Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 326: Psychic Academy 5-person

Perhaps it was a coincidence that this time Drunk Wind’s assault team was also five people-just like the previous life Drunk Wind brushed a copy.

When I landed on Kaeldaron Island, the whole island was quiet. On this land, it seemed that the wind had stopped.

"Very wrong." Medivh took off his hood. "There is a problem with the space on this island. There seems to be a certain degree of disorder."

"Is it serious?" Zuifeng frowned, "What effect does it have on us?"

"The effect is that I can hardly use teleportation spells, even flashing is very difficult."

With that said, Medivh took off the ring on the index finger of his right hand, and in the drunken gaze, turned the ring into a staff, and it seemed to be the legendary staff of Atiesh-Guardian.

"Calm." Medivh gave a faint smile, "It's just a little bit of transfiguration skills-this is not a genuine product. The genuine product is still in Khadgar's hands. It becomes like this because I like Etiès better. Feel."

Hearing what Medivh said, Drunk Wind can only grin, Faye is good, proficient in Transfiguration can almost solve most of the problems in life...

Seeing Medivh waiting in a stern battle, Drunk Wind also relieved the words of the mist, Old Chen started to move his wrists (and took two sips of wine by the way), Illidan took out Azzinoth's double-edged blade, and Old Fording also solved it. Down the warhammer behind.

The group cautiously approached the castle belonging to the Barov family on Keldaron Island.

All the prosperity has passed, and the scarlet carpet is covered with dust. Zuifeng, who was walking at the forefront, gently opened the concealed door with the words of the mist and entered the courtyard.

The trees that had lost their pruning grew crazily, and then were twisted by unknown forces, as if the hideous claws wanted to grasp the sky. Weeds are everywhere, and they all show a sickly emerald green—not the color of life, but like poison.

For a moment, Drunk Wind even felt as if he had returned to the Eternal Island, even time was so sluggish.

To be cautious, the five people did not separate, but gathered together and searched each room.

Living room, bedroom, study room, bathroom...

Obviously it has been abandoned for more than ten years, but all the affairs are as if they have gone through a hundred years, rotten and dilapidated.

"Someone is studying spiritism here," Medivh whispered, "only spiritism can bring about such a degree of decay and decay-even more terrifying than time magic."

Zuifeng nodded, it seemed that there really was a psychic school.

After searching for a long time, the five people almost went around the entire castle, and they didn't find any traces. Although they knew there was a problem, they couldn't find a breakthrough.

"It's not on the ground, it's underground." Drunk Feng thought about it for a while, "Medivan, you humans-especially mages, where do you like to put the entrance to the basement?"

"Uh..." Medivh was taken aback for a moment, "Karazhan's basement has a separate exit, I guess Khadgar hasn't found it. Jandis Barov is a master of illusionism, maybe look for the entrance to her basement We have to work hard."

"Then please." Zuifeng nodded, "I believe our guardian will not let us down, right?"

"Of course." Medivh smiled confidently. The party-loving Medivh has never been a humble master. "Although my strength is not as good as before, it is not a problem to find an entrance."

"Smeroo-kasiiret!" Medivh stretched out the index and middle fingers of his left hand, and pressed them on his eyes. With his spell, his eyes turned bright blue.

"Sure enough." Medivh looked around, and then said, "A lot of illusion tactics are applied here. These tactics don't want to fool our eyes, but only ask us to ignore some things-come with me!"

The other four followed Medivh to the gate, and as Medivh reached out to the wall, Zuifeng was surprised to find that there was a small door here!

"Interesting illusion." Medivh smiled and commented, "Arcane fluctuations are also not obvious. It's a pity that the surrounding environment and the time when the illusion is arranged are completely different, causing the arcane fluctuations to be incompatible with the current situation. If it is normal, I am afraid I can’t find it easily."

After following Medivh into this door, Drunk Wind finally found a familiar feeling.

The passage slopes downwards, no surprise, this is the basement of Kaeldaron Island, and this is the psychic college!


Les Frostwhisper is disturbed.

Although he had lost his identity as a living and became a lich, Les Frostwhisper still believed in his instincts.

When he was a human named Foster Vespar, this intuition has helped him many times to overcome dangers. It is also relying on this intuition that he was a "wandering mage" who had never received mage training. Can be mixed in Lordaeron.

As a professional liar, Les Frost even almost fooled Kel'Thuzad during his lifetime. When meeting with this member of the Kirin Tor Council of Six, Les Frostwhisper, with his decent language and the fluctuations caused by magical items, made Kel'Thuzad almost believe that he is a master of prophecy. !

It was precisely because of his clever insight into people's hearts that after debunking the liar, Kel'Thuzad gave him a chance to become a subordinate of the Lich King and supervise the Barov family.

Recently, Alsace's failure at Stratholme was learned by Les Frostheart.

Perhaps it was because Ner'zhul in Northrend abandoned his base and hurriedly shifted Les obviously felt that the restraints he received were not as severe as before.

Under this circumstance, Les even once considered whether he wanted to change the master-anyway, he had not done this kind of thing once or twice, and he was very skilled in his business.

Unfortunately, the object of his supervision has now become the object of supervision. Jandis Barov seems to have discovered something wrong with the lich. After the defeat of Stratholme, she returned to Keldalon and stared at him. Lived Les Frost Whisper.

And when Les Frostwhisper discovered the movement of the psychic school, it was too late.

Another lich in charge of basic training, the instructor Han Xin, was easily killed by the sudden attack led by Drunk Wind. Han Xin entrusted the earth to put the phylogeny by his side, but was shattered by the blow of Drunk Wind.

"Idiot, how many times have you said that, put away your phylogeny!" Les Frost shook his head pretendingly, "Look, let's be packed by our uninvited guests!"

"Don't talk nonsense, Lich." Drunk Wind looked at Les Frost who shook his head and sighed. "Hand over the Sargerite Keystone, and we will give you a good one." (To be continued.)

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