Immortal Clan is out of the way, three thousand states at the core of the Earth’s immortal earthquake!

鈥淢y ancestors…”

Immortal Clan has a vibration to say, “All day celebration!”

The old Antique, who won’t die in the middle of the family, stood up and fell in the shadow!

Immortal Clan 浠卼here is a person 濮嬬powerhouse 鍚楋紵褰撶劧涓嶆槸锛孖mmortal Clan 濮嬬楹句笅瓒冲鍗乪ldest disciple 锛岃繖婕暱宀佹湀涓紝鑷劧涔熻蛋鍑烘潵浜嗛亾绁栫骇鍒殑瀛樺湪锛?/p>

But Immortal Clan’s ancestors, honored as the most invincible giant in the world, eternal!

Millions of years of sleep, he was even more terrifying and fractured, and the blood light of the meat shell was slight, although it didn’t look depressed, it was already repressing one Great Prefecture, a silver dome!


It’s like a whole piece of day pressure down, divine might be great.

A bunch of heroes, some gruesome Old Antique, have been surprised, the strongest of God, the fuzzy, the vast time of the seats, and the images of the world of shock that prevailed in the universe!

Some powerhouse is completely unavailable, standing down on the knees and laying down the menu, like Divine Spirit, the strongest in their hearts!

鈥淔ortunately, the emperor opened up and the younger generation broke into Dili, otherwise these young people would have seen Immortal Clan’s ancestors desperately desperately, even the strongest, Demon King, without exception!”

鈥淵eah, it’s too much influence, it’s just the way and the law, it affects space in the sky, let alone for a lifetime!”

Many old monster are amazed, and this is an invincible presence in mythology, a powerful shock that can affect the world’s dao heart!

Immortal Clan’s ancestral ancestors crossed Great Prefecture, and the bottom of his foot has come from a cactus, like Ji Realm, across the road, where the invisible matter of Supreme’s ancestral material is becoming visible and triggering a landscape of the crash of the sky!

鈥淚mmortal Clan’s ancestors.鈥?/p>

杩滃湪澶╅槼宸炵殑Su Yan 锛岃繕鏈浘鐪嬪埌鏉ヤ汉锛屽凡缁忔墤鎹夊埌娴╁ぇ鐨勭敓鏈哄腑鍗疯€屾潵锛岀姸鑻ュ畤瀹欑洓涓栧穿濉岋紝寮哄ぇ榧庣洓锛屾棤涓庝鸡姣旓紒

The treasure is fast enough to breathe, and the soul is like being tried, and the screams are low: “Is this old monster too terrifying, the most powerful creature in the world? It’s too far from us!鈥?/p>

Su Yan hung up and making sure he’s not affected!


pattern is becoming increasingly alarming, Su Yan fears that the variables are a little bigger, and that once Big Brother Lao comes out, it’s probably gonna detonate the current pattern of immortal spaces.


The Big Bang exploded, the Horn, a big hand came, a big one!


It exploded, too many creatures began to panic, and saw an exterminator, covering a superiorfecture, the world’s hegemony, like a hand opened by an invincible giant, ripped the space of the immortal heavens and could be covered by any destination.

Su Yan and the treasure are shaking, looking at the world far away, covering big hands.

It’s too big to be borderless!

One hand will cover the entire universe, spread out of all the sources of terror, spread across the clouds and start covering the Sun State!


In a moment, another powerhouse withdrew and did not want to be involved.

This is Celestial Court and Immortal Clan’s great liquidation of these forces, which, once they are involved, are likely to be involved in causation!

Immortal Clan, the original ancestor of Enortal Clan, who shrouding the heavens with a hand, even farther apart, has overwhelmed the Sun State, masked the entire dome and came out of order and the rule of law and opened the dome!

One under pressure!

Terrifying and invincible enough to present Immortal Clan’s ancestral ancestors, masked everything, evolved the most hostile force of killing, and called Big Brother Lao before history!

Big Brother Lao at this moment is a little smaller, and he’s like dust.


Immortal Clan’s ancestral ancestral power is immortal, very cold and unbelievable!

He wanted a hand to wipe out the old Big Brother Lao, and he didn’t believe Big Brother Lao had a great Battle Strength, a weak old Big Brother Lao, and they wouldn’t be too strong to get what ten thousand years ago wanted!


Big Brother Lao’s body moved hard, and he changed in a minute, and he was a hundred million times more heroic!

He was full of grey and silly dancing, bronze’s tall body, sweeping out of a powerful engine, accompanied by terrifying’s original meteorology, with billions of laws falling like the sea.

This moment, he, like Primitive Great Dao’s founder, is more than Supreme existence of Dao Dao’s grandfather, yelling at the whole time!

pu… “

A bunch of powerhouse chipmunk can’t afford to fly out.

These are Paragon’s hegemonic masters, but they can’t keep the breath of the old Big Brother Lao, where they seem to see that the former Big Brother Lao is building the road, creating the body refinement system!

This is why the Great Coast’s giant, like a loud shout, is declaring his return, the original Holy Force rolling, his boxing boxing boxing, and he’s blowing up the no-one hand that feeds off!

All people were shocked for a while, before Big Brother Lao’s boxing, like in all the days of the strikes universe, terrifying’s boxing brakes crossed a wide range of boundaries!

The endless shaking, the giant boxing, the crossing of a Great Prefecture, finally collapsed out of terrifying’s time, killing Immortal Clan’s ancestors!

It’s amazing!

This is the strongest match to shock the universe!

Big Brother Lao, before history, has greatly updated their perceptions and certainly belongs to the most hostile existence, standing at the top of the pyramid and looking at everything!

But from their disregard of the frontier and the distance, the attackers can see their degree of hostility, boxing shocks, crossing the perimeter, the origins have collapsed, and there are debris dances in the long lane!

This is the power of terrifying, knocking through the streets, and the sky crashes!


Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering, Immortal Clan’s ancestors boxing directly, resulting from the storm of destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth, looting all Heaven and Earth, all of them terrifying the Earth and destroying a lot of time!

The universe grows hair, and this is the real invincible, shaking the sky and the sky, and it can’t bear it in any time, breaking out of countless big cracks!

鈥淲orld War I.”

There is no fear that, since the end of the 10010 thousand years Celago estial Court lineage, the immortal area can be said to be calm for millions of years.

But no one would have thought that the most terrifying war is today, or that the countless robbery triggered by Celestial Court lineage!

Su Yan’s face is ugly, Big Brother Lao, even if he’s strong, he’s got a fist!

But the pattern is not what they imagined, because the next change is becoming more brutal, putting the whole immortal area in panic!

鈥淐elestial Court has been extinct, and the new era is coming, and this is fate, and the transgressors die!鈥?/p>

Immortal Clan’s original ancestor coldly shouted, a silly dance, the blood essence’s getting bigger, and it’s going to explode, covering dozens of Great Prefecture!

Millions of years of ambush, his war blood burns again, and his eyes reveal an insane killing and slaughter this giant head!

鈥淢y ancestor unrivaled beneath the sky, who’s with the racket!”

Immortal Clan is boiling, and the anger of his ancestors will crumble the blood sea, influence an era, perhaps rewrite something, and perhaps reverse the current pattern of immortal spaces!

Millions of years of ambush, they look forward to the strength of Immortal Clan’s ancestors, and he looks forward to shaking the world, becoming the most hostile giant, repressing everything!

Immortal Clan’s original ancestral cave is flowing out of hundreds of millions of homicides and watching Big Brother Lao, who stands above Sun State!

He was smiling. What did Celestial Court finally take from Dili Road? It’s a mystery that bothers us so far.

It’s also about the shock of the unprecedented devastation, so long as it’s possible to suppress the former Big Brother Lao, everything can be clear and even get that mysterious Heavenly Coffin.

鈥淭he universe is inviolable, and the sky has been destroyed, and this is the immortal heavens, and I wait for the Lord!”

Far away, an ancient silhouette excuses, uprooted and shocked, and he looked down in the sun.

This is the biomagnification engine of extreme terrifying, as if the ancient ancestors were to regenerate, the immense earthquake of the heavens and the far-reaching boundaries, they could see silhouette, the Lord of the Cave, too ambitious and awkward.

This is the original ancestor of the chaos, and it was one of the initiators of an attack on the universe.

Cold slaughter echoed in between Heaven and Earth, like endless flashlightning across the earth, sweeping the world and shaking countless people.

鈥淭he new era, the new world, the past should be dust returns to dust earth returns to the earth, Celestial Court’s brilliant age has been long enough to give the rest of the world some more chances!”

And there’s an extremely scary wave of energy that explodes and bombs the earth!


ancient Heaven Sealing states are raging out of ancient weather, a skinny old man crawling out of a famous mountain, running Heaven Sealing’s endless maps, moving further towards Sun County, and a couple of ancient caves are also flattering to death!

Heaven Sealing’s original ancestors came out, and life was no longer old and long, and the bottom of his feet came out of Heaven Sealing Avenue, heading towards Sun County!

鈥渉ong long!鈥?/p>

In this brief time, 3,000 Great Prefecture in the immortal realm was fiercely bombarded.

One of the next, once Dominating The World’s original ancestors, the waves of terror, like nine days of snow, spilled down Supreme’s order and rules, each and everyone were like immortal dao masters!

It was a heavy-wheel pill, and the pattern changed completely, and Big Brother Lao came out and triggered the world’s madness!

When Immortal Clan’s ancestors, the landlord, Heavenly Sect’s ancestral ancestors, the three oldest ancestors were tearing up Celestial Court Division in nine continents!

Thereafter, the dark disaster in the Yellow Sky was invaded, the sky was rebuilt and Celestial Court lineage killed by an unknown number of powerhouse wars, and a large number of powerhouse incursions were triggered in the immortal area, in which Immortal Sect Dao Lineage was involved at least a dozen times.

Now these Dao Lineage are moving out of the original ancestral powerhouse, which is a big liquidation, fearing that the future will be cleared by Celestial Court, and that the same is their goal now to kill Big Brother Lao before history!

The universe is trembling, terrified and completely taboo in mythology.

Big Brother Lao was standing on top of Heaven and Earth, and his nose was shining, stealing the power of wheel medicine!

Su Yan stood behind him, and it was obvious that Big Brother’s breath was getting old and furious, and fleshy body was like hiding billions of treasures, under the stimulus of recycling, and then flowing, and eventually pointing out a big old gate!

鈥淐ome on, kill your evidence!鈥?/p>

Old Big Brother Lao’s breath was wild and crazy and had been killed more than ever before, and then once again.

His power was so amazing that the original door, with terrifying’s ancestral material flowing out, had bombed 3,000 Great Prefecture!

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