Otherworldly White Dragon Lord

Chapter 331: Crystal Dragon's Ambition

"The talent for making crystal puppets is extremely rare. You didn't realize that it was also what I expected. It's just that you haven't even heard of this talent. It's beyond my expectation." Yalin said His tone was quite hurting, and Bu Yani bowed her head in shame and didn't dare to say a word.

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty ~ I disappointed you," Bu Yani said sincerely, facing the Dragon King who had been famous for thousands of years, even if she got new power, Bu Yani knew each other well. The power gap is still very different: "In return, I am willing to be loyal to you forever. Not only that, the Crystal Dragon clan will also become an ally of the White Dragon clan again."

The meaning of Bujani's words was vaguely expressed. The girl hoped that she could return to Crystal Valley to defeat her brother in a new posture and inherit the position of her father to become the dragon king of the Crystal Dragon clan. Obviously, Buani was gaining strength. Later, he also longed for his own power.

This is an ambitious girl!

From Yalin's point of view, now Bujani is like a certain protagonist, first abused by his opponent, and then accidentally got cheats and practiced, then the strength soared and turned back to abuse his opponent to get out of breath.

In fact, Yalin doesn't hate this character of Bu Yani. It should be said that this is the normal state of people or it can be said to be the normal state of 'Dragon'. Bu Yani was originally due to physical and talent problems, although as a Dragon King Female but in a low status in the Crystal Valley, now that Bujani has gained a new power, naturally she is eager to return to the Crystal Valley to wash her humiliation and raise her breath.

The existence of a powerful force is willing to live an ordinary life in the marketplace in obscurity. Unless it is a person who has spent a long life and is indifferent to power and has no interest in the entire world, any intelligent life with strong power will long for himself to stand higher and to look down on others, or else It's like a human being willing to shrink into the ant's den with the ants for the turtle, and what is even more ridiculous is that this person has to endure the constant harassment of the ants to him. What a choice would it take to shake!

The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility! That's the famous quote from Uncle Peter of Spider-Man.

Many times this sentence is used by many positive novels to describe the protagonist, but Yalin seems that this sentence is not completely correct. The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. But power must be greater! Otherwise, this is extremely unfair to the strong. Since others have given their lives to protect the weak, then the weak must also give back to the strong, like Spiderman ’s horn daily boss j. Jonathan Jameson. A deadly wonder. If you replace Spider-Man with Yalin. After fighting many dangerous superpower criminals, he must endure the unwarranted scolding of J. Jonathan. That Yalin would definitely let the SHIELD authorities use political means to clean up this foul-mouthed fool, otherwise Yalin could go on strike, and in a serious point, maybe he would directly transfer a superhero to the camp to become a super criminal.

Now Yalin wasn't interested in getting Bujani back to Crystal Valley to raise her brows and exhale. She had one more thing to do to her. For this reason, Yalin directly pointed out what Bu Yani said: "Do you want to return to Crystal Valley to challenge your brothers?"

"Your Majesty Yalin! I will take the place of the Dragon King, and the Crystal Dragon clan will once again become a loyal ally of the White Dragon clan, just as the two clan fought side by side during the Dragon War ten years ago. When I got to Yalin, I had to tell the truth directly, but I really had the intention to let the Crystal Dragon clan regain the white dragon king's thigh.

Yalin gave a low laugh, and immediately made Bu Yani overwhelmed: "Go back and tell your father that you came to me and begged me to give you stronger power, and then I want to challenge your brother to rule the crystal The Dragon clan is then making the entire clan loyal to me, Bu Yanni ~ You are really a little child who has not grown up! "

Bujani suddenly panicked. She really didn't know what was wrong.

"If I were your father, then in my opinion you are nothing more than a poor worm who has longed for the power of the King of the White Dragon. You have no right to this now, no power, or even power given by others. You may just be a puppet in the hand of the king of white dragons. The crystal dragon clan will give you the equivalent of the king of white dragons. Even if the king of white dragons is a powerful existence that can sacrifice gods ten thousand years ago, but as a father, I ca n’t delegate the clan ’s ruler to an incompetent whose power is all derived from others. ”Yalin coldly gave Bu Yani a stick to drink, so that Bu Yani immediately drew her head like a dream. .

The huge figure of the Crystal Dragon disappeared into the air, and Bu Yani, who re-formed into a human form, gritted her teeth and leaned down to the ground. Bujani is not stupid. The girl quickly thought about this possibility after being dialed by Yalin, but the answer is yes! I ’m afraid I wo n’t be able to get approval if I go back this way, and I may even be considered the puppet of the King of the White Dragon. No one wants to be ruled by the puppet of others.

"Excuse me, Your Majesty Yalin, may I ask what I should do now."

"You need merits and fame. Let your father, your elder brothers, and your kinsman hear what the mainland has said about you, and let them understand that you are enough to be alone and not just rely on others. You need to plate yourself. Gold shell. "

Coated with a gold shell, yes, this is what I need. But Bujani hesitated and didn't know how to plate herself with such a gold shell to kill an hostile dragon or destroy a country? The problem is that the clan of the five giant dragon gods are now hidden in their own country. There are very few dragon clan on the mainland, and even if there is an opponent, they will carefully hide their whereabouts. Destroying a country is even more unreliable. After all, the five Supreme Gods and the only Lord in the world will not tolerate any dragons looting and sabotaging on the mainland.

Yalin leaned on the throne and looked at Bujani and said lightly: "Proof of your own value doesn't just have to be destroyed. Sometimes the deterrent power of creation is much stronger than destruction. Rest assured. ┉┉Soon I will arrange an opportunity for you, an opportunity to make you famous in Crystal Valley. "

"Thank you very much! Your Majesty Yalin!" Bujani said in a hurry.

Yalin nodded: "Before that, I went to the periphery of the Mist Forest and assisted the Frost Snow Elves to destroy all humans who tried to penetrate the depths of the Mist Forest until I summoned you again."


At the same time, a convoy guarded by the mercenary regiment arrived at the Belika fortress on the border of the misty forest. The headed mercenaries presented the fortress guards with a certificate representing the Chamber of Commerce of the Ring of Blackstone before the transmission sounded slowly. The fort gate was opened and the convoy entered the fort.

When Prince Rost learned that the convoy of the Blackstone Circle Chamber of Commerce had arrived, he personally came to greet him and set out to check the condition of the 'goods'.

Only when Prince Rost saw the mercenaries responsible for the escort, he felt a sense of depression. These mercenaries with the emblem of the Chamber of Commerce of the Black Stone Circle looked bad, although most of the mercenaries rolled in the sea of ​​blood. The people who come out will be more or less evil, but the mercy of these mercenaries is a bit heavier. Their expressions reveal twisted cruelty and cruelty. They are more like an unrestrained group than mercenaries. Crazy thugs.

"You are His Royal Highness Prince Rost, aren't you?" A knight in black armor stepped out of the mercenaries.

Rose nodded characteristically. "I am. Excuse me, are you?"

"Rogue ~ Instructor and commander of the Black Rock Mercenary Corps of the Chamber of Blackstone Chamber of Commerce." The knight named Rogue took off his helmet and saluted Rost gracefully.

Nearly impeccable etiquette, Rost couldn't help but glance at Roger, who was incompatible with other mercenaries. He looked like a man in his early twenties, with a sharp face and black hair. The dark eyes revealed a shrewd look, and it looked like a common elegant nobleman. But Rost noticed a detail when the elegant-looking Chief Rog stepped out. The mercenary mercenaries involuntarily took two steps back to make way for him. On the faces of these mercenaries, frenzy and fear alternated back and forth, as if they saw something extremely terrifying ~ www.NovelMTL.com ~ Now Rost has added a little caution. The Blackstone Circle Chamber of Commerce is a chamber of commerce that the ancient **** named and cooperated with. God knows whether the Blackstone Circle Chamber of Commerce will also have some powerful existence beyond the world, maybe The head of Rogge in front of himself is also stingy

Throwing thoughts, Prince Rost, accompanied by the guard, opened the black cloth on the prison car. Many elves and dwarves were detained in more than ten prison cars. One of the prison cars found that Rost found that some of them were inside. Extremely rare orc slaves, but unfortunately everyone's eyes were dim. This kind of sight is somewhat pitiful, but Prince Rost knows he can't help them. Perhaps it is more like a believer in the ancient gods in the Jarnod Mountains than being humiliated and tortured in the hands of humans. This kind of liberation.

"Confirmed nothing wrong"

After the counting was completed, Prince Rost signaled the guard to bring the box brought by the messenger of the ancient god: "This is a good reward for the Chamber of Commerce of the Blackstone Circle. Mr. Rogge asks you to press the fingerprint here."

Rogge glanced at the box and stared at it: "Multiple locks? It's surprising that I don't know what valuables are in it. Can you tell me? His Royal Highness!" (To be continued ...) ()

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