

But after these few days of cultivation, Wang Wen felt that he had gone further, before he was heart-to-heart, pointing to where to fight

Then now is the realm of the autumn wind before the cicada consciousness, the gun technique has turned into instinct, when someone is hostile to Wang Wen and attacks him, Wang Wen’s body instinct will fight back.

Wang Wen’s side was preparing to continue cultivating, and the servant came to report again, and someone came to visit.

A new day has begun, if you think this book is okay, please support the author, thank you very much!

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