Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 357: Legacy from Titan

As the earth trembled, hundreds of tall figures stood up. (Pinyin of biqiwu)

These big men are more than ten meters tall, and their gray skin is firm and tight. Although they move slowly, they are not slow at all.

These big guys were originally underground, but after Ravencrest beat the drum, they got out of the cracked underground one after another.

They uprooted the big trees at random, then carried them on their shoulders and walked towards the devil.

Mountain giant!

These giants who once helped the Titans shape the world stood up again under Ravencrest's call.

Interestingly speaking, this war drum is not the night elf's own thing, but archaeological discovery over a thousand years ago on the Darkshore, several curious night elves discovered this war drum and rang it.

Then a large number of mountain giants appeared from the ground, scaring these night elves half to death, but fortunately, these mountain giants are peaceful in nature, and their sleep is because they have completed the task of helping the Titans shape the world. Without a goal, these mountains The giant began to fall asleep.

The appearance of the mountain giant attracted the attention of the night elves, and Malfurion was awakened to negotiate with the mountain giant himself.

Under Malfurion’s persuasion (hu) and saying (you), the mountain giants changed a place to sleep, and promised that if an enemy of the Titan appeared, they would take up weapons and participate in the battle, and the drum was also given to Ma Fario.

After the mountain giant fell asleep again, Malfurion mobilized the night elves to conduct a large-scale archeology and found quite a lot of Titan relics and relics. Originally, the night elves thought they would have another strong support, but as they learned about the Titans, The night elves discovered that these Titans may not be true allies either.

For the night elves, order is important, but individual freedom and will can not be denied. But for those Titans who admire order, everything must be planned!


The night elves discovered that the Titans had an extremely complete plan for this world, and left many guardians responsible for maintaining all this.

The night elves are actually not in the plan, even humans, dwarves, dwarfs, and goblins are not in the plan.

Order is good, but absolute order is definitely not a good thing!

For this reason, when Ravencrest said to call on the mountain giants to help, everyone’s first reaction was to refuse. If Drunk Wind had confirmed that the Titan was destroyed by Sargeras, Malfurion would not do anything. Will promise to sound the drum of war.

Even so, including Drunk Wind, there are also worries about Titans and Guardians.

Others are afraid of the unknown, and Drunk Wind is thinking of the guardian of Ulduar.

God knows if that guy's head will twitch and restart the world...

But no matter what, these mountain giants are now awake.

After the waking mountain giants saw the demon, they started to charge without being reminded by the night elves.

As order creatures, chaotic demons are enemies!

Seeing this situation, the druids were also happy and began to retreat.

Then, the mountain giant holding the big tree and the demon of the Burning Legion slammed together.

Since most of the Abyssal Lords blew themselves up, the Burning Legion also lacked heavy units.

Originally, in accordance with Archimonde's plan, facing a weakened druid in a magic circle dedicated to dealing with natural energy, the demon guard could also be an angry guard.

This is absolutely true.

But the spoiler of the mountain giant changed this situation.

On the battlefield, these giants have no one enemy.

Demon guard? Kazuki shoots flying!

Flame Imp? Step on it!

Void Terror? Sorry, these "big dogs" can't even bite the skins of mountain giants!

This is very embarrassing. With the cooperation of the giant dragon, the mountain giant is unstoppable!

What's more interesting is that the curses of the Eredar warlocks were once invalid. The thick skin of these big men is not only extremely strong in physical defense, but also extremely resistant to magic.


Seeing the giant mountain giant pushing back the front line of the battlefield against the rain of flames, Kil'jaeden sighed.

At this moment, the fraudster has recovered from the initial anger.

The reason he was still staring at Tortola and outputting wildly at the big tortoise was that Kil'jaeden tried to hide his strength and hoped to launch an attack at a critical moment.

It's not the best time to watch in Kil'jaeden now, but he has to take action.

If you don't shoot, the devil will collapse!

In order to prevent the big turtle from making trouble, Kil'jaeden began to chant.

"Rotircd, hiy!"

A big shadow over twenty meters in length appeared out of thin air, and then grabbed Tortola.

Although struggling hard, Tortola was helplessly sealed in place.

After solving the smelly and hard guy, Kil'jaeden returned to the front battlefield from the flank.

Originally wanted to support Archimonde, but after hesitating for a while, Kil'jaeden decided to tackle these mountain giants first.

After all, Archimonde hasn't lost the wind at all! "The creation of Titan, I really miss it, Lord Sargeras will be very interested in you!"

As Kil'jaeden raised his hand, a new rain of flames rolled down.

This time, the mountain giant dare not ignore it anymore.

Kil'jaeden is not the ordinary Eredar warlock, the tycoon of the Burning Legion, the spell between waves, the crisis cannot be underestimated!

Just after the mountain giants avoided the billowing meteorite the meteorite that fell on the ground grew hands and feet and got up.

Hellfire is also a high-class goods, fel hellfire!

Before, in order to stop these mountain giants, Eredar warlocks hadn't summoned Hellfire, but the sizes of the two sides were completely disproportionate.

The heights of the mountain giants are all more than 10 meters, and the hellfires are at most 5 meters high. The huge difference in size makes the fighting power of the two sides worlds different!

Those poor hellfires were quickly smashed by mountain giants and turned into piles of lifeless gravel!

However, Kil'jaeden’s fel hellfire is not those little guys. These big guys, who are also over ten meters tall, stopped the mountain giants very well!

Looking at Kil'jaeden, Drunken Wind and Ravencrest are speechless and worthy of being the giants of the Burning Legion. These mountain giants were stopped by waving their hands!

I was dizzy, and when I finished the code, I lay down and went to sleep!

I'll be home tomorrow, waiting for me to regain my vitality under the protection of heating, and make five decisive changes!

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