Paladins of Asgard

Chapter 567: 【Rocky Resurrection】

Rowe returned to Asgard and rushed to the Golden Palace. He soon saw Loki's body. People were surrounding him in mourning, especially Thor, crying like a child.

The corpse was quite tragic, a large hole was torn in the chest, and the heart and most of the lungs were destroyed.

"I'm sorry, Loki..." Thor murmured to Loki's body, tears streaming down his face.

Heimdall said with guilt: "It's my responsibility, I didn't pay attention to the situation of His Royal Highness Loki in time."

When Loki was attacked by General Deathblade, he was observing the battle situation all over the earth, but he didn't expect that it was this negligence that ruined Loki.

"You don't have to blame yourself, observing the Nine Realms is what you should do." Odin said tiredly, as if he was getting older.

Rowe looked at the people who were immersed in grief, and suddenly said, "Maybe I can resurrect Loki."

"What?" People thought they had heard it wrong.

Frigg wiped her tears, shook her head and said, "Resurrection... How is this possible, as far as I know, only the power of the gods of the universe can bring the dead back to life."

"God of the universe? We can go to the Planet Devourer for help!" Thor blurted out.

Compared to other abstract gods, the Planet Eater is undoubtedly easier to see.

Frigga still shook her head: "No, he won't do this. Whether it's rational or emotional, the Planet Devourer has no reason to help us, and his own power... It's hard to say."

Rowe: "This is not a perfect resurrection technique. Loki needs to meet certain conditions to be resurrected, and after resurrection, there may be some side effects."

"What side effects?" Thor asked quickly.

"Degenerate tendencies," Rowe said, "Of course, it's only possible."

He only has Arthas's soul imprint in his hand. If Loki is resurrected with this, he will naturally have a tendency to fall.

"Save!" Thor did not hesitate, looking at Rowe earnestly, "You must save Loki."

Rowe looked at Odin and Frigga, asking what he meant, it was self-evident.

Odin was silent for a while, and finally nodded: "If you can, save him, Loki is our family."

Rowe nodded.

Well, Alsace, as long as the father has no objection, that's about it.

"I'll see if Loki meets the conditions for resurrection first." Rowe put his hand on Loki, and the holy deed in his palm showed the imprint of Arthas' soul.

Not an unexpected result.

Alsace left the deepest impression on Rowe, one is Frost, and the other is bringing a dutiful son, and Loki's label also has these two points, and there are many similarities on closer inspection.

"How about it?"

Rowe nodded: "Yes."

Everyone was very surprised, and Luo Wei immediately began to resurrect.

Arthas's soul imprint instantly melted into Loki's body, and then Rowe's fingertips released holy light, and the power of Lay on Hands surged out!

In the dazzling holy light, Loki's broken body returned to normal at an astonishing speed.

The lost internal organs and blood were created out of nothing, the huge wound on the chest was healed in an instant, and the pale skin also reappeared the ruddy of the living...

"Loki!" Thor was excited, and so were the others.

In a short while, Loki's body was no longer in a tragic state, there was not a trace of scars, and it looked as if he was asleep.

A few more seconds passed, and his newborn heart began to beat!

With the recovery of his heartbeat, Loki suddenly opened his eyes, as if he had just experienced a nightmare, straightened his body, panted rapidly, and was drenched in cold sweat.

Thor cried with joy, and a bear hugged him: "Loki, you are really resurrected!"

"Resurrection?" Loki was still at a loss.

He was stunned at first, then turned his attention to Odin and murmured, "Father."

Seeing his son come back to life, Odin couldn't help crying, wiped the corners of his eyes and smiled.

After a while, Loki finally calmed down and recalled, "I remember that I was killed by General Deathblade?"

"Yes, but Rowe just resurrected you." Odin said.

Loki couldn't believe it: "How is this possible!"

Rowe looked at him and said lightly, "That's the truth, but it's not for nothing."

Loki asked, "What price will I pay?"

Luo Wei hesitated for a while, but in the end he didn't say it explicitly, but only said: "It depends on your own choice, stick to the light, you don't have to give anything, if you fall into darkness, you will have the possibility to give everything."

It is not easy for him to directly clarify the side effects, and he is not clear at all.

Loki, you have to be careful, now you have the tendency to become a dutiful son, don't kill your father... No matter how you say it, you have a feeling of "be careful".

After a while.

Rowe suddenly remembered something: "By the way, Thor, when you killed General Deathblade, did you pay attention to what he was carrying?"

"What?" Thor was startled, then shook his head, "I didn't pay attention at all. I took Loki back to Asgard shortly after I killed him."


New Mexico, near the S.H.I.E.L.D. meteorite base.

The absorber Karl got up from the ground, clutching the wound in his abdomen, gasping for breath.

He wasn't actually hurt, not even serious. The reason why he didn't get up just now was because he was frightened.

Especially Thor's thunder, which made him not even dare to lift his head.

Karl recalled his experiences in recent months, only to think that the more he thought about it, the more magical it became.

He escaped from the prison, thinking that the mountains and rivers were exhausted, but he was rescued by the self-proclaimed **** and gained super powers.

He thought that he had met a tall, high-level god, but for more than three months, Jing accompanied Rocky to drive at a fast speed, and sat and watched a lame high school student walk more than 2,000 kilometers on foot, laughing and joking along the way.

There's nothing wrong with this, but today's situation has taken a turn for the worse.

Loki, who he regarded as a god, was beheaded with two swords, and the lame Donald, who he regarded as a waste, turned into Thor in a blink of an eye, and beheaded General Dead Blade...

Carl originally thought that his life was exciting enough. He never thought that all the legends in the first half of his life would be overshadowed by the experience of just a few months.

"This's amazing." He sighed sincerely.

At this moment, his expression suddenly changed, and he ran to the deep pit not far away. Looking down, he saw that there were two extraordinary things in the pit.

A peculiarly shaped long-handled blade, a mysterious scepter with a blue light on the top.

Looking at these two things, Carl's eyes gleamed again and again, and then he endured the pain and went down into the deep pit, and took up the peerless blade and the psychic scepter.

This is not troublesome for him.

As long as he becomes a man of steel, he can easily dig into rock climbing soil.

Of course, due to the injury, Carl still took a lot of effort to return to the ground with two things.


He exhaled and took a breath to rest.

But at this moment, a few men in black in suits and ties came from the S.H.I.E.L.D. base and went straight to Karl.

The leader of them is a serious but elegant and easy-going man. He has a hairline that is slightly higher than ordinary people.

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