Overturned Tower

: End of this testimonial

- Faith is a bird. It felt the light when the dawn was still dark, and it sang.

February 16, 2022, to March 31, 2023.

Thirteen months, 1.87 million. Russell's story came to an end here.

Just like I said when I posted my testimonial—this is a story from cyberpunk to space opera.

The core of its creation is a romantic feeling, telling the story of a "hero". But this is not a story of heroism, but a story of people's lives.

What is a hero?

I am a pioneer.

"Human beings. Without wings, how can you go up?"

It is the same sentence, but from the standpoint of "light" and "mirror", the meanings it expounds are different.

The former tells about the self, and praises the unceasing progress and ascent of the individual. "Eternal woman, lead us upwards" is Goethe's "Faust"; while this book is about Tagore, and praises the group greatness, love of the world.

— There are no traces of wings left in the sky, but I have already flown.

It's still a story about "love and hope."

At the beginning, I said that this book is united with the previous one. In the beginning, when you look at a "madman" you think it is a "hero", and when you look at a "hero" you feel like a "madman". Because when you look at the light, you can only see what the light illuminates; when you look at a mirror, you can only see what is reflected in the mirror.

And towards the end, it becomes clear why the main theme of the story is the hero.

Light is unique, cannot tolerate shadows, and is not kind. But mirrors are mundane and ubiquitous. What he reflects is everything but himself.

Where there is courage, all beings are heroes.

Then talk about the motivation for writing this book.

I've seen many readers figure this out—yes, the original inspiration for this book was an animated short called "Break Through the Darkness." When I first saw this video, I had tears in my eyes. After that, in October 21, I chatted with my editor Penglai about this story.

"I want to write a story about breaking through the darkness and taking back the blue sky," I said.

Based on this idea, I determined the beginning and end of the book at that time. Now you can look back, the first ten chapters and the last ten chapters of this book, the chapter names are exactly opposite and mirror images. This is exactly the elaboration of the theme of "mirror".

It is a loop leading to an infinite future.

Since the core of this book comes from Tagore, the writing method should also refer to Tagore: what ends in exhaustion is "death", and what ends in infinity is "full ending".

For stories about groups and heroes, it is necessary to reach the infinite future!

My parents are both workers and the family is very poor. When I was in junior high school, my father cheated, and my mother worked very hard to raise me.

My college tuition was paid for by myself. There was no money, and Blood of Quicksilver had not yet been written. After my senior year in high school, I went to nightclubs and wore cheap suits as the front desk. Tiantian bowed at the door with a smile on his face, and blurted out a very smooth "good evening and welcome". When there are few customers, I will also act as a waiter to clean the private room and take out the garbage.

At that time, my waist was only 1 shaku 8, and the skinniest pants a man could buy were too baggy. There was no working belt so I had to take it off, cut it short and put it back on.

I go to work at 5:30 p.m. every day and leave work at 2 a.m., and occasionally I can work overtime until after 3 a.m. And before that, I didn't even go to bed later than twelve o'clock at night. Eat at 8 or 9 o'clock every night, and the big pot of rice you eat changes every day. There are three kinds of back and forth. The characteristic is Schrödinger's meat-it seems to be able to taste meat, but it seems that there is no meat. Although there is a bowl of food for each person, the steamed buns are enough to fill you up, but I have a small appetite and can only eat half of it. My favorite is a kind of stewed chicken with winter melon. Although it is full of winter melon and almost no chicken is found, at least the soup is delicious.

At that time, my monthly salary was only 1,500, and a private room cost 1,880 a night. After working for half a month, I have seen all kinds of strange people, and I also understand that life is not easy. After taking two thousand and four, I started school.

When I was in school, I worked part-time in the school's milk tea shop and as a waiter in a coffee shop. Then I started to create Blood of Quicksilver... Maybe I do have the talent in this area, and my first month's manuscript fee was 1800 yuan.

I was very happy. But at that time, I did not regard writing as my future life goal.

I thought very well—I can find a more ordinary and leisurely job in the future, and the salary of two thousand yuan a month is enough. Because I can still write novels at night, so my income will be doubled. In our small third- and fourth-tier cities, it is enough to support ourselves and live a good life.

Later, my manuscript fee became higher and higher. In his third year of junior high school, his income was already stable over 10,000 yuan, and he became famous in the school, becoming the head of the news department. But at that time, I still didn't give up the idea of ​​finding a job, and my thinking became more and more relaxed, "I can just find a job."

Although life was very busy at that time, I was full of hope for the future. I have many friends and a lovely girlfriend. I also established a good relationship with the local newspaper, and the teachers liked me very much. Seeing more and more savings—although halfway through the writing of "A Praise to the Devil", for a period of time, I had to stay up late every day to write the book until five o'clock, and then I had to get up for class at nine o'clock, which caused angina pectoris. The sudden death experience at the beginning of "To Four Thousand Years Later" is a personal experience.

But fortunately, Suxiao Jiuxin Pill is pretty awesome. I held on to my life, and after two weeks of Chinese medicine, it slowed down.

Until I was about to graduate, I practiced in a factory. Yes, many people think that I graduated from the Department of Philosophy or Communication, but I actually majored in Engineering. I study electrical automation.

A group of us arrived at the factory in the suburbs after almost two hours of driving in a rickety bus. The factory I originally imagined should be that kind of busy assembly line. Everyone is in their position, each performing their duties. Able to give up thinking and concentrate on work. Just like being a waiter, it can relax the tired brain.

But that's not what I see.

There was a smell of rubber and accompanying dust in the air. The sky is gray.

There is only one restaurant within a radius of about five kilometers. That store sells wine and vegetables, but they don't do very well. The main thing is a kind of big steamed stuffed bun, five or eight yuan each, so **** big, bigger than my face. Inside is the stuffing of leek and meat vermicelli. You can be full after eating one, and there is free porridge.

The excavator was squirming back and forth, not knowing what it was shoveling, and there was a sound of thump, thud, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump. In the empty factory, there are only seven or eight people in a workshop. Everyone was lazy, dawdling around with that kind of fishing movement, slow movement, and expressionless faces. Not a word. At noon, everyone was smiling and playing poker together.

At that moment, I felt like a gargoyle came to life.

I looked at the work in their hands and basically did not move, and we students had nothing to do. There are the kind of enthusiastic people who come up and ask, "Is there anything we can do", and get the nonchalant reply of "Don't make a mess".

Nothing works.

So the students laughed and laughed together to play who is the undercover agent, and some people went to play fgo, onmyoji, and collapse 3. But because there is no traffic, most of them are just a taste. There were only shouts in the empty factory building, as if they just played games in another place. I was reading the II event book at the time, and saw the fourth volume from the first volume.

The school said that after we graduate, if we want, we can send them directly to the factory. You can come here directly to work.

— thump thump.

I felt a great fear at that time.

It smelt of death. Not a physical death, but a spiritual one. It will make people feel uncomfortable. Compared with the flesh factory, I am more afraid of this kind of life where the spirit will slowly rot.

I am very aware that if I work here I am afraid that I will not be able to write anything at night. But something sprouted in my heart, telling me that life should not be so sinking.

I have suffered. But that's not because I can bear it, it's because I can see hope in it. I can see the meaning of life, and that is to fight—to fight for no more pain.

He who has endured pain cannot endure decay. It's like putting salt on a wound.

Since then, I have written "Player Super Justice".

Not for venting, but for praise—the more fear, the more praise must be sung. The world asks me with pain and asks me to repay it with song. So I extol the beauty of life, and love and hope. Because I always yearn for an upward spirit, yearning for better.

The player's grades are good. But then again I felt the fear of a pause, because the players had already squeezed me out. I write with my heart and soul, and that's all the light I can burst out.

So I calm down with this book and seek new progress. There are nine volumes in total, and I tried nine different plot structures and different writing methods. The three volumes I am most satisfied with are Meteor, Caged Bird, and Core and Shell, while the ones that have exposed the most problems are Sunshine, Flower Touch, and Amber. But whether it is satisfaction or dissatisfaction, they will also become my nourishment.

As long as it is written, nothing is wasted.

Brilliant brilliance ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ is like sparks and birds.

It's always up, as always.

Tower's subscription performance is only half of that of players, but fortunately, the copyright potential is relatively strong. Moreover, this book has also been nominated for the "Most Adaptation Potential Award" and "Best Network Science Fiction Award" by the Galaxy Awards, which is not a loss!

The various incomes of towers and players, including copyrights, have allowed me to completely pay off the mortgage now. Starting from scratch, with my own fully paid house, I can finally rest assured. Although it is only a small third- and fourth-tier city, I think it is still something to be proud of.

Well, that's all for this book. Let me take a month off and come back.

The body can hardly bear it anymore, and it has started to cough non-stop in the past few days. I am afraid that bronchiolitis will be with me for the rest of my life. And I had a bit of a toothache a few days ago, and I have endured it for two weeks. After that, I'm going to have a tooth pulled first, and then I'll adjust my schedule. If you have time, you can live broadcast the game on Ah B, which is also a kind of material.

Take a good rest for a month, and then start writing the manuscript of the new book in May.

The pair of themes of "Light and Mirror" and "Madman and Hero" are over, and the new book is a new set of stories with the theme of "Sun". It's an amber flow story, although it's not standard. Because I still plan to add something new in it. But in general, it is a light-hearted story. The theme of the tower is too gloomy, and I am almost depressed when I write it... It is time to write something light-hearted to heal myself.

The release time of the new book is 521. It is auspicious to be both I love you and Xiaoman.

Why is Xiaoman very lucky? Because my name is Xiaoman (

Everyone, I'll see you when the new book arrives. Hope to see you again.

Finally, I still have to end with that sentence.

—May you always be happy.

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