Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 352: Will of Azeroth

Chapter 352 The Will of Azeroth

Azshara was puzzled.

At this moment, the former queen of the night elves really didn't know what was going on.

Why is my own full blow without effect?

This is a power that Azshara has been proud of for thousands of years, and with the help of N'Zoth, Azshara believes that he is stronger!

"It feels unbelievable, isn't it?" As if seeing Azshara's doubts, Drunk Wind said lightly, "Do you think your attack should not be resolved by me lightly?"

Looking at Azshara, who was full of unwillingness, Drunk Wind laughed!

"Big-chested fool, why do you think you are the light of the light? Why do you be loved by all night elves?" Drunk Feng said mercilessly, "With your skin? Don't be kidding!"

"The reason why you can be called a genius among the thousands of night elves is not because of how powerful you are, but because you are favored by Azeroth!"

Azeroth's favor? !

What is this stuff? !

With a light sigh, Zuifeng stopped talking.

This matter is mysterious, but the truth is very simple.

Azeroth has a star soul, and when the star soul matures, a Titan will be born. Unfortunately, due to the parasitism of the ancient gods, Azeroth’s star soul is somewhat "stuffy", and now it just has its own simple will That's it, but in any case, simple will is also will!

You know, the Well of Eternity was caused by the killing of Y'Shaarj in the battle between the Titans and the Ancient Gods. At that time, the parasitism of the Ancient Gods was already quite deep, and the Well of Eternity was actually owned by Azeroth. wound.

Titan is the manifestation of arcane energy representing order in the infinite universe. The well water of the Well of Eternity is actually the blood of an unborn Titan!

The predecessor of the night elves is the dark trolls. These trolls near the well of eternity have become noble and elegant elves under the transformation of the power of order, and the source of the great power of Azshara is the well of eternity.

Otherwise, why did the night elves get rid of ignorance and still have such a good relationship with the wild gods? Not because they smelled of Azeroth!

Perhaps it is because these night elves are not malicious, so Azeroth behaved extremely generously. Under the nourishment of the well of eternity, the night elves quickly developed and grown, and Azshara became the queen because she received the eternal Well's favor, or Azeroth's choice.

In other words, objectively speaking, it was the star soul of Azeroth that gave Azshara power.

This is also why after the War of the Ancients, Azshara's power did not increase but fell with the help of N'Zoth. Although the star soul of Azeroth was not fully awakened, it was not powerless against everything. You hold mine. The power wants to destroy me, how is this possible!

In the face of Sargeras, Drunk Wind’s set of anger and thunder was also done with the help of Azeroth. During this period of time, Drunk Wind can clearly feel his connection with the world. The closer...

This is why Drunk Wind dared to ignore Azshara's attack.

Azeroth is the source of Azshara's power. Azshara tried to use Azeroth's power to attack Drunk Wind. Unfortunately, Drunk Wind has a better relationship with Azeroth!

Zuifeng has spent the past ten years conscientiously working hard for the world, creating a protagonist aura for himself!

Of course, the power of Drunk Wind has not been fully grasped, and it is good to use it to resist Azshara, but if you want to attack with Azeroth's power, Drunk Wind will still be unable to do it for a while.

This is enough!

When Drunk Wind found that Azshara couldn't hurt himself, he let out a long breath. Before, all this was just theoretical reasoning, but now this has become a fact, I can really hold Azshara!

As a result, the battle of Drunk Wind became extremely strange.

In order to make Azshara attack him, Drunk Wind tried his best to provoke him. What made Azshara uncomfortable to say, and the constant stream of trash made Azshara venomous.

"It's impossible for Sargeras to see you, give up..."

"Look at how you look now, except for the number of arms, where can you catch up with the Destroyer?!"

"Do you know what kind of guy your master is? N'Zoth is sinister!"

"Speaking of N'Zoth's taste is really bad, he is a demon of a thousand hands, why did I give you Naga six hands? Not only is it not good-looking, but also very stingy!"


Azshara jumped into thunder.

The drunken wind is actually hard to tell.

Azeroth's favor looks good, but it is tasteless. This blessing allowed Drunk Wind to completely ignore the attacks of the same source of energy, but after thinking about it, Drunk Wind found that he could only bully Azshara.

The power of the five-color dragon comes from other Titans, and although it is connected to Azeroth, it is nothing more than that.

The power of the ancient **** comes from the Void Lord, and he is dedicated to destroying the star soul. Although the way of monks has given Drunk Wind a strong resistance to bewitching, the key stone really faces the ancient god, Drunk Wind. Believe that you are still being killed by a spike.

Not to mention the Burning Legion, the power of the devil is fel energy-this is the manifestation of chaos, the attribute of this energy is the opposite of arcane magic.

Even human wizards, although they also use arcane energy, because the predecessor of human beings is the Vrykul, the creation of other Titans, this energy still has a different source from Drunk Wind.

Of course, the current Azshara attack is no longer pure power of Azeroth, and it is also mixed with the help of N'Zoth, but fortunately, Drunk Wind has always been good at dealing with the ancient gods, so Azshara now has nothing No way.

Azshara swears that no one has ever dared to provoke herself like this! there has never been!

But even so, she still has nothing to do with Drunk Wind, and all attacks that reach Drunk Wind's side will lose control and dissipate invisible.

Wait a Losing control?

Azshara squinted her eyes-why didn't this guy fight back?

Although angry, Azshara still regained the ability to think. She didn't understand, why didn't this Pandaren fight back?

Thinking about it, there is only one reason for this-this Pandaren is just superior in defense, and completely insufficient in attack!

Suppressing the anger in her heart, Azshara decided to ignore the **** who was in front of her. She twisted her waist and prepared to bypass the drunk wind to support Archimonde.

Seeing Azshara's plan, Drunk Wind sighed.

The Queen has been 10,000 years old but has matured a lot, and her failure last time made her difficult!

The helpless Drunk Wind can only choose to attack actively, hoping to hold Azshara.

"I don't know how effective this move is..."

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