Heavenspan Star is in empty air, and this is also an amazing lifetime star!

Few powerhouse people in the world know Heavenspan Star’s virtual position in empty space, and since this Nihility Zone was evaporated a few years ago, it has become a huge black hole in terrifying, a terrifying universe that is classified as a barrier and rarely powerhouse dared to foot.

For years now, the broken Nihility Zone continues to reveal all kinds of sources of terror, but wonders what level the instrument hit from Dili Road.

Heavenspan Star, full of scandal, has improved over the years.

This ancient planet, which is filled with vast space power, is a geography that is shaped by Elderly Tian’s pathways and legal influence, and it looks so great outside!

after all is through Elderly Tian’s hill door, meteorological intensity.

Heavenspan Star, too, has a lot of old servant, and there’s a lot of people with strong breath.


has to be said that the Great Wars in Sun County are horrific, and that the horror of the horror is blowing out to the sky, and it affects this failed empty space, especially Heavenspan Star, which is trembling very carefully!

“The master went to the city and didn’t know what level it was going on now?”

“Don’t worry, the master can leave the bridge, even if it is at risk, and I feel that the war is getting stronger, that the master is likely to return in the near future, that we are all ready to meet, that Young Master is dead, that the master’s temper is bad, and don’t be angry with God.”

On Heavenspan Star, where the air was blown up, a crowd of old servant with a strong breath was exchanged, and Elderly Tian had been subjected to massive repression and risky landslides a few years ago.

His wounds appear to be serious, and these old servant do not know the specific situation, but also because of the events of several years ago, the lineage people were distressed, especially when Young Master died in Dili Road.


Half a day later, a big breath came to Heavenspan Star!

Earlier, old servant on Heavenspan Star thought it was the power of the original ancestral war, and as a result of this tremendous breath, if the stars collapse, it would have had a huge impact, even through Heavenspan Star’s time space!

“Who is it?”

On this planet, a lot of powerhouse faces have changed!

The outer universe has changed, and it’s invisible to see that a silhouette faintly discernible of terrifying, Paragon’s breath is full, and the wind is shocking!

The three big Paragon silhouette is elevated in Foreign Domain, looking at Heavenspan Star, and their silhouette looks old and mysterious, and the breath is terrifying, looking at the whole planet of life!

Even Paragon incarnation, it’s divine might be a tremendous shock.

“Paragon interview!”

A powerful old servant is hard to sink, breaking shouted: “There’s something going on in Elderly Tian. Come on.”

A bunch of old servant people are extremely calm, underground, and, after all, their owners are Elderly Tian, Immortal Sect Dao Lineage, who can’t easily mess with Supreme’s giant head, even if he’s under old servant, each and everyone is proud of it!


about Paragon? Not enough in front of Elderly Tian!

Three big Paragon silhouette, though somewhat blurred, has become more astonishing, and the sky has collapsed, and each and everyone silhouette’s moment of light, just like the three successive days of the ancient day, has revived to Heavenspan Star!

“What are you doing? Do you know who’s in the hill?”

This screen makes the whole Heavenspan Star scream, a bunch of old servant liver fire, but here’s Elderly Tian’s old nest, and who dares to attack here, who dares to attack, who gives them the guts.

Even the three big Paragon prostitutes? Ron Elderly Tian is the world’s invincible giant!

“Are they going to attack Heavenspan Star, these three Paragon powerhouse crazy?”

With old servant complexion significantly changed, three big Paragon blossoms were found, with extreme horrors and horrors, as if they were on the sky, though not Grand Lordo, a super wanted man in the immortal heavens!

Eventually, Heavenspan Star’s great space force began to collapse!

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

A powerful old servant screams at the earth, and it shakes the earth, and this is a big Ropowerhouse, screams all over the earth, wakes up all closed powerhouse!

Despite the disaster of Heavenspan Star a few years ago, a large number of powerhouse was killed, but now Heavenspan Star has three large Lopowerhouse dwellings.

The whole Heavenspan Star kills the light and rolls and boiling.

Most importantly, the defeated Heavenspan Star has set up an ancient city, unleashed a vast space force, all of which have the Supreme’s order and rules that are spreading out of space, like a sleeping grandfather awakening!

“What a big handwriting!”

Su Yan is here, looking at the empty space ancient city, which is definitely the Earth’s graver, and it’s also coming from Elderly Tian Most strong in the Dao and the French, and resisting Paragon’s immortality!

“Through the time of Elderly Tian’s exercise, ancient city, the guards are extremely powerful!”

“I don’t know if there’s a powerhouse in Paragon, if there’s a real fear of not going in!”

“Here we go. Kill it directly!”

The treasure yells, the body grows indefinitely, quickly becomes a tall panda of mountains, with a brains and a mouth throwing out!

“What is that…”

The bloody picture is in Heavenspan Star’s eyes all old servant.


a moment, Heavenspan Star was tremendous and unstable, so that ancient cities in time began to tremble, because all old servant saw the remains of Elderly Tian!

It’s definitely his body, there’s a terrible death breath across Elderly Tian, sweeping the whole Heavenspan Star, provoking the life of this ancient star, and its paths and laws are vibrating, like the end of his life!

“Elderly Tian has died of war, and the beast has come to take over his nest!”

And the treasure shouted, “The losers will not kill, the corrupters, the dead!”

Heavenspan Star is a total riot in the ear, and they panicked and shattered, aloof and remote’s passage Elderly Tian fell, died in the capital and was killed!

Their lives believe, they almost collapse.

“How could it be?”

All the servants are afraid, and the big Lopowerhouse has hair and marijuana.

These people are as dead as ashes, shiver coldly, and there’s a loose cold in their hearts.

Even if they saw Elderly Tian’s body, they didn’t believe that the giant head would fall, but he was a giant, why did he die?

Three big Paragon, the bamboo took hold of Zhu Yue’s hybrid bamboo, Su Yan Yan, with Nine Provinces in his arms, and the treasure was roaming with his voice, and ruled Heavenspan Star!

terrifying’s changing situation, and there’s also desperate female fear and despair yelling: “Demon King, the Demon King, the Demon King, who killed Young Master all day.”

Heavenspan Star, a total riot, Celestial Court lineage, has been killed to clear a major cause!

The breath of oppression swept Heavenspan Star, many servants couldn’t afford it, went crazy, went down, went through Elderly Tian, what were they doing here, waiting for death?

Anyway, Heavenspan Star is a big mess. Time ancient city starts to tremble, people are unstable!


Between immunities, the ancient city of the sky flourishes in the air, brakes out of hundreds of hours, slaughters out of the light, lashes out, cuts out an empty sword, cuts towards an old servant fleeing Heavenspan Star!

pu… “

A lot of cultivator fleshy body exploded, and True Immortal was killed in one photo, but this was an ancient city superweight in time, town over Heavenspan Star, and if the powerful throne is in control, divine might be a terrible day!

“betraying Elderly Tian, dead!”

in ancient city, a horror glorified into Paragon dao chart of terrifying, where there is a great creature, True Dragon’s tail shattered and tore the dome!

A giant beast, Gold Beast, a whole dense golden film, tall and powerful, standing in ancient city in time, and yelling, “The master is invincible, how he will die of war, and I have informed God that he will return as soon as possible and suppress all rebellion!”

The sound of the earthquake and the earth explodes, and in the world, this creature is desperate in Heavenspan Star, the chair of Elderly Tian, and it’s enough to represent Elderly Tian!

His words have played a major role, and time ancient cities are becoming more quiet.

“A dragon…”


bamboo is astonishing, very rare varieties, bloodshed, no old age, this is the spirit of Paragon class, strong!

“You’re all going to die when you dare to attack a giant territory.”

The dragons yell down, and the caves spill out the borderless cold, staring at the powerhouse in Foreign Domain!

The treasure is rich in the brain, tilted in the dragons, shouted: “You should thank the Lord of the Beast, who helped you remove the old master, and you can be the second master of Heavenspan Star!”

The dragons can definitely identify Elderly Tian’s remains, and it can’t leave without heart, but there’s a great fortune on Heavenspan Star!

“Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha ha!”

The Dragon Beast’s nose: “By the clowns of your hanging clowns, are you trying to kill the old man? What can three Paragon do, just phantom incarnation that’s all, what can I do?”

At the same time, its breath is unlimited, and in the body blood essence, it’s rolled out, and it’s made up a borderless Paragon Dao chart, powerhouse is so powerful as the sea, the blood is so gloomy and amazing, and it’s flooded the whole Heavenspan Star!


dragons are not convinced that, under the control of the ancient city of the time, they can still hit in the air?

And its heart is deep, so long as it can stop them, Heavenspan Star’s treasure is not his own?

It is already Paragon’s creature, and slavery is becoming weaker, and if it is not the strength of Elderly Tian, it would have left the day lineage to find its own invincible path.

“Kill it directly!”

Su Yan, the power of Nine Provinces, was resurrected!

Su Yan’s possession of Nine Provinces is getting bigger, and he’s working with Zhu Yue to revive Nine Provinces a little bit and swallow Star Sea, which is the strongest Supreme Treasure, even a little recovery, and town pressure is the world’s shacking ghost!


The huge shock came, directly hit the city gate, triggered a tremendous wave of waves, the whole city was shaking, the sunshine, the asteroids went on again and hit the ancient city gate!


The bamboo is yelling at, throwing the big bamboo, hitting the ancient city in time!

The strength of the treasure, which is the ingredient of the bamboo, is embedded in his paths and laws, thrust out of the chaos of the sea, accompanied by a blindfolded mother and gas, and hit the ancient city in time.

Dragon beast color, two big Supreme Treasure are amazing, hiding the sky and covering the earth, and the entire space ancient city is shaking, covering ancient cities, and the air force component starts to break!

Of course, the biggest battle is the power of the Emperor’s three powers, incarnation!

“hong long!”

Three big Paragon silhouette, coming to ancient city in time, spreading a horror machine!

“Let’s go!”

Su Yan is confident and has a long time of determination to sweep Heavenspan Star, and naturally they will do their best to the great fortune of this planet of life!

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