Otherworldly White Dragon Lord

Chapter 371: Scourge from the Scourge

The city of Granada has been attacked by the undead and the city is now in a state of chaos!

This is the news that King Barleka received during the march. For this reason, the king who accelerated the march reached the Granada city four hours earlier than the scheduled time in the early morning. The sight of the army was a fierce offensive and defensive battle. The black squattered undead army surrounded the city of Granada like mold spots. The entire city has been filled with black smoke but resistance has not stopped. It seems that the city walls are still standing dead. Resistance soldiers, but under the impact of the undead army like tide, again and again appear to be endangered.

King Barleka, who had just arrived, could not rest, and after a little investigation of the situation on the battlefield, the commander immediately mobilized the heavy cavalry to assist the city guards from the east to open a passage into the city from the encirclement of the undead army. After entering the city, the strings relieved the guards. Pressure is quickly organizing forces to besiege all undead.

Soon in the sound of the horn, the heavy cavalry began a group charge. With the power brought by the cavalry's maneuver and charge, with the assistance of the magic group's large-scale group magic, the battle plan was successfully carried out! The seemingly solid siege net was quickly torn by a huge gap in the heavy cavalry. In terms of number, the King of Barleka Kingdom was not inferior to the army of the undead, and the heavy infantry square immediately filled the cavalry when it was charged. The gap has prevented the undead army from collapsing the heavy cavalry unit that will not collapse due to morale.

"The first square is advancing forward. The Shield Guard must grasp the tower shield firmly, and these bones must not be allowed to break through the line of defense!" The centurion in the heavy infantry square gave a loud command.

The two shield guards in chain mail slowly moved forward with a huge tower shield, and the rear spearman pierced the tip of the gun into the skull of the undead. Behind the heavy infantry square, there is a whole silver cloud archer brigade to throw the sky arrows to the army of the undead. Although the silver arrows that have the power to destroy the undead are not used, even such low-level undead such as skeletons and zombies The amount of losses is also enough to make any undead mage feel heartache.

Stepping on the dead body on the ground made a creepy clicking sound, facing the enemy who reversed the rhythm of life and death. Although it was told early in the morning that he would fight the undead, the soldiers of the Barleka regiment still faced the enemy. Feeling hairy. Look ~ Look! Those corpses that should have been buried in the ground can actually stand up, have become bones, the muscles of the whole body have been rotten, and even the skull has been ruptured to reveal the rancid brain plasma, but even these former 'humans' can still move. .

God! Why is there such an incredible thing in the world, can human beings really come back to life like this?

Resist the fear and perplexity in my heart. Morale of King Barleka, although affected, was not low. Because the march is now going very smoothly, these undead seem to be terrible but are not opponents at all. Although they cannot kill them by piercing their bodies, they only need to destroy their skulls. Extinguish the fire of the burning soul. These undead will return to darkness.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The soldiers shouted slogans towards the city walls. Cheers seemed to come from the walls. The flag of the Kingdom of Barleka flew up again, which further increased the confidence of the rushing King soldiers. In the command battalion, the king's generals watched the situation on the battlefield with satisfaction. It seemed that victory was a matter of course. Only a few mages are still frowning to observe the situation of the undead army, according to the views of several high-level mage. To form such a large army of undead corps, at least 30 to 40 undead mages must work in concert. Is this large-scale undead invasion the abyss of the endless sea, the colorless undead island of Isolos? Active again after thousands of years of silence?

While the mages were thinking, the king had cleared the undead on the east wall, the shabby city gates were crumbling and released, and the soldiers immediately flooded into the city to assist the defenders in defense, but when the soldiers stepped into this Only when the city found a terrible scene, holding various weapons, but the skeleton soldiers were staring at them with the eyes of the soul shining dry, with no living breath in the city. Suppressed taste of death.

what happened? How did the undead army come in, didn't they still besiege the city?

It ’s too late to think that the undead in the city have already launched an offensive. The first wave of arrow rain on the walls of the skeleton archers let the advance infantry entering the city die. The chaos spread immediately, and the fear in everyone ’s heart was again. The confusion was deepened again. The soldiers who entered the city wanted to quickly withdraw from this ominous city that had been covered by the shadow of death, while the unknown soldiers outside the city gate wanted to enter the city, which caused unimaginable moments of entry and exit. Great confusion.

"What the **** happened? Why has the speed of entering the city slowed down before?" The captain, who was completely unaware, yelled at the soldiers who were suddenly congested.

"Sir ~ Look at the walls, what is that !!"

The voice of the lieutenant interrupted the captain's attention. As the lieutenant's finger looked, the trebuchet of the city's high tower had no idea when many iron barrels were continuously installed with green mist. The generals in the command battalion also noticed this situation. Extremely unknown premonitions suddenly came to mind. Before the time to issue a retreat order, the trebuchet had exerted its power to point the iron barrel in the direction of the main force of King Barleka. Throw it over!

Standing at the highest point of the city, the Lich King Arthas looked at the area not far from where green smoke began to rise, and the faint blue firelight in the helmet's eyes became more and more exuberant. Death Singer Karthus floated over and said, "Your Majesty, everything has been done according to your plan! King Barleka has been infected by the Plague of Plague, and soon they will join your legion, Sang Elvard and Garnilon are ready to attack, and now are only waiting for your order! "

After a moment of silence, Arthas waved his hand in a dull tone and gave a cold command: "Destroy them in the name of the Scourge, don't leave any live!"

"Your Majesty!"

The situation on the battlefield changed unbelievably in an instant. All the undead who were still in the siege suddenly adjusted their offensive and exposed the back without hesitation. They had surrounded the entire Barleka King in a roundabout way at the fastest speed. The green plague poison gas even caused batches of soldiers to fall to the ground. After the mages used wind magic to stop the spread of the poison gas, the entire King Balleka reduced his staff almost by a fifth! Even more frightening is that the soldiers smoked by the poisonous gas quickly stood up again, and then politely aimed the weapons in their hands for more than ten minutes before they were still friends of their companions.

Soon a unilateral slaughter kicked off in Granada, and on the distant sky outside the city, a pair of huge pupils were staring at the sight in surprise.


A few days later

In the capital of King Balleka in the western part of the continent, the priest of the temple was rushing out of the palace. An incredible bad news came from the front line. He suddenly appeared in the army of the undead in the kingdom of Barleka and occupied the border city of Granada. The undead army massacred the entire city. Not only that, the undead even ambushed King Barleka, who went to the rescue. Fourteen Barleka kings were almost annihilated, and less than 7,000 people fled to the adjacent territory. Now that the territory has entered a state of full alert, the lord is constantly asking the king to increase staff, because they are facing a huge army of undead that has expanded to nearly 400,000 overnight.

An army of 400,000 undeads appeared on the ground sheltered by five supreme gods all over the western part of the continent overnight!

This is no longer a contemptible amount. Obviously, the power of the Kingdom of Barleka alone will not destroy these undead. After receiving the news, Saints immediately issued a notification letter to the western countries of the mainland. The western countries of the mainland received the notification letter. After that, he did not make too many skinny moves, and the assembly of materials and troops was very rapid. This is no longer the state of the Kingdom of Barleka. Who can guarantee whether the army of the undead will continue to the rest of the mainland after swallowing up the entire Barleka Kingdom? Expansion. If you sit and watch for a little benefit now, then you wo n’t have the opportunity to regret when the undead army hits your door ~ www.NovelMTL.com ~ Even if you want to talk about the benefits, at least you have to wait until the undead army is resolved!

The news of a 400,000 undead army suddenly appearing in the western part of the mainland and starting a mass killing couldn't be overwhelmed. It didn't take long for the entire continent to talk about it. Countries in the eastern part of the mainland have also raised their alert levels. It is not that they are afraid of the undead spreading from the western continent, but there are recent rumors. Many ships at sea have witnessed the undead crossing the sea from the mainland, and it is judged that the landing place of the undead is exactly the eastern part of the mainland .

An army of undead appeared in the west. The rumors in the east changed from rumors to news that the powers of various countries did not dare to be taken lightly. Coastal countries have stepped up coast patrols and began to guard against death. Who knows whether these profane undeads will Organize a large army as in the west to massacre the eastern continent.

When the secular people began to talk about it, there were some people who were not known by the world and were paying attention to the news of the recent appearance of the undead army in the western part of the mainland. Some people were confused, some were happy, and some were half-happy! (To be continued ...)


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