Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 322: Terran Technology 1 Wave

Fragmentation killing is a technology that dwarves have only recently lit up.

In the orc war, the dwarf helicopter once faced the "fast version" dragon knight of the Dragonmaw clan, but the effect was not very satisfactory.

Post-war studies have shown that the accuracy of aerial shooting is too low, and it is difficult to cause a large number of kills without forming a close formation. Once the close formation is eliminated, the lethality of the dwarf helicopter will be seriously insufficient in the face of a powerful enemy.

In this case, Luo Ya took the lead in setting up a helicopter improvement team, and it took five full years to research fragment damage.

Fragmentation damage maximizes the lethality of air combat. High-rate bullets will emit a large number of shrapnel every time they fire. These shrapnel will bloom after leaving the helicopter formation, causing regional damage.

Of course, as a price, such shooting has almost no precision at all, and can only be used for close formation shooting-as long as there are more helicopters firing, everything is not a problem.

In this battle, Tichondrius sent out a large number of densely formed air forces prematurely and without cover. This is simply honoring the dwarf helicopter team!

A group of well-trained ace pilots headed by Toshley pulled the trigger to the end, and the dwarf helicopter vented its anger wantonly.

Huang Chengcheng's cartridge case was thrown out and hit the fuselage of the helicopter behind, making a ping-pong sound, but this sound was quickly concealed in the driver's excited shout.

"The seventh-Kutcher, I am afraid it will be the next life to catch up with my kill record!"

"You think too much Toshley, I just killed the eighth demon, our total record is only one difference now."

"Damn! Aurel, you take my head!"

Compared with the cheerful dwarf, Tichondrius was not so happy. He finally realized that almost all the actions of the Burning Legion were in the calculation of the opponent.

From heading to Kaeldaron to every move in every battle, his choice was guessed and clear.

At this moment, Tichondrius felt an invisible net covering him, and a thought suddenly appeared in his heart: Azeroth is poisonous-the whole world is targeting him!

Well, in fact, Tichondrius guessed a large part of it. This time, after the demon's commander was determined in the drunken wind resistance, the theme is that the whole world is targeting Tichondrius...

What should we do now?

Tichondrius is beginning to fear his tail. He is not sure if his choice will be guessed again. He is afraid that he will make another mistake. Even if he is not sent back to the Twisting Void, Lord Sargeras will not let himself feel better. ...

When Tichondrius was struggling, Hakkar took the Fel Lord, the Abyss Lord, and Kazzak, and temporarily deprived Tichondrius of his command.

"Big bat, the'wisdom' that you are proud of doesn't seem to be useful. I think we need the momentum of being swarmed now, not the horrible scheduling of being eaten. Azeroth is not a brainless person. The world, after learning your operations, there is no way to win."

"Directing such a professional thing, let it be given to a professional like me!"

Interestingly, after being deprived of command, Tichondrius was relieved.

"Haka, are you sure you want to do this? Command is your responsibility-you better be careful if you don't want Master Archimonde to turn your head off."

"Don't be sullen, smelly bat." Haka spat in disdain, "Your theory is not suitable for this world-after all, not everyone will be killed by a cow!"

Tichondrius clenched his pale fingers, and his sharp nails pierced into the flesh.

"Remember your words, Hakkar, I hope I see you next time you are not twisting the void!"

"I hope you don't get killed by a cow again!"


Tichondrius, who was deprived of his command, sneered and fluttered his wings and left the battlefield under the cold eyes of the Destroyer Mother and the Fel Imp.

Unlike Tichondrius, who always tries to solve the battle with the least cost, Hakkar is used to commanding hellhounds to fight, and his command art is more ruthless.

"All the demons on the battlefield, I am Hakkar, now the command is mine-your task is to obey!"

"From now on, there is no feint. All demons are forbidden to take a step back. Our only goal is to dash through the defense line of these weak chickens and go to the island in the middle of the lake!"

The devilish language quickly spread throughout the battlefield, and most of the Alliance did not know what to do. Medivh and Khadgar, who understood this sentence, glanced at each other, and unanimously said: "Sorry!"

The Alliance is not afraid of Tichondrius. Under the circumstances of soldiers coming and covering up, Turalyon is confident that all the demons will be consumed here. Tichondrius’ caution makes only a few demons fighting at the same time, and the Alliance always has countermeasures. .

But once the devil chooses to force a breakthrough regardless of casualties, it will be really bad. The result of that kind of reckless battle is unpredictable!

"Quickly, quickly, you organize a defensive counterattack. I'll go to the reserve team called Drunk Wind. It seems that the devil has changed the commander inside!"

Medivh urged and hurriedly turned into a crow and flew back.

At the same time, Khadgar also explained the meaning of the demon language to the alliance commander.

"Could it be that Tichondrius deliberately deceived us?" Turalyon frowned. "He wants to prevent us from taking advantage of the situation to counterattack?"

"Impossible!" Khadgar said categorically, "Look at these flame imps, damn, they can make the flame imps charge, the new commander of the demon is a real, cruel lunatic!"

Turalyon grinned as he watched Khadgar's short legs and jumped onto the battlefield.

"Luoya, can your steam locomotive still work?"

"No I will build a temporary wall immediately!" Luo Ya also became serious, "Muradin, I need the Dwarf Musketeer to cooperate with me!"

"Okay, that-- Colonel Hemet Nesingwary!"

"Here!" A dwarf musketeer quickly came out, "Hemet Nesingwary orders!"

"Assemble Thunder Pike Musketeers and rely on steam locomotives to form a defense line. Our defense is as indestructible as the gate of Ironforge!"

"Yes! Prince!" Nesingwary hurriedly left after saluting.

"The hill team obeys!" Muradin raised the hammer in his hand. "Take up your weapons and get ready to charge! Let the demons see the power of our dwarves-this is the power from the King of the Hill !"


The wave of Terran technology is a tactic of war3, which is to rely on one's own side at a time node with scientific and technological advantages, and go all out to force a decisive battle. It is often not the towerrush of farmers knocking on the tower, or the wave of dismantling aircraft and tanks. A wave of Europe with knight griffins... (To be continued.)

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